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NYWICI Scholarship

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Each year, New York Women in Communications awards 15-20 scholarships to graduating high school seniors and undergraduate and graduate students who intend to pursue or further a career in communications. Certain scholarships include an internship, and the completion of the internship is required before the scholarship monies is paid to the recipient’s college or university. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, need and a demonstrated commitment to the field of communications. New York Women in Communications is committed to inclusion and diversity.

Scholarships are generally in the amounts of $2,500, $5,000, and $10,000. Successful candidates must be majoring, planning to declare a major, or pursuing an advanced degree in a communications-related field at an accredited college/university in the U.S. Communications-related fields include, but are not limited to, advertising, broadcasting, communications, digital media, English, film, journalism, marketing, public relations, or publishing; and have an overall GPA of 3.2 or better (or the recalculated high school equivalent).

Award / Eligibility Details:

Applicants must be U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents who live in NY, NJ, CT, or PA, but U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents who do not live in NY, NJ, CT, or PA but who are currently enrolled in a communications program at a college/university in New York may also apply. Applicants must also fulfill one of the following: be high school seniors who are permanent residents of and attend a high school in one of the states listed and will graduate during the year of application; be college undergraduate and graduate students who are permanent residents of one of the states listed; or be graduate students who are also members of New York Women in Communications in good standing (i.e., dues for the current year paid in full before applying- no exceptions). NOTE: As long as they fulfill the permanent home residency requirements, applicants are eligible even if they attend or plan to attend an accredited U.S. college/university located outside of NY, NJ, CT, or PA. This includes participation in a communications-related semester or quarter abroad if still registered at an accredited college/university in the U.S.

Deadline: Late January each year

Academic Level: Graduate, Undergraduate

Type/Purpose: Graduate School Funding, Internship / Professional Development, Undergraduate Level Funding

Field of Study: Arts & Humanities, Business

Location: United States

Citizenship eligibility: Permanent Resident, US Citizen, US National

Special Circumstances: Female

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