Mark Charles Rice

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: History

Areas of expertise: Latin American history, history of the Andes, history of tourism and travel, history of infrastructure

Email Address:

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Ph.D., History, Stony Brook University Stony Brook New York

B.A., History, Cornell University Ithaca New York

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024HIS3072History of Modern LA
Spring 2024HIS3073Hist of US-LA Relations
Fall 2023HIS3071History of Colonial LA
Fall 2023HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2023HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2023HIS3074From Silver to Cocaine: An Eco
Fall 2022HIS3072History of Modern LA
Fall 2022HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2021HIS3071History of Colonial LA
Fall 2021HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2021HIS4900Capstone: Search His
Spring 2021HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2020HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2020HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2020HIS3072History of Modern LA
Spring 2020HIS3860Top:Afr,Asia,Lat Am
Spring 2020HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2019HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2019HIS3073Hist of US-LA Relations
Fall 2019HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2018HIS4900Capstone: Search His
Fall 2018HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2018HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2018HIS3073Hist of US-LA Relations
Fall 2017HIS3071History of Colonial LA
Fall 2017HIS5000Independent Study History I
Fall 2017HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2017HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2017HIS4900Capstone: Search His
Spring 2016HIS3860Top:Afr,Asia,Lat Am
Spring 2016HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2016LTS3085Topics-Hispanic/Latino Studies
Fall 2015HIS3070Hist of Civ in Latin America
Fall 2015LTS3085Topics-Hispanic/Latino Studies
Fall 2015HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2015HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2015LTS3085Topics-Hispanic/Latino Studies
Spring 2015HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2015BLS3085Special Topics Bls
Spring 2015HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2015HIS3860Top:Afr,Asia,Lat Am
Fall 2014BLS3085Special Topics Bls
Fall 2014HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2014HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2014HIS3070Hist of Civ in Latin America


Rice, M. (2018). Making Machu Picchu: The Politics of Tourism in Twentieth-Century Peru. Chapel Hill, NC, United States, University of North Carolina Press.

Journal Articles

Rice, M. (2020). Desastres y destinos: la política del turismo y preservación en el Cusco después del terremoto de 1950. Riqch’ariy, 1(1). 97-116.

Rice, M. (2019). Viajes anteriores y destinos futuros en el estudio del turismo. Apuntes: Revista de ciencias sociales, 46(85). 5-22.

Rice, M. (2017). Good Neighbors and Lost Cities: Tourism, the Good Neighbor Policy, and the Transformation of Machu Picchu. Radical History Review, 2017(129). 51-73.

(2012). Transnational Business and U.S. Diplomacy in Late Nineteenth-Century South America: W. R. Grace & Co. and the Chilean Crises of 1891. Journal of Latin American Studies, 44(4). 765-792.

Rice, M., Norton, M., Mattes, D., Drolet, J., & Kelly, J. (2006). Salem Witchcraft in the Classroom. Common-Place, 6(2).

Book Chapters

Rice, M. (2021). "'To Know Peru is To Admire It': National Tourism Promotion and Populism in Peru, 1930-1948". In Wood, A. G. (Ed.), The Business of Leisure: Tourism History in Latin America and the Caribbean (pp. 147-69). Lincoln, NE,United States. University of Nebraska Press.

Rice, M. (2018). Generales, hoteles y hippies: desarrollo turístico y conflicto en la era de Velasco en Cuzco. In Drinot, P., & Aguirre, C. (Eds.), La revolución peculiar: repensando el gobierno militar de Velasco (pp. 389-418). Lima,Peru. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.

Rice, M. (2018). Mariategui, Jose Carlos. In Callan, H. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Anthropology Hoboken, NJ,United States. John Wiley and Sons.

Rice, M. (2017). Generals, Hotels, and Hippies: Velasco Era Tourism Development and Conflict in Cusco. In Aguirre, C., & Drinot , P. (Eds.), The Peculiar Revolution: Rethinking the Peruvian Experiment Under Military Rule (pp. 295-318). Austin, Texas,United States. University of Texas.

Media Contributions

Rice, M. (2019). Lecciones de una historia del turismo en Cusco.

(2019). CGTN.

(2019). Airport Industry Review.

(2019). Guardian.

(2019). CGTN.

(2019). Items: Insights from the Social Sciences.

(2019). Business Destinations.

(2019). TalkRadio London.

(2018). New Books Network.

(2017). Weissman's College Talk.

(2017). Travel Channel.

(2016). Universidad del Pacifico Public Relations Department.

Rice, M. (2014). Machu Picchu: Historia de la Calatería, (2328).


Rice, M. C. (2025, September 18). La huelga de telefonistas de 1931: Repensando trabajo y feminismo en los tiempos de Zoila Aurora Cáceres. Seminario Internacional. Feminismo Peruano y Zoila Aurora Cáceres. Lima, Peru: Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.

Rice, M. C. (2025, October 18). 200 Years of Latin American Independence: From the Battle of Ayacucho to the Shining Path in Peru. Latinx History Month. Bronx Community College: Bronx Community College Student Life.

Rice, M. C. (2025, March 18). Converging Paths: Road Construction and Social Change in Peru, 1920-1950. 3rd Annual Cross-College Faculty Research Symposium. Baruch College: Baruch College Office of the Provost.

Rice, M. C. "State of Exception?": Protest, Politics, and the Future of Peru. New York, New York: Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies, CUNY Graduate Center.

Rice, M. C. Destino Machu Picchu: La política del turismo en el Perú del siglo XX. Feria Internacional del Libro. Lima, Peru

Rice, M. (2020, November 13). Emergency Webinar: Coup in Peru. Online: Age of Revolutions, Smith College, Baruch Department of History, Baruch Initiative for the Study of Latin America.

Rice, M. (2019, March 4). LACS Alumni Book Presentation. Stony Brook University: Stony Brook University Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center.

Rice, M. (2019, January 4). Future Destinations: New Perspectives on the History of Tourism to and from Latin America. CLAH Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois: Conference on Latin American History.

Rice, M. (2019, June 19). Nacionalismo y transnacionalismo en el Perú: El caso de Machu Picchu y la identidad peruana. Global Studies Initiative. Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

Rice, M. (2019, June 25). Historia moderna de Machu Picchu: Turismo y nacionalidad. Conferencias Sobre Cultura Contemporánea. Lima: Biblioteca Riva-Agüero, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

Rice, M. (2019, March 27). Making Machu Picchu: The Politics of Tourism in Twentieth-Century Peru. Making Machu Picchu Book Roundtable. CUNY Graduate Center: Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies.

Rice, M. (2018, November 5). Making Machu Picchu: The Politics of Tourism in 20th Century Peru. Hofstra University, Hepstead, New York: Hofstra University Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program.

Rice, M. (2018, January 25). Good Neighbors and Lost Cities: Tourism, the Good Neighbor Policy, and the Transformation of Machu Picchu. 5th Annual Student-Organized Global Conference. Middlebury, Vermont: Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs, Middlebury College.

Rice, M. (2017, April 29). “To Know Peru is the Admire It": National Tourism Promotion and Populism in Peru, 1930-1948. LASA Annual Meeting. Lima: Latin American Studies Association.

Rice, M. (2017, January 25). Historia del turismo siglo XX en el Cusco: Forjando la capital turística del Perú. Cusco, Peru: Biblioteca Municipal del Cusco.

Rice, M. (2017, January 18). El primer "boom" turístico de los años 1960 y 1970 y sus consecuencias en el Cusco. Cusco, Peru: Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco.

Rice, M. (2017, January 6). Anthropologists, Incas, and the Axis? The Wenner-Gren Scientific Expedition to Hispanic America and World War II. AHA Annual Meeting/CLAH Annual Meeting. Denver: American Historical Association/Conference of Latin American History.

Rice, M. (2016, May 27). Selling an Inca: Nationalism, Tourism, and the Indian in Peru, 1920-1950. LASA Annual Meeting. New York: Latin American Studies Association.

Rice, M. (2016, June 15). La junta y los ‘jipis’: El turismo y el velasquismo en el Cusco. El Gobierno Revolucionario de las Fuerzas Armadas, 1968-1975: Nuevas miradas sobre el velasquismo y su legado. Lima: Pontificio Universidad Católica del Perú, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos.

Rice, M. (2015, January 2). Roads to Progress: Public Perceptions of Highway Construction in Peru, 1920–30. CLAH Annual Meeting. New York: Congress on Latin American History.

Rice, M. (2014, May 21). Tourism in the Shadow of Machu Picchu: Development in Aguas Calientes, Cusco, 1990-2000. LASA Annual Meeting. Chicago: Latin American Studies Association.

Rice, M. (2014, December 11). Looting the Past, Destroying the Future: Revolution, Terrorism, and Archaeology in Egypt and Syria. Baruch College: Baruch College and Weissman School of Arts and Sciences.

Rice, M. (2014, January 3). Making the Modern Destination: Early Tourism Promotion in Cusco, 1920-1935. AHA Annual Meeting/CLAH Annual Meeting. New Orleans: American Historical Association and the Conference on Latin American History.

Rice, M. (2014, February 7). Good Neighbors Make Good Tourists: The Rise of Cusco and Machu Picchu Tourism, 1930-1948. New York City Latin American History Workshop. Columbia University

Rice, M. (2013, October 4). Ruins, Hotels, and Hippies: Velasco-Era Tourism Development and Conflict in Cusco. Rethinking Military Nationalism: New Perspectives on the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces, Peru, 1968-1975. London: University College London, Institute of the Americas.

Rice, M. (2011, September 22). ¡Ruinas que se arruinan! Machu Picchu y los debates sobre preservación y patrimonio en los a-os 1950. Lima: Instito Riva-Agüero, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

Rice, M. (2010, October 21). La recuperación, restauración y modernización del Cusco. Conferencia Internacional: Turismo, Cultura, y Desarrollo. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

Rice, M. (2010, March 26). W. R. Grace and the Baltimore Crisis: Transnational Business and Diplomacy between Chile and the United States, 1891-1892. Annual Barnes Graduate Student Conference. Philadelphia: Temple University.

Rice, M. (2009, April 17). Democratic Recovery and Political Modernization in the Campaign against Pinochet. Annual Conference of the South Eastern Council on Latin American Studies. New Orleans: South Eastern Council on Latin American Studies.

Rice, M. (2009, April 9). Defeating Dictators and Redefining Democracies: the 1988 Campaign against Pinochet. Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting. Denver: Southwestern Social Science Association.

Rice, M. (2008, April 19). The Politics of Trauma in Chile’s 1891 Civil War. Graduate History Association Conference. Amherst: University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


Rice, M. C. (2025,February 18). Review of Itinerant Ideas: Race, Indigeneity and Cross-Border Intellectual Encounters in Latin America (1900-1950), by Joanna Crow. Palgrave MacMillan, 2022.. Hispanic American Historical Review. Duke University Press.

Rice, M. C. (2025,August 18). Review of Stephen G. Perz & Jorge Luis Castillo Hurtado, Road to the Land of the Mother of God: A History of the Interoceanic Highway in Peru (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2023). Hispanic American Historical Review.

Rice, M. C. (2025,November 18). Review of La Codena de la Libertad: De Túpac Amaru II al bicentenario peruano en seis ensayos y un colofón.. Hispanic American Historical Review.

Rice, M. C. (2025,April 18). Review of "Charles Walker and Liz Clarke, Graphic History of the Age of Revolution - Witness to the Age of Revolution: The Odyssey of Juan Bautista Tupac Amaru (Oxford University Press, 2020)" Liz Clarke. Graphic History Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. The Americas.

Rice, M. (2020,March 1). Review of, The Encrypted State: Delusion and Displacement in the Peruvian Andes. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.

Rice, M. (2019,November 1). Review of, Portraits in the Andes: Photography and Agency, 1900-1950. Durham, North Carolina,United States: Hispanic American Historical Review.

Rice, M. (2017,February 1). Review of, Mobile Selves: Race, Migration, and Belonging in Peru and the U.S.. Journal of Latin American Studies.

Rice, M. (2015,May 1). Review of, Cables, Crises, and the Press: The Geopolitics of the New International Information System in the Americas, 1866-1903. Cambridge,United Kingdom: Journal of Latin American Studies.

Rice, M. (2015,July 1). Review of, Tropical Whites: The Rise of the Tourist South in the Americas. Cambridge,UK: Journal of Latin American Studies.

Rice, M. (2015,May 1). Review of, Cables, Crises, and the Press: The Geopolitics of the New International Information System in the Americas, 1866-1903. Cambridge,United Kingdom: Journal of Latin American Studies.

Rice, M. (2014,May 1). Review of, The Course of Andean History. Journal of Latin American Studies.

Research Currently in Progess

Rice, M.(n.d.). Archeologists, Incas, and the Axis? The Wenner-Gren Scientific Expedition to Hispanic America and World War II. In Progress.

Planned article on the politics of archeology in US-Latin American relations during the height of World War II and the Good Neighbor Era.

Rice, M.(n.d.). Roads and Progress in Peru. In Progress.

This research project, which will ultimately be published as a historical monograph, will document the economics and cultural politics of road construction and social change in early 20th century Peru.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Making Machu Picchu: The politics of tourism in twentieth-century PeruPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202006/30/202104/17/20203400Completed
Highway Construction and Social Change in Peru, 1910-1945Eugene Lang Fellowship06/01/201812/30/201905/29/20188531.65Completed
Archaeologists, Incas, and the Axis? The Wenner-Gren Scientific Expedition to Hispanic America and World War IIPSC-CUNY 4707/01/201606/30/201704/15/20165300Completed
Making Machu Picchu: A History of Tourism, Region, and Nation in Cusco, PeruPSC-CUNY 4607/01/201506/30/201604/17/20153465Completed
Building Paths toward Progress: Road Construction and Social Change in Peru, 1920-1960PSC-CUNY 5407/01/202306/30/202404/18/20233450Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Valued ContributorBaruch College Latino Heritage Month2015Recognized my service to the planning and execution of Latino Heritage Month events.
President’s Award to Distinguished Doctoral StudentsStony Brook University2014
Fred Weinstein AwardHistory Department, Stony Brook University2013For best dissertation chapter
George S. Lustig AwardHistory Department, Cornell University2007For best undergraduate student continuing on to graduate school


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Department Strategic Planning CommitteeCommittee Member10/1/201412/31/2014


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Weissman Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
History Department Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
History Department Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
New York City Latin American History WorkshopCommittee ChairPresent
Marxe Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2018
Latino Heritage MonthFaculty Mentor10/31/2015
Paul A. Feit Memorial Lecture SeriesOrganizer9/30/2015
Department Strategic Planning CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2014


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
New York City Latin American History WorkshopChairpersonNew YorkUnited States8/1/2021Present
Journal of Tourism HistoryEditorial Review Board Member1/1/2019Present
Allpanchis JournalInternational AdvisorPeru4/1/20155/31/2017
Dissertation Reviews Online Journal1/1/20135/31/2016


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
New York City Public Schools Social Studies CurriculumConsultantNew YorkUnited States1/1/201512/31/2015Local