Thomas Halper


Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Political Science

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Political Science, Vanderbilt University

M.A., Poilitical Science, Vanderbilt University

AB, History, St. Lawrence University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2024POL6002HHonors - Political Science II
Fall 2024PSC72310Const Law: Civil Liberties
Spring 2024POL6001HHonors - Political Science I
Spring 2024POL6002HHonors - Political Science II
Spring 2024PSC79000Masters Thesis Tutorial
Fall 2023POL3313Constitutional Law
Fall 2023POL3313Constitutional Law
Fall 2023PSC72009ST: American Politics
Fall 2023POL6001HHonors - Political Science I
Spring 2023POL6002HHonors - Political Science II
Spring 2023PSC79000Master's Thesis Tutorial
Fall 2022POL6001HHonors - Political Science I
Fall 2022PSC72310Const Law: Civil Liberties
Fall 2022POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2021POL3313Constitutional Law
Fall 2021PSC79000Master's Thesis Tutorial
Fall 2021POL3313Constitutional Law
Fall 2021PSC72310Const Law: Civil Liberties
Fall 2020PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2020POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2020PSC72300Amer Pol Sys: Natl Institutns
Fall 2020POL6001HHonors - Political Science I
Fall 2020POL3314Civil Liberties
Spring 2020POL3313Constitutional Law
Fall 2019POL3313Constitutional Law
Fall 2019POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2019PSC72009ST: American Politics
Spring 2019PSC72310Const Law: Civil Liberties
Spring 2019POL3314Civil Liberties
Spring 2019PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2019POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2019POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2018PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2018POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2018POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2018PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2017PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2017POL6002HHonors - Political Science II
Spring 2017PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2017POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2016POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2016PSC72300Civil Liberties
Fall 2016PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2016POL6001HHonors - Political Science I
Spring 2016POL5001Independent Study POL II
Fall 2015POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2015PSC72300Constitutional Law
Fall 2015POL3313Constitutional Law
Fall 2015PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2015POL5001Independent Study POL II
Spring 2015POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2015POL3314Civil Liberties
Spring 2015PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2014PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2014POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2014POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2014POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2014POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2014POL3313Constitutional Law
Spring 2014PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2014PSC72300Constitutional Law
Fall 2013POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2013POL3313Constitutional Law
Fall 2013PSC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2013POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2013POL5001HHon Independent Study POL II
Spring 2013POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2013POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2013POL6002HHonors - Political Science II
Spring 2013POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2012PSC72310Civil Liberties
Fall 2012POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2012POL6002HHonors - Political Science II
Fall 2012POL6001HHonors - Political Science I
Fall 2012POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2012POL3313Constitutional Law
Spring 2012POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2012POL6001HHonors - Political Science I
Fall 2011POL3313Constitutional Law
Summer 2011POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2011POL3314Civil Liberties
Spring 2011POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2011POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2011IDC6002HHonors IDC Thesis II
Spring 2011POL1101Amer Govt Pract & Values
Fall 2010IDC6001HHon Idc Thesis I
Fall 2010POL1101Amer Govt Pract & Values
Fall 2010POL3314Civil Liberties
Spring 2010POL3313Constitutional Law
Spring 2010POL6002HHonors - Political Science II
Fall 2009POL6001HHonors - Political Science I
Fall 2009POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2009POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2009POL3313Constitutional Law
Spring 2009POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2008POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2008POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2008POL3313Constitutional Law
Spring 2008POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2007POL3313Constitutional Law
Spring 2007POL3314Civil Liberties
Spring 2006POL3313Constitutional Law
Spring 2006POL6002Honors
Spring 2006POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2005POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2005POL6001Honors
Fall 2005POL3313Constitutional Law
Spring 2005POL5001Independent Study POL II
Spring 2005POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2005POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2004POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2004POL3314Civil Liberties
Fall 2004POL5000Independent Study POL I
Summer 2004POL5000Independent Study POL I
Summer 2004POL5000Independent Study POL I
Spring 2004POL3313Constitutional Law
Spring 2004POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2003POL3313Constitutional Law
Summer 2003POL5452Field Work Govt Pol
Spring 2003POL3313Constitutional Law
Spring 2003POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2002POL5000Independent Study POL I
Fall 2002POL3314Civil Liberties
Spring 2002POL2314Civil Liberties
Fall 2001POL2313Constitutional Law


Halper, T. (2003). Positive Rights in Republic of Talk: A Survey and a Critique. Dordrecht, Boston, London, Kluwer Academic, series: Philosophical Studies in Contemporary Culture. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, Netherlands, London, and Boston, [series: Philosophical Studies in Contemporary Culture].

Halper, T. (1989). The Misfortunes of Others: End-State Renal Disease in the United Kingdom [series: Studies in Philosophy and Health Policy]. New York and Cambridge, United States, Cambridge University Press.

Halper, T. (1981). Power, Politics, and American Democracy. Glenview, IL, Scott, Foresman.

Halper, T. (1971). Foreign Policy Crises: Appearance and Reality in Decision Making. Columbus, OH, Charles E. Merrill.

Journal Articles

(2022). Orwellian Opinions: The Language of Power and the Power of Language. British Journal of American Legal Studies, 11. 153.

(2021). Graham Greene and Bridges across Cultures. Graham Greene Studies,

(2021). To Delegate or Not to Redelegate: Is that the Question?. British Journal of American Legal Studies, 10. 335-61.

Halper, T. (2019). The Living Constitution and the (Almost) Dead Contracts Clause . British Journal of American Legal Studies,

Halper, T. (2019). William O. Douglas and the Assault on Objectivity. British Journal of American Legal Studies,

Halper, T. (2019). Lying and the First Amendment. British Journal of American Legal Studies, 7. 401-423.

Halper, T. (2019). Henry Friendly and the Incorporation of the Bill of Rights. British Journal of American Legal Studies,

Halper, T. (2019). Declaration of War: A Dead Letter orr an Invitation to Struggle?. British Journal of American Legal Studies, 8. 107-137.

Halper, T. (2018). Felix Frankfurter and the Law. British Journal of American Legal Studies, 7. 115-136.

Halper, T. (2017). Marshall's Voice . British Journal of American Legal Studies, 6. 147-175.

Halper, T. (2016). A Right to the City?. Urbanization and Political Development (Online),

Halper, T. (2014). Trainspotters and Bullet Boys; Race and Class in British Underclass Movies, 1980-present. City, Culture and Society, 5(4). 11-20.

Halper, T., & Muzzio, D. (2013). Menace II Society? Urban Poverty and Underclass Narratives in American Movies. European Journal of American Studies, 8(1).

Halper, T. (2012). Does Region Really Matter? A Constitutional Perspective. . The Americanist, 27. 103-116.

(2011). It's a Wonderful Life. European Journal of American Studies, on line.,

Muzzio, D., & Halper, T. (2011). Dead Ends. Journal of Popular Culture, on line, 46. 1008-10028.

(2011). The Republic in the Metropolis. Journal of Popular Culture, (44). 473-88.

(2007). Hobbes in the City: Urban Dystopias in American Movies. Journal of American Culture, (30). 379-90.

(2002). Pleasantville. Urban Affairs Review , (37). 543-574.

(1996). Privacy and Autonomy: From Warren and Brandeis to Roe and Cruzan. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, (21). 121-35.

(1993). Senate Rejection of Supreme Court Nominees . Drake Law Review, 22. 102-113.

(1991). Strength Enough: Thoughts on Age-Based Rationing and Intergenerational Equity in Britain. Hospital Ethics Committee Forum, (3). 27-37.

(1987). Life and Death in a Welfare State. Dominant Issues in Medical Sociology, 527-544.

(1987). DRGs and the Idea of a Just Price. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, (12). 155-164.

(1985). End-Stage Renal Failure and the Aged in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, (1). 41-52.

(1985). Life and Death in a Welfare State. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly , (63). 52-93.

(1980). The Double-Edged Sword. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, (58). 472-499.

(1979). On Death, Dying, and Terminality. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law , (4). 11-29.

(1979). Ethics and Medical Experimentation: Some Unconfronted Problems. Connecticut Medicine , (40). 267-268.

(1978). "Responsibility": An Effort at Clarification. Loyola Law Review, (12). 7-35.

(1977). The Big Apple: A Worm’s Eye View of New York. South Atlantic Quarterly , (76). 1-11.

(1977). Healing and the Search for Knowledge. Connecticut Medicine , (41). 305-308.

Halper, T. (1976). Ethics and Medical Experimentation: Some Unconfronted Problems. Connecticut Medicine, (40). 267-268.

(1976). Supreme Court Appointments: Criteria and Consequences. New York Law Forum, (21). 563-584.

(1975). Ethics and Social Science Research. Connecticut Medicine, (39). 430-432.

(1975). "Politics" and "Politicization". Political Studies , ((23)). 71-79.

(1973). Senate Rejection of Supreme Court Nominees. Drake Law Review , (22). 102-113.

(1973). The Poor as Pawns: The New "Deserving Poor" and the Old. Polity, (6). 71-76.

(1972). Demographic Factors and Supreme Court Appointments. Drake Law Review , (21). 238-251.

(1970). Supreme Court Responses to Congressional Threats: Strategy and Tactics. Drake Law Review, (19). 292-326.

(1968). Logic in Judicial Reasoning. Indiana Law Journal, (44). 33-48.

Book Chapters

(2003). City and State Government. (pp. 316-330). New York: Columbia University Press. The Columbia Companion to American History on Film.

(2000). Accommodating Death: Euthanasia in the Netherlands. (pp. 81-116). Boston: Kluwer. The Philosophy of Medicine.

(1996). Privacy and Autonomy. (pp. 121-135). Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.

(1991). Rights, Reforms, and the Health Care Crisis. (pp. 135-168). Boston: Kluwer. Rights to Health Care.

(1988). On Trends and Trendiness in Population Studies. (pp. 47-59). Dordrecht, Netherlands and Boston: Reidel. The Contraceptive Ethos: Reproductive Rights and Responsibilities.

(1984). Aging Policy in the Eighties: Second Thoughts on a Strategy That Has Worked. (pp. 3-13). New York: Springer. Vitalizing Long-Term Care.

(1978). Paternalism and the Elderly. (pp. 321-40). New York: Humanities Press. Aging and the Elderly: Humanistic Perspectives on Gerontology.

(1974). Paternalism and the Elderly. (pp. 321-340). Aging and the Elderly: Humanistic Perspectives on Gerontology. New York: Humanities Press.

(1971). The Caine Mutiny Trial: Was It Fair?. (pp. 23-37). Rockford, IL: Rockford College Press. Was Justice Done?: Historic Trials in Review.


Halper, T. (2019, December 31). Withdrawing from NAFTA?. Southwest Conference on Latin American Studies Association.

Halper, T. (2019, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2019, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2018, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2018, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2017, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2017, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. Reforming the UN Security Council. Southwest Conference on Latin American Studies.

Halper, T. (2016, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2016, December 31). Reforming the Security Council. Southwest Conference on Latin American Studies Association.

Halper, T. (2016, December 31). Marshall's Voice. Irish American Studies Association.

Halper, T. (2016, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2015, December 31). Lefebvre's Right to the City: Some Second Thoughts. Southwestern Political Science Association.

Halper, T. (2015, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2015, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2014, December 31). Trainspotters and Bullet Boys. Midwest Political Science Association.

Halper, T. (2014, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2014, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2013, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2013, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2012, December 31). "Menace II Society". Arkansas Political Science Association.

Halper, T. (2012, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2012, December 31). Federalism and the Framers. U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2012, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2011, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2011, December 31). The Constitution and Federalism. U.S, State Department, International Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2011, December 31). Liberty in the Constitution. : New York University.

Halper, T. (2011, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2010, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2010, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2009, December 31). The Framer's Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2009, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2009, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T., & Muzzio, D. (2008, December 31). Dead Ends and Menaces. British Association for American Studies. Edinburgh, Scotland

Halper, T. (2008, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2008, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2007, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2007, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2006, December 31). The Politics of Immigration: Problems and Prospects. Rio Bravo Association.

Halper, T. (2006, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2006, June 30). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2005, December 31). Reforming the Security Council: A Critique. Rio Bravo Association.

Halper, T. (2005, October 31). Civil Liberties. : U.S. State Department, Fulbright Institute, Multinational Institute of American Studies.

Halper, T. (2005, June 20). Federalism. : U.S. State Department, International Visitors Leadership Program.

Halper, T. (2002, December 31). Terror and Terrorists. Southwestern Conference of Latin American Studies.

Halper, T., & Muzzio, D. (2001, December 31). The Reel City: Images of the American City in Movies. British Association for American Studies.

Halper, T., & Muzzio, D. (2001, December 31). Pleasantville: Representation of Suburbia in the Movies. Urban Affairs Association.

Halper, T. (1998, December 31). Who Gets What: Health Care Resources in the United States, Problems and Prospects. Medical Ethics: Issues for the 21st Century. Budapest: The Albert Schweitzer Institute for the Humanities/The Open Society Institute/The Soros Foundation.

Halper, T., & Hartwig, R. (1997, December 31). University Tenure: A Comparative Perspective, Mexico and the United States. Rio Bravo Association.

Halper, T. (1997, December 31). Positive Rights in a Republic of Talk. Southwestern Political Science Association.

Halper, T. (1996, December 31). Does the Constitution Create Positive Rights?. Midwest Political Science Association.

Halper, T., & Hartwig, R. (1996, December 31). Higher Education in Mexico and the United States: Organizational and Political Perspectives. Southwest Conference on Latin American Studies.

Halper, T., & Muzzio, D. (1996, December 31). It's a Wonderful Life: The Small Town and Suburbs in Cinema. The Urban Affairs Association.

Halper, T. (1994, December 31). Euthanasia in Western Europe. Western Political Science Association.

Halper, T. (1993, December 31). Accommodating Death. Law and Society Association.

Halper, T. (1992, December 31). Euthanasia: Legal and Political Considerations. Midwest Political Science Association.

Halper, T. (1991, December 31). Rationing and Health Care In Britain. Midwest Political Science Association.

Halper, T. (1991, December 31). Health Care Under Increasing Scarcity: Some Political and Philosophical Issues. Union College Convocation on Health and Human Values.

Halper, T. (1990, December 31). Intergenerational Equity and End-Stage Renal Disease in the United Kingdom. Interdisciplinary Faculty Seminar on Longevity and Aging. CUNY Graduate School

Halper, T. (1990, December 31). The Misfortunes of Others. Working for Renal Patients. London

Halper, T. (1987, December 31). Commentary on Baruch Brody's Essay (95-103). Ethical Dimensions of Geriatric Care: Value Conflicts for the 21st Century. Dodrecht, Netherlands and Boston: Reidel

Halper, T. (1987, December 31). DRGs: A Premature Evaluation and a Tentative Look Forward. Society for Health and Human Values.

Halper, T. (1985, December 31). Rights, Reforms, and the Health Care Crisis: Problems and Prospects. : University of Missouri School of Medicine.

Halper, T. (1985, December 31). Where Do We Go From Here: Health Care Policy Lessons from the UK. : Hartford Hospital.

Halper, T. (1984, December 31). ESRD Policy in the United Kingdom: A Macroallocative Perspective. New York State Political Science Association.

Halper, T. (1984, December 31). ERSD Policy in the United Kingdom: A Microallocative Approach. Southwestern Social Science Association.

Halper, T. (1984, December 31). Unlimited Medical Treatment and Treating Halfheartedly. : University of Connecticut School of Medicine.

Halper, T. (1981, December 31). Causation and Responsibility: Medicine, Science, and the Law (129-136). A Philosophical Critique. Dodrecht, Netherlands and Boston: Reidel

Halper, T. (1981, December 31). Aging Policy in the Eighties: Second Thoughts on a Strategy the Has Worked. University of Connecticut School of Medicine.

Halper, T. (1980, December 31). Interpretations of Free Speech. New York State Political Science Association.

Halper, T., & Haupt, M. (1979, December 31). Politics and the Price of Hamburger: Groups, Consumer, Government, and Meat Import Quotas. Hendricks Symposium on Agricultural Politics. : University of Nebraska.

Halper, T. (1978, December 31). Causation and Responsibility: Medicine, Science, and Law. : University of Connecticut School of Medicine.

Halper, T. (1977, December 31). The Mayoral Elections. CUNY Political Science Conference.

Halper, T. (1977, December 31). Paternalism and the Elderly. Wallingford-Meriden. : Connecticut Hospital.

Halper, T. (1976, December 31). The Individual’s Responsibility for His Own Health. Hartford Hospital.

Halper, T. (1976, December 31). Healing and the Search for Knowledge: Understanding the Physician’s Mandate from Society. University of Connecticut School of Medicine.

Other Scholarly Works

Halper, T. (1977). The Commissars’ Art. (June-July), 22-23.

Halper, T. (1977). Death Chatter. (Nov. 11, 1977), 11.


Halper, T. (1997,January 1). To Secure These Rights by Scott Douglas Gerber and Original Meanings by Jack N. Rakove. Journal of Politics.

Halper, T. (1996,January 1). Deciding Together: Bioethics and Moral Consensus by Jonathan D. Moreno. Healthcare Ethics Committee Forum.

Halper, T. (1978,January 30). The Politics of Disease: Review of The Cancer Crusade: The Story of the National Cancer Act of 1971 by Richard A. Rettig. New Leader.

Halper, T. (1977,January 1). The Role of the Supreme Court in American Government by Archibald Cox. New York Law Review.

Halper, T. (1977,October 1). The Urban Predicament, William Gorham and Nathan Glazer (eds). The Alternative: An American Spectator.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Baruch Presidential Excellence Award, Distinguished ServiceBaruch College2017
CUNY Graduate Center, Political Science Program, Service AwardCUNY Graduate Center2012
Baruch Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished Scholarship1986


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Law SchoolFaculty AdvisorPresent
Member, Personnel and Budget Committee12/31/2014
Executive Committee12/31/2014
Political Science Society (student club)Faculty Advisor12/31/2014
Department Chair12/31/2014
Member, Dean's Search Committee12/31/2001
Member, Eugene Lang Fellowship Committee12/31/2000
Chair, Psychology Department Search Committee12/31/1999
Member, Dean of School of Public Affarirs Search Committee12/31/1998
Lecture to Baruch Scholars "Leadership and the Presidential Election"12/31/1996
Member, Dean's Search Committee12/31/1995
Member, Task Force on the Mission, Programs and Structure of the Baruch School of Policy and Adminstrative Studies12/31/1994
Member, Dean's Search Committee12/31/1994
Member, Vice President for Administration Search Committee12/31/1992
Member, Presidential Management Internship Committee12/31/1990
Member, Provost Search Committee12/31/1990
Member, Personnel and Budget Committee12/31/1989
Chair, Personnel and Budget Committee12/31/1989
Provost's Lecuture "Reading (and Humming) the Constitution"12/31/1987
Member, Executive Committee 12/31/1986
Member, Communications Board12/31/1982
Member, Released Time Committee12/31/1981
Member, Curriciulm Committee12/31/1980
Member, NEH Business and Humanities Project12/31/1978


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Member, First Examination Committee1/1/1994Present
PSC CUNY AwardsProposal Reviewer1/1/200512/31/2020
Member, Faculty Membership Committee1/1/201712/31/2018
Member, Executive Committee1/1/198812/31/2018
Member, Admission Committee1/1/201512/31/2016
Member, Coordinating Committee1/1/198012/31/2014
Member, Faculty Membership Committee1/1/201012/31/2014
Chair, American Politics Field1/1/199412/31/2014
Member, Financial Aid Committee1/1/200012/31/2008
Member, Dissertation Proposal Committee1/1/199412/31/1997
Chair, Dissertation Proposal Committee1/1/199612/31/1997
Member, Admission Committee1/1/199212/31/1994
Member, Second Examination Committee1/1/199112/31/1994
Member, Admissions Committee1/1/198212/31/1983
Member, American Politics Search Committee1/1/197912/31/1982
Member, Curriculum Committee1/1/198112/31/1982
Coordinator, CUNY Political Science Conference1/1/198112/31/1981


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
MacmillanManuscript ReviewerPresent
Manuscript Reviewer, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health CarePresent
Member, National Endowment for the Humanities reviewing panelPresent
Norton Manuscript ReviewerManuscript ReviewerPresent
Member, American Political Science Association1/1/1967Present
Proposal Reviewer, PSC/CUNY awardsPresent
Taught Health and Human Values 1/1/199112/31/1991
Coordinator, $262,000 College Science Improvement Program (COSIP)Program Coordinator1/1/197112/31/1973