- Biography
- Teaching
- Research and Creative Activity
- Grants
- Honors and Awards
- Service
Ph.D., U.S. History, Princeton University Princeton NJ
M.A., U.S. History, Princeton University Princeton NJ
M.A., Comparative Social History, U. of California, Santa Cruz Santa Cruz California
B.A., Journalism, U. of California, Berkeley
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2024 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2024 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2023 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2023 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2022 | HIS | 3050 | Emerge Mod America |
Spring 2022 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2021 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2021 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2020 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2020 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2020 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Spring 2020 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2019 | HIS | 3550 | The Immigrant In Amer Hist |
Spring 2019 | HIS | 5000 | Independent Study History I |
Spring 2019 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2019 | HIS | 3460 | Topics in American History |
Fall 2018 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2018 | HIS | 3551 | His Of People Of NYC |
Spring 2018 | HIS | 3044 | The Civil War & Reconstruction |
Spring 2018 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2017 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2017 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Spring 2017 | HIS | 3552 | The Grt Depression |
Fall 2016 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2016 | HIS | 3650 | Women in America |
Fall 2016 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2015 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2015 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2015 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2015 | HIS | 3551 | His Of People Of NYC |
Spring 2015 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2014 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Fall 2014 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2013 | HIS | 6002H | Honors - History II |
Spring 2013 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2013 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2012 | HIS | 6002 | Honors Program |
Fall 2012 | HIS | 6001H | History - Honors I |
Fall 2012 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2012 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Spring 2012 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2012 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2012 | IDC | 3001H | Honors - People of New York |
Fall 2011 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2011 | HIS | 3551 | His Of People Of NYC |
Spring 2011 | HIS | 3550 | The Immigrant In Amer Hist |
Spring 2011 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2010 | HIS | 3552 | The Grt Depression |
Fall 2010 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2010 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2010 | HIS | 3550 | The Immigrant In Amer Hist |
Fall 2009 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2009 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2009 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2009 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2008 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2008 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2008 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2008 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Spring 2008 | HIS | 3551 | His Of People Of NYC |
Fall 2007 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2007 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2007 | HIS | 2050 | Modern America, 1880-1945 |
Spring 2007 | HIS | 2050 | Modern America, 1880-1945 |
Fall 2006 | HIS | 3552 | The Grt Depression |
Fall 2006 | HIS | 3044 | The Civil War & Reconstruction |
Fall 2006 | HIS | 3044 | The Civil War & Reconstruction |
Fall 2006 | HIS | 3552 | The Grt Depression |
Spring 2006 | HIS | 3551 | His Of People Of NYC |
Fall 2005 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Fall 2005 | HIS | 1000 | Themes in American History |
Fall 2005 | HIS | 2050 | Modern America, 1880-1945 |
Spring 2005 | HIS | 1005 | Modern American History |
Spring 2005 | IDC | 3001H | Honors - People of New York |
Fall 2004 | HIS | 5000 | Independent Study History I |
Fall 2004 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2004 | HIS | 3044 | The Civil War & Reconstruction |
Spring 2004 | IDC | 3001H | Honors - People of New York |
Spring 2004 | HIS | 3551 | His Of People Of NYC |
Fall 2003 | HIS | 3552 | The Grt Depression |
Fall 2003 | HIS | 2050 | Modern America, 1880-1945 |
Artistic and Creative Activities
DiGirolamo, V. (2008). LIfe's Pleasures: The Ashcan Artists' Brush with Leisure, 1895–1925. Detroit Institute of Art.
DiGirolamo, V. (2019). Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys. (p. 712). New York, USA, Oxford University Press.
DiGirolamo, V. (1990). Whispers Under the Wharf: A Monterey Ghost Story. (p. 186). USA, Fithian Press.
Journal Articles
DiGirolamo, V. (2021). Book Award Interview. Historiography in Mass Communication, 7(1). 41–51.
DiGirolamo, V. (2010). Riis Redux: Seeing the Light. American Social History Project / Center for New Media,
DiGirolamo, V. (2004). Such, Such were the B' hoys... Radical History Review, ( 90). 123–141.
DiGirolamo, V. (2002). Newsboy Funerals: Tales of Sorrow and Solidarity in Urban America. Journal of Social History (George Mason University), 36(1). 5–30.
DiGirolamo, V. (2000). The Negro Newsboy: Black Child in a White Myth. Columbia Journal of American Studies (Columbia University Press), (4). 63–92.
DiGirolamo, V. (1993). The Women of Wheatland: Female Consciousness and the 1913 Wheatland Hop Strike. Labor History (Carfax Publishing), 34(2–3). 236–255.
Book Chapters
(2025). Foreword: Newsies in Academe. Carryin’ the Banner: Critical Essays on the Newsies Film and Broadway Adaptation Jefferson, North Carolina. McFarland Books.
(2024). Slaves in the Salon: The Underside of Julius LeBlanc Stewart's Belle Èpoque. Julius LeBlanc Stewart: American Artist in Paris, 1865-1919 Lewes, England. D. Giles Limited.
DiGirolamo, V. (2019). Newspaper Sellers. In Quam-Wickham, N., & Elliott, B. T. (Eds.), A Day in the Life of an American Worker: 200 Trades & Professions Through History (p. 431–35). Santa Barbara, CA,USA. ABC-CLIO.
DiGirolamo, V. (2008). In Franklin’s Footsteps: News Carriers and Post Boys in the Revolution and Early Republic and 'Though the Means Were Scanty’: Excerpts from Joseph T. Buckingham’s Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life (1852). In Marten, J. (Ed.), Children and Youth in a New Nation (p. 48–66; 229–41). New York,USA. New York University Press.
DiGirolamo, V. (2008). 'Tramps in the Making': The Troubling Itinerancy of America’s News Peddlers. In Beier, A. L., & Ocobock, P. (Eds.), Cast Out: Vagrancy and Homelessness in Global and Historical Perspective (p. 209–49). Athens,United States. Ohio University Press.
DiGirolamo, V. (2008). Newsboy Funerals: Tales of Sorrow and Solidarity. In Diner, H. (Ed.), How the Other Half Lives (p. 532–47). New York. W. W. Norton.
DiGirolamo, V. (2007). New York in an Age of Amusement. In Tottis, J. (Ed.), Life's Pleasures: The Ashcan Artists' Brush with Leisure, 1895-1925 (p. 53–73). Detroit Institute of the Arts and Merrell Publishers.
DiGirolamo, V. (2005). Newsboy Funerals: Tales of Sorrow and Solidarity in Urban America. In Merlock Jackson, K. (Ed.), Rituals and Patterns in Children's Lives (p. 156–188). Madison,United States. The Popular Press / University of Wisconsin Press.
Media Contributions
DiGirolamo, V. R. (2022). Newsies—The Real Story, (Dec. , 2022).
DiGirolamo, V. R. (2022). "Newsies: The Real Story Behind the Musical," London Times, (Dec. 3).
DiGirolamo, V. (2021). The Voice of Young America, (65/9).
Newsboys in antebellum New York and elsewhere were embroiled in all the major conflicts of their day, becoming mixed metaphors for enterprise and annoyance.
DiGirolamo, V. (2020). "Nov. 28, 1864: Sand Creek Massacre".
DiGirolamo, V. (2019). Peddling Papers in the Age of Sail and Steam, (Nov. 2019).
A profile of the news trade in New York, circa 1840s and 1850s.
(2019). Oxford Academic.
(2019). Wall Street Journal.
(2019). Podcast, Gotham Center and New Books Network.
(2018). C-SPAN III. American History and the Broadway Musical .
(2017). C-SPAN III. History of newspaper boys .
(2017). Nostalgia Trap Podcast.
(2013). Slate.
(2012). New York Times.
(2011). History Detectives Lab / Lion's Television.
DiGirolamo, V. (2008). Ric Masten Obituary.
(2008). Acoustiguide / Detroit Institute of Arts.
(2008). Gangs Video Project.
DiGirolamo, V. (2008). The Auditor.
(2004). CNN.
DiGirolamo, V. (1986). China Morning.
(1984). PBS.
DiGirolamo, V. (1980). The Haunting Truth Behind the 1919 Centralia Massacre.
DiGirolamo, V. R. (2025, November 9). What Newsboys Have to Tell Us about Gig Work, Fake News, and Social Media. : Montclair State University.
DiGirolamo, V. R. (2025, November 9). What Newsboys Can Tell Us about Gig Work, Fake News, and Social Media. Montclair State University, New Jersey: History Department and Dean's Office of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
DiGirolamo, V. (2021, June 16). Birth of a Titan: Paul Manship's Prometheus. Hartford, CT: Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art.
DiGirolamo, V. (2020, June 26). The 'Contagion' of 1886: Schoolchildren's Strikes in Gilded Age America. Children and Youth Speaking Up and Speaking Out. Manchester Metropolitan University: Children's History Society and Manchester Centre for Youth Studies Conference.
DiGirolamo, V. (2020, February 19). Making Sense of Newsboys. 25 Waterside Plaza, New York, NY 10010: Center for Civic Engagement.
DiGirolamo, V. (2020, March 28). The Lost Sisterhood of America's Newsgirls. 28 East 20th Street, New York, NY 10003: Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site.
DiGirolamo, V. (2020, March 17). Public Interview by former NY Times Columnist and Victorian Society Board Member Eve Kahn. 1133 Broadway, New York, NY 10010: Rizzoli Bookstore.
DiGirolamo, V. (2020, June 23). Adventures in Newsboydom; or, Periodical Studies from the Pavement Up. City of Print: New York and the Periodical Press. Zoom: National Endowment for the Humanities.
DiGirolamo, V. (2020, February 28). The Yellow Kids: New York Newsboys in the 1890s. Stuyvesant High School. New York: History of New York City class.
DiGirolamo, V. (2019, March 29). From Monterey to Manhattan: Opening the Door to Italian American Studies. Minding the Gap: Retaining & Sustaining the Academic Community. CUNY Graduate Center, New York: CUNY Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2019.
DiGirolamo, V. (2019, May 17). Gods Among Men: Creating the Athlete-Hero in American Visual Culture. Myth, Mystique, Masterpiece: 24th Annual American Art Conference. Bonhams, 580 Madison Ave., New York, NY: Initiatives in American Art and Culture.
DiGirolamo, V. (2019, June 27). Rumblings in the West: Newsboy Labor and Militancy on the American Industrial Frontier. Encounters and Exchanges, SHCY Biennial Conference. Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia: Society for the History of Children & Youth.
DiGirolamo, V. (2019, October 22). Book Talk on Crying the News. Hunter College: New York Metro American Studies Association.
DiGirolamo, V. (2019, November 21). Newsboys: Confronting the Illusion of the Near. Baruch College: Department of History, Baruch College.
DiGirolamo, V. (2019, December 5). Making Sense of Newsboys: Heroes, Victims, and "the Illusion of the Near". Fall Arts and Sciences Expo, York College. Queens, NY: York College.
DiGirolamo, V. (2019, November 6). Yelling the Yellows. The Writing Life. 3 E 79th St, New York, NY 10075: New York Society Library.
DiGirolamo, V. (2018, January 9). Children of the Print Revolution. National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. New York: Peter Minuit Chapter.
DiGirolamo, V. (2017, April 17). Riding the Wanderlust Express: Railroad Newsboys in 19th-Century America. OAH Annual Meeting. New Orleans: Organization of American Historians.
DiGirolamo, V. (2016, April 20). Muscle Journalism. 1927! Kaleidoscope of a Year. Triangle Park, North Carolina: National Humanities Center.
DiGirolamo, V. (2015, March 4). Roar of the Tabloids: Newsboys and the Challenge of Modernity in 1920s America. Columbia University Seminar on the City. Columbia University, New York: Columbia University.
DiGirolamo, V. (2015, March 21). Roaring the Tabloids: Newsboys and the Challenge of Modernity in 1920s America. Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference. New York University: American Journalism Historians Association / Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
DiGirolamo, V. (2015, April 25). ‘Little Aliens of a Beaten Race’: Immigrant Newsboys and Newsgirls in America, 1892-1924. “Bambini, Ragazzi, Giovani: Children and Youth in Italy and the Italian Diaspora, April 25, 2015. New York: Calandra Italian American Institute.
DiGirolamo, V. (2015, June 16). Coming of Age with the Penny Press. City of Print: New York and the Periodical Press from the Antebellum Era to the Digital Age. John Jay College: NEH Summer Seminar.
DiGirolamo, V. (2015, May 29). Schooling the Streetwise: Newsboy Schools, Clubs, and Reading Rooms in Gilded-Age America. Fighting Inequality 2015. Georgetown University, Washington, DC: International Labor & Working Class History Association.
DiGirolamo, V. (2014, October 12). ‘Little Aliens of a Beaten Race’: Immigrant Newsboys and Newsgirls in America, 1892–1924. The Immigrant Experience: A Free Lecture Series. Hoboken, NJ: Hoboken Historical Museum.
DiGirolamo, V. (2013, February 15). Germans in America: The Welcomed and the Reviled. Deutsche Emigration in den USA Workshop. New York: Konrad-Adenauer Foundation.
DiGirolamo, V. (2012, December 3). The Land Question: Why No Forty Acres and a Mule?. Stony Brook University. : Department of History.
DiGirolamo, V. (2012, June 8). Son of the Forgotten Man: The Newsboy in 1930s American Culture and Politics. How Class Works Conference. : Stony Brook University.
DiGirolamo, V. (2011, January 22). New York in the 1940s: 'A Helluva Town'. Hamilton College Semester in New York City Program. Baruch College: Hamilton College.
DiGirolamo, V. (2011, April 7). Son of the Forgotten Man: The Newsboy in 1930s Culture and Politics. Hofstra University, 1935: The Reality and the Dream. Hofstra University: Hofstra University.
DiGirolamo, V. (2011, July 19). Ellis Island: Place and Paradigm. Teaching American History Summer Institute for NYC Teachers. CUNY Graduate Center: American Social History Project.
DiGirolamo, V. (2010, May 7). On the Waterfront/On the Web: Teaching Class in the Age of the Internet. Southwest Labor Studies Association Meeting. U.C. Santa Cruz
DiGirolamo, V. (2009, March 27). From Wharf Rats to Lords of the Dock. OAH Annual Meeting. Seattle, introducer and discussant for Ian Rankin's one-man show about Harry Bridges: Organization of American Historians.
DiGirolamo, V. (2008, March 28). New York in an Age of Amusement. Circa 1900: Celebrating American Turn-of-the-Century Arts, Symposia on the Occasion of the Reopening of the Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, MI: DIA.
DiGirolamo, V. (2008, July 31). Crippled Newsboys and the Reimagining of American Working-Class History. Disability History: Theory and Practice. San Francisco State University: Disability History Association.
DiGirolamo, V. (2007, June 27). Tramp Newsboy: Vagrant Labor and the American Press. Society for the History of Children and Youth. Linkkoping University, Sweden: SHCC.
DiGirolamo, V. (2006, August 5). Monterey's Boat People – A Retrospective. AHA Pacific Coast Branch Meeting. Stanford University: American Historical Association.
DiGirolamo, V. (2006, July 26). Sidewalks of Struggle: Growing Up on the Streets of New York. Teaching American History Summer Institute for NYC Teachers. CUNY Graduate Center: Gotham Center.
DiGirolamo, V. (2005, January 22). Conceptualizing the Progressive Era. Teaching American History: Voice of America. Museum of the City of New York: New York City Department of Education, Region 9.
DiGirolamo, V. (2005, March 11). How Newsboy Won the Civil War. Nineteenth Century Association 26th Annual Conference. Augusta, Georgia and Aiken, South Carolina: Nineteenth Century Association.
DiGirolamo, V. (2005, November 12). Tramp Newsboy in Victorian America. Conference of the Global Dimensions of Vagrancy. : Princeton University.
DiGirolamo, V. (2005, August 5). Battle Cries: How Newsboys Won the Civil War. Children's Worlds/Children in the World, Third Biennial Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Society for the History of Children and Youth.
DiGirolamo, V. (2003, May 27). The Newsboys' New Deal: Child Labor Reform and Imagery in the Great Depression. Society of the history of Children & Youth. University of Maryland Baltimore County: SHCC.
DiGirolamo, V. (2003, January 5). 'News Alleys' The Intersection of Children, Vice, and the press in Jazz Age Chicago. Annual Meeting. Chicago: American Historical Association.
DiGirolamo, V. (2002, June 16). Heralds of a Noisy World': Carrier Boys, Post Riders, and the Print Revolution in Early America. The Worlds of Children. Historic Deerfield, MA: Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife, pp. 171–84.
DiGirolamo, V. (2002, June 7). Newsboy Funerals: Toward an Emotional History of Working-Class Youth. How Class Works Conference. : Stony Brook University.
DiGirolamo, V. (2000, October 19). Colgate's Big Thaw: Remembering the Sit-ins of 1968-1969. Conference on the Historical Transformation of Single-Sex Colleges. Hartford, CT: Trinity College.
DiGirolamo, V. (2000, June 27). Tramp Newsboys. Society of the History of Children & Youth Conference. Linkkoping University, Norrkoping, Sweden: SHCC.
DiGirolamo, V. (2000, May 5). Building Character and Circulation: Child Labor and Press Philanthropy in the Industrial Age. Children in Urban America Conference. : Marquette University.
DiGirolamo, V. (2000, November 1). Newsboy Funerals: Sorrow and Solidarity in Urban America. New England Seminar in American History. Worcester, MA: American Antiquarian Society.
DiGirolamo, V. (2000, November 30). Race in the Workplace. Labor History Seminar. : Baruch College, CUNY.
DiGirolamo, V. (1996, October 31). The Newsboy in 'Young America': Class, Character, and the Politics of Personification. American Studies Association. Kansas City: American Studies Association.
DiGirolamo, V. (1995, April 1). Crying the News: Myth, History, and the American Newsboy. OAH Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Organization of American Historians and National Council of Public History.
DiGirolamo, V. (1994, April 9). Redressing the Ragged Newsboy: Clothes, Character, and Coercion in Pre-WWI Britain. Warren L. Susman Graduate History Conference. : Rutgers University.
DiGirolamo, V. (1993, August 13). Little Hustlers: Class, Childhood. and Sexuality in the Anglo-American News Trade. American Historical Association, Pacific Coast Branch. : American Historical Association Pacific Coast Branch, Loyola Marymount University.
DiGirolamo, V. (1992, June 12). Black Boys in a White Myth: The Strange Career of the Negro Newsboy. Theory, African American Studies Conference. University of Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania.
DiGirolamo, V. (1991, October 17). The Women of Wheatland: Female Consciousness and the 1913 Wheatland Hop Strike. North American Labor History Conference. : Wayne State University.
Other Scholarly Works
DiGirolamo, V. (2021). Clio Interview: Vincent DiGirolamo.
DiGirolamo, V. (2020). Newsboys in America: An Interview with Vincent DiGirolamo.
DiGirolamo, V. (2020). The Newsboy—Son of the Forgotten Man. Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys. May 2020
DiGirolamo, V. (2019). The Page 99 Test.
DiGirolamo, V. (2016). Yoga on the Sound with Karen. 1.
DiGirolamo, V. (2007). Growing Up in Down Times: Children of the Great Depression. Young America: Experiences of Youth in U.S. History. 800 words.
DiGirolamo, V., & Hawes, J. M. (2002). Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. The Family in America: An Encyclopedia. 2.
DiGirolamo, V. (2002). The Historian as Artist, Activist, and Amateur. 30(3), 7.
DiGirolamo, V. (2002). The Historian as Artist, Activist, and Amateur. 30(3), 7.
DiGirolamo, V., & Masten, R. (2001). Full Circle: The Life and Work of Ric Masten. Let It Be A Dance: Words and One-Liners. 8–17.
DiGirolamo, V., Ferguson Clement , P., & Reinier, J. S. (2001). Newsboy. Boyhood in America: An Encyclopedia. 471–80.
DiGirolamo, V., & Shumsky, N. L. (1998). Children in Suburbs. American Cities and Suburbs: An Encyclopedia. 161–64.
DiGirolamo, V. (1990). At the Battle of Trafalgar Square: A Yank in the British Poll Tax Riot. 20.
DiGirolamo, V. (1988). Gao's Curse. 10-15.
DiGirolamo, V. (1988). He Came Alone to Monterey. 27.
DiGirolamo, V. (1987). Bach's Beheading: Carmel's Great Unsolved Art Crime. 12-14.
DiGirolamo, V. (1987). Bach's Beheading" Carmel's Great Unsolved Art Crime. 10–13.
DiGirolamo, V. (1987). Tagore's Legacy Celebrated on 125th Anniversary. 124-25.
DiGirolamo, V. (1986). Vikram Seth: Literary Sensation. 72-74.
DiGirolamo, V. (1986). Naipaul Finds Center in Print, Loses Edge on Stage. 27.
DiGirolamo, V. (1985). A Lifetime on the Path of Activism: Richard Criley. 6-9.
DiGirolamo, V. (1984). Hainan: A Paradise Isle for the Banished. 16-18.
DiGirolamo, V. (1983). El Teatro Campesino: Rooted in Reality Amid Fantastic International Success. 11.
DiGirolamo, V. (1983). Underwater Hockey. 120-123.
DiGirolamo, V. (1983). Tent City: Housing Alaska's Itinerant Fish Workers. 5.
DiGirolamo, V. (1982). New Labor Songs Reflect Workers' Broad Concerns. 11.
DiGirolamo, V. (1980). Labor History from the Bottom Up: An Interview with Herbert Gutman. pp. 14 and 5.
DiGirolamo, V. (2021,June 20). Cub Reporters. Bloomington, IN,US: American Historical Review.
DiGirolamo, V. (2021,January 1). Baltimore, MD,United States: American Jewish History.
DiGirolamo, V. (2014,March 1). The Journal of American History.
DiGirolamo, V. (2012,August 1). American Jewish History.
DiGirolamo, V. (2005,July 1). . The New-York Journal of American History.
DiGirolamo, V. (2004,February 1). Social History .
DiGirolamo, V. (2002,December 1). Journal of American History.
DiGirolamo, V. (2000,October 1). OAH Magazine of History.
DiGirolamo, V. (1998,October 1). International Labor & Working Class History .
DiGirolamo, V. (1998,September 23). India West.
DiGirolamo, V. (1991,July 7). Trenton Times.
DiGirolamo, V. (1991,March 31). San Fransisco Chronicle Review.
DiGirolamo, V. (1987,January 1). . India West.
DiGirolamo, V. (1987,June 19). India West.
DiGirolamo, V. (1987,April 10). India West.
DiGirolamo, V. (1986,December 5). India West.
DiGirolamo, V. (1986,August 8). Brian Senewiratne, Human Rights Violations in Sri Lanka. India West.
DiGirolamo, V. (1986,May 1). India West.
DiGirolamo, V. (1986,March 4). India West.
DiGirolamo, V. (1985,September 13). India West.
DiGirolamo, V. (1983,January 1). ILWU Dispatcher.
DiGirolamo, V. (1983,April 1). New Labor Review.
DiGirolamo, V. (1981,January 9). ILWU Dispatcher.
DiGirolamo, V. (1980,November 7). ILWU Dispatcher.
DiGirolamo, V. (1980,June 6). ILWU Dispatcher.
DiGirolamo, V. (1979,October 5). ILWU Dispatcher.
DiGirolamo, V. (1979,March 23). San Francsico, CA,US: ILWU Dispatcher.
DiGirolamo, V. (1979,January 26). San Francisco, CA,US: ILWU Dispatcher.
Research Currently in Progess
DiGirolamo, V.(n.d.). Labor's Trumpet: The Radical Life and Times of Journalist John Swinton. In Progress.
A biography of the Gilded Age's most irascible labor journalist, John Swinton, editor of John Swinton's Paper, published in New York between 1883–1887.
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys | Furthermore Grants in Publising J.M. Kaplan Fund | 03/01/2018 | 12/31/2018 | 12/15/2017 | 5550 | Completed |
Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys | PSC-CUNY 49 | 07/01/2018 | 06/30/2019 | 04/15/2018 | 3500 | Completed |
Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys | CUNY Book Completion Award | 07/01/2018 | 06/30/2019 | 04/01/2018 | 5000 | Completed |
In Franklin's Footsteps: News Carriers and Post-Boys in the Revolution and Early Republic | PSC-CUNY 39 | 07/01/2008 | 12/31/2009 | 3990 | Completed | |
Johnny Morrow and the Dangerous Classes | PSC-CUNY 38 | 07/01/2007 | 06/30/2008 | 3990 | Completed |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Vincent P. DeSantis Book Award | Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era | 2021 | Awarded in odd-numbered years for the best book treating any aspect of United States history in the period 1865-1920 published during the two years preceding the year of the award. It must be the author’s first book. |
Eugenia M. Palmegiano Prize | American Historical Association | 2020 | Awarded annually to the author of the most outstanding book published in English on any aspect of the history of journalism, concerning any area of the world, and any period. |
Presidential Excellence Award for Scholarship | Baruch College | 2020 | This award is conferred annually on outstanding faculty for distinguished teaching, scholarship and research, or service. It is a recognition of dedication and passion by one's peers. |
Frank Luther Mott/Kappa Tau Alpha Research Award | Kappa Tau Alpha Missouri School of Journalism | 2020 | Given annually since 1944 for the best book on journalism and mass communication based on original research. |
Philip Taft Labor History Book Award | Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) in cooperation with the Labor and Working-Class History Association at Duke University | 2020 | Given annually since 1978 for the book judged to be the outstanding book on American labor history published during the preceding calendar year. The prize committee defines "labor history" in a broad sense to include the history of workers (free and unfree, organized and unorganized), their institutions, and their workplaces, as well as the broader historical trends that have shaped working-class life, including but not limited to: immigration, slavery, community, the state, race, gender, and ethnicity. |
Frederick Jackson Turner Award | Organization of American Historians | 2020 | Given annually since 1959 by the Organization of American Historians to the author of a first scholarly book dealing with some aspect of American history. |
William Stewart Travel Award | CUNY Academy | 2019 | $500 Conference Travel Support to attend Biennial meeting of Society for History of Children and Youth at Australian Catholic University in Sydney, June 26–28, 2019 and present a paper: "Rumblings in the West: Newsboy Labor and Militancy on the American Industrial Frontier." |
Book Completion Award | CUNY Office of Research | 2018 | A $5,000 subvention for Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboy, a book under contract with Oxford University Press. |
WSAS Research Support | Weissman School of Arts and Sciences, Dean's Office | 2018 | $2,000 award for indexing Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys (Oxford University Press, 2019) |
Research Award, TRADA-49-570 | PSC-CUNY | 2018 | Manuscript Preparation/ Publication Costs. A subvention to Oxford University Press for Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys to cover typesetting ($2,000), and production management ($1,500). |
CUNY Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Award | City University of New York | 2017 | $1,500 fellowship to participate the Italian Diaspora Studies Summer Seminar, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute and Roma Tre University. |
Furthermore Grants in Publishing | J.M. Kaplan Fund | 2017 | Research Foundation of CUNY on behalf of Baruch College, New York, NY. Photography for the book, Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys, by Vincent DiGirolamo. Publisher, Oxford University Press, Fall 2018. $5550 |
Visiting Fellow | National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, N.C. | 2016 | Non-stipendiary residency at the National Humanities Center for spring 2016 to conduct research for "Labor's Trumpet: The Life and Times of John Swinton." |
Leonard Hastings Schoff Trust Fund Publications Award | Columbia University Seminars | 2015 | A $2,200 subvention to offset cost of illustrations for my book Crying the News: A History of America's Newsboys (Oxford University Press). |
Freeman Foundation Fellow | Japanese Studies Association | 2010 | Participated in a five-week seminar on Japanese history, culture, and language for non-specialist wishing to integrate Japanese studies into their teaching. |
Eugene M. Lang Junior Faculty Research Fellowship | Baruch College | 2005 | |
Humanities Division Research Award | Princeton University | 2002 | |
Mark C. Stevens Research Fellowship | Bentley Historical library, University of Michigan | 2002 | |
Humanities Research Fellowship | American Antiquarian Society-NEH | 2000 | |
Picker Fellowship | Colgate Research Council, Colgate University | 2000 | |
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship | Princeton Society of Fellows | 1994 | |
Mellon Graduate Prize Fellow | Princeton University Center for Human Values | 1993 | |
Peter B. Lewis Research Award | Center for International Studies, Princeton University | 1993 | |
Philip A. Rollins Prize in History | Department of History, Princeton University | 1992 | |
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | U.S. Department of Education | 1987 | Full tuition and annual stipend ($10,000) for five years of graduate study. |
NEH Youthgrant | National Endowment for the Humanities | 1982 | Funding to produce "Monterey's Boat People," a historical documentary on Asian American fishermen in California. |
NEH Fellow | National Endowment for the Humanities | 1980 | National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar of Labor Leaders, "Americans at Work: Changing Social and Cultural Patterns," led by Hubert Gutman and Steve Brier. |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
College Academic Review Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
College Reopening Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Departmental Executive Committee | 12/31/2018 | ||
Committee on Undergraduate Honors Program | Committee Member | 5/18/2018 | |
Joint Committee on Research | Committee Member | 5/31/2017 | |
Departmental Executive Committee | 12/31/2013 | ||
Asian History Search Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2013 | |
Marshal, Baruch College commencement | Marshal | 12/31/2011 | |
Committee on the M.A. in Global Studies | Committee Member | 12/31/2010 | |
Eugene M. Lang Junior Faculty Research Fellowship | Committee Member | 12/31/2010 | |
Committee to Increase Majors | Committee Member | 12/31/2009 | |
Weissman Representative to the Zicklin School of Business | Attendee, Meeting | 12/31/2008 | |
American Urban History Search Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2007 | |
College-wide discussion on learning goals and grading in multi-section courses | Department Representative | 12/31/2005 | |
History Department Brochure | Co-editor | 12/31/2005 | |
History Department Newsletter | Co-editor | 12/31/2005 | |
Departmental Executive Committee | 12/31/2005 | ||
History Department Teach-In on Bernard Baruch | Participated | 3/9/2005 | |
Departmental workshop | Participated | 12/31/2003 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Professional Staff Congress, Baruch Chapter | Chairperson | 10/13/2016 | Present |
Calandra Italian American Institute | Faculty Advisor | 1/1/2015 | Present |
CUNY Office of Research Book Award | Grant Proposal Reviewer, Internal | 1/20/2019 | 1/20/2021 |
Editorial Advisory Committee | Faculty Advisor | 5/1/2018 | 5/31/2020 |
PSC-CUNY Research Award Program | Grant Proposal Reviewer, Internal | 1/1/2007 | 12/31/2010 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Vincent P. DeSantis Book Prize Committee, Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era | Chairperson | Massachusetts | United States | 9/1/2022 | 2/1/2023 | International |
Fordham University Press | Reviewer, Book | 12/31/2020 | ||||
American Historical Association, Eugenia M. Palmegiano Prize in the History of Journalism | Committee Chair | 1/1/2017 | 12/31/2019 | |||
Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth | Reviewer, Journal Article | 12/31/2018 | ||||
Oxford University Press | Reviewer, Book | 12/31/2018 | ||||
New York University Press | Reviewer, Book | 12/31/2010 | ||||
University Press of Florida | Reviewer, Book | 12/31/2007 | ||||
Journal of Social History | Reviewer, Journal Article | 12/31/2003 | ||||
American Quarterly | Reviewer, Journal Article | 12/31/1997 | ||||
"Becoming Helen Keller" documentary | Committee Member | Massachusetts | United States | 9/1/2015 | 1/1/1970 | International |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
J.M. Kaplan Foundation | Reviewer, JMK Innovation Prize | New York | United States | 5/6/2021 | 6/7/2021 | National |
Stuyvesant High School | Guest Speaker | New York | United States | 2/28/2020 | Local | |
Columbia University Seminar on the City | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2016 | ||||
New-York Historical Society | 1/1/2003 | 12/31/2004 | ||||
American Antiquarian Society | Selection Committee | 12/31/2000 | ||||
New York Council for the Humanities/Young Scholars Essay Contest | Judge | 12/31/1998 |