Katrin Hansing
Assc Professor
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Areas of expertise:
Email Address: katrin.hansing@baruch.cuny.edu
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Ph.D., Social Anthropology, University of Oxford, St. Antony’s College Oxford England
M.A., Medical Anthropology, University of London, School of Oriental & African Studies London England
B.A., History & Anthropology, Georgetown University Washington DC
Study Abroad, African History & Anthropology, University of Zimbabwe Harare Zimbabwe
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Fall 2024 | ANT | 3710 | Anthropology of Violence and M |
Spring 2024 | SOC | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2024 | LTS | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2024 | ANT | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2024 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Fall 2023 | SOC | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Fall 2023 | LTS | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Fall 2023 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Fall 2023 | ANT | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2022 | SOC | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2022 | LTS | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2022 | ANT | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2022 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Fall 2021 | SOC | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2021 | ANT | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2021 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Spring 2021 | LTS | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2021 | SOC | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2021 | ANT | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2021 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Fall 2020 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Fall 2020 | SOC | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2020 | ANT | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2019 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Fall 2019 | ANT | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2019 | SOC | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Spring 2019 | ANT | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2019 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Spring 2019 | LTS | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2019 | SOC | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Fall 2018 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Fall 2018 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Spring 2018 | SOC | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Spring 2018 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Spring 2018 | ANT | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2017 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Fall 2017 | ANT | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2017 | SOC | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2016 | SOC | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2016 | ANT | 1001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
Fall 2016 | ANT | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Spring 2016 | SOC | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Spring 2016 | SOC | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2016 | ANT | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Spring 2016 | ANT | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2016 | LTS | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Fall 2011 | ANT | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2011 | ANT | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2011 | BLS | 3085 | Special Topics Bls |
Fall 2011 | HSP | 1003 | Latin America |
Fall 2011 | HSP | 3085 | Spec Topics Hisp Stu |
Fall 2011 | IDC | 3010 | Global: Past, Present & Future |
Fall 2011 | SOC | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Fall 2011 | SOC | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Spring 2011 | BLS | 3085 | Special Topics Bls |
Spring 2011 | SOC | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Spring 2011 | ANT | 3085 | Sel Topics Ant/Soc |
Spring 2011 | HSP | 3085 | Spec Topics Hisp Stu |
Spring 2011 | HSP | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Fall 2010 | HSP | 3085 | Spec Topics Hisp Stu |
Fall 2010 | HSP | 1003 | Latin America |
Fall 2010 | BLS | 3085 | Special Topics Bls |
Fall 2010 | HSP | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Summer 2010 | HSP | 1003 | Latin America |
Spring 2010 | HSP | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Spring 2010 | HSP | 1003 | Latin America |
Fall 2009 | HSP | 3015 | Cuban Culture and Society |
Fall 2009 | HSP | 1003 | Latin America |
Artistic and Creative Activities
Hansing, K. (2018). 'Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator'. FOKAL.
Hansing , K. (2015). Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator. University Of North Carolina.
Hansing , K. (2014). Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator. Mayles Cinema.
Hansing , K. (2011). Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator. Recontre Film Festival.
Hansing , K. (2010). Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator. Africa Documentary Film festival.
Hansing , K. (2010). Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator. Latin American Film Festival.
Hansing , K. (2010). Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator. Encounters Film Festival.
Hansing , K. (2010). Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator. FIDOCS.
Hansing , K. (2010). Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator. African Film Festival.
Hansing , K. (2009). Freddy Ilanga: Che's Swahili Translator. Seton Hall University.
Hansing, K., Stepick, A., & Gioioso, R. (2009). Central American Migration to Miami. Madrid, Spanish Cultural Center/Spanish Foreign Ministry.
Hansing, K., & Warren, C. (2008). Cuba Conflict Analysis: Island and Diaspora. Canadian Foundation of the Americas.
Hansing, K. (2006). Rasta Race and Revolution: The Emergence and Development of the Rastafari Movement in Socialist Cuba. Piscataway, Transaction Books.
Hansing, K., Vertovec, S., Castles, S., & Vasta, E. (2001). Immigration and Integration in the UK. London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom Home Office.
Journal Articles
Hansing, K. (2020). 'When Racial Inequalities Return: Assessing the Restratification of Cuban Society 60 Years After Revolution'. Latin American Politics and Society, 62(2). 29-52.
Hansing, K. (2018). 'Race and Rising Inequality in Cuba'. Current History, 117(796). 69-56.
Hansing, K. (2017). Race and Inequality in the New Cuba: Reasons, Dynamics, and Manifestations . Social Research: An International Quaterly, 84(2). 331 - 352.
Hansing, K. (2015). Cuba: las desigualdades se tornan visibles: Consecuencias de la economía de escasez y reformas. Nueva Sociedad, (255). 4 - 18.
Hansing , K., & Optenhoegel, U. (2015). Cuba: the Growing Signs of Inequality – The Consequences of an Economy of Scarcity and Reforms. Arena idé,
Hansing , K. (2015). Racial Inequality in the New Cuba. CubanCounterpoint,
Hansing , K. (2011). Changes from Below: New Dynamics, Spaces, and Attitudes in Contemporary Cuban Society. NACLA, Special Issue.
Hansing , K., & Orozco, M. (2011). Remesas y el futuro del cuentapropismo en Cuba. Palabra Nueva,
Hansing , K. (2007). Cuba's International Development Assistance. Focal Point, 5:7. 1-10.
Hansing , K., & Dorsch, H. (2006). 45 Jahre Süd-Süd-Solidarität?. Inst. Latein Amerika, vol. 291. 10-15.
Hansing , K. (2006). Tatu’s Swahili Translator. African Renaissance , (3:2). 120-123.
Hansing , K. (2006). ’Viel mehr als Ches Suaheli-Übersetzer. Inst. Latein Amerika, 292. 64-65.
Hansing , K. (2006). Changes from Below: Alternative Spaces, Attitudes and Actions in Contemporary Cuba. Hemisphere, 17. 4-16.
Hansing , K. (2005). Rastafari in a Different Kind of Babylon. Caribbean Studies, (34:1). 61-84.
Hansing , K., & Mahler, S. (2005). Toward a Transnationalism of the Middle: Cuban Transnational Religious Landscapes. Latin American Perspectives, (32:1). 121-146.
Hansing , K. (2004). Rastafari a lo cubano. Caminos , (33). 17-26.
Hansing , K. (2001). La Globalizacion del Movimiento Rastafari. Caminos, (22). 56-71.
Hansing, K. (2001). Rasta, Race and Revolution: Transnational Connections in Socialist Cuba. Journal for Ethnic and Migration Studies, (27 (4)). 32-47.
Book Chapters
Hansing, K., & Hoffmann, B. (2023). 'The Comeback of Racial Inequalities: Assessing the Re-stratification of Cuban Society'. Contemporary Cuba: the Post-Castro Era (pp. 289-300). London. Rowman & Littlefield.
Hansing, K., & Hoffman, B. (2019). 'Cuban Society: Becoming more unequal, connected and diverse''. Cuba Reader: Reinventing the Revolution USA. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Hansing, K., & Optenhoegel, U. (2015). Kuba: Die Ungleichheiten werden sichtbar – Die Folgen von Mangelwirtschaft und Reformen. In Becker, J. (Ed.), Das kubanische Gesundheitssystem auf dem Prüfstand Duesseldorf,Germany. Hans Boeckler Stiftung.
Hansing, K. (2015). Rasta in Revolution: The Rastafari Movement in Socialist Cuba. In Kummels, I., Rauhut, C., Rinke, S., & Timm, B. (Eds.), Crossroads of the World: Transatlantic Interrelations in the Caribbean Bielefeld,Germany. Transcript.
Hansing, K. (2014). Remittance Recipients and the Future of Micro-Entrepreneurship in Cuba. In Leogrande, W., & Brenner, P. (Eds.), Cuba Reader: Reinventing the Revolution USA. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Hansing , K. (2009). The Making of Transnational Civic Social Capital between Two Cuban Religious Communities. In Stepick, A., Rey, T., & Mahler, S. (Eds.), Churches and Charity in the Immigrant City Piscataway,USA. Rutgers University Press.
Hansing , K. (2008). South South Migration and Transnational Ties between Cuba and Mozambique. In Smith, M. P., & Eade, J. (Eds.), Transnational Ties Cities, Migrations, and Identities Piscataway. Transaction Books.
Hansing , K. (2006). Unidos en la fé: La formación y el desarrollo del capital cívico social transnacional entre los cubanos católicos en Miami. In Baez Hernández, S., Bencomo, A., & Zimmermann, M. (Eds.), Ir/venir: migraciones transnacionales y procesos culturales entre América latina y el norte Santiago de Chile,Chile. Bravo y Allende Editores.
Hansing , K. (2005). Myths and Mysticism: How Bringing a Transnational Religious Lens to the Examination of Cuba and the Cuban Diaspora Exposes and Ruptures the Fallacy of Isolation. In Fernandez, D. (Ed.), Cuba Transnational Gainesville. University of Florida Press.
Hansing , K. (2005). Rastafari as a Counter-Hegemonic Culture and Discourse in Post-Revolutionary Cuba. In Besson, J., & Fog Olwig, K. (Eds.), Caribbean Narratives London. Macmillan.
Hansing , K., & Mahler, S. (2003). God Knows No Borders: Transnational Religious Ties Linking Miami and Cuba. In Crahan, M. (Ed.), Religion, Culture, And Society: The Case of Cuba Woodrow Wilson.
Media Contributions
(2021). Prensa latina.
(2021). New York Times.
(2021). Washington Post.
(2021). Cape Town Radio.
(2020). New York Times.
(2020). Deutsche Welle.
(2020). New York Times.
(2019). Deutsche Welle.
(2018). New York Times.
(2017). Icarus Films.
(2016). Boston Review.
(2016). New York Magazine.
(2016). Americas Quarterly.
(2013). New York Times.
(2010). WNYC.
(2010). PBS.
(2009). Mail & Guardian.
(2009). NPR.
Hansing, K. (2023, February 15). 'Marginilidad urbana y pobreza'. Marginalidad Urbana, Pobreza y Desigualdad Racial. Havana, Cuba: CIPS/Harvard University.
Hansing, K. (2025, June 18). Falling Walls. Falling Walls. Espacios Creativos, Havana: German Embassy, Cuba.
Hansing, K. 'Living in the ruins of another generation's utopia: new social inequalities in Cuba'. University of Miami: CAS.
Hansing, K. (2021, September 13). 'Understanding the Recent Protests in Cuba'. Protests in Latin America. London: Chatam House.
Hansing, K. (2021, May 29). 'Growing Social Inequality in Cuba during Covid'. LASA Annual Meeting. Vancouver - virtual: LASA.
Hansing, K. (2019, October 31). 'Challenging Cuban Diasporas'. New Directions in Cuban Studies. Miami: University of Miami.
Hansing, K., & Hoffman, B. (2018, October 31). 'The role of migration and remittances in Cuba's growing racial inequalities'. Cuba Program CUNY. CUNY Graduate Center: CUNY Graduate Center.
Hansing, K. (2018, April 30). 'Racial Ineqailities in the New Cuba'. University of Miami: New Directions in Cuban Studies. Miami: University of Miami.
Hansing, K. (2018, February 28). 'Cuba in Africa: film screening and talk'. FOKAL Film Series. Port au Prince, Haiti: FOKAL.
Hansing, K. (2018, January 31). 'Domestic Migration and Gender in Cuba'. Reuters Foundation: StoryLab. London, United Kingdom: Reuters Foundation.
Hansing, K., & Hansing, B. (2018, August 31). 'Assessing Cuba's Social Re-stratification'. GIGA: Developments in Contemporary Cuba. Berlin, Germany: German Institute for Global and Area Studies.
Hansing, K. (2018, May 26). 'The role of remittances in Cuba's rise of racial inequalities'. Latin American Society Association. Barcelona, Spain: LASA.
Hansing, K., & Hoffman, B. (2018, October 31). 'The restratification of Cuban society: causes and consequences'. Brookings Institution. Washington DC: Brookings Institution.
Hansing, K. (2017, December 7). 'Racial Inequalities in post Fidel Cuba'. Columbia University Inter-University Seminar. SIPA: Columbia University.
Hansing, K. (2017, April 12). 'New Racial Inequalities Cuba'. Harvard University. Boston: Harvard University.
Hansing, K. (2016, June 30). 'Social Inequality in Contemporary Cuba'. Brussels, Belgium: European Union Parliament.
Hansing, K. (2016, February 27). 'The Rise of Shanty Towns in Havana'. Urban Development in Cuba. Open Society Foundation, NY: Open Society Foundation.
Hansing, K. (2016, December 16). 'Raza, desigualdad y pobreza: Metodologías y experiencias de la antropología social'. Aspectos teóricos y metodológicos para el estudio de las desigualdades sociales. Havana, Cuba: Juan Marinelo/Harvard University.
Hansing, K. (2015, July 9). 'Cuba's New Social Inequalities'. New York: Open Society Foundation.
Hansing , K. (2015, January 15). International Cooperation in a Globalized Word. International Cooperation. Havana, Cuba: University of Havana.
Hansing , K. (2014, May 27). Global Youth Cultures in Comparative Perspective. Re: work conference. berlin, Germany: Humboldt University.
Hansing , K. (2013, October 13). From Kingston to Cuba: Rastafari's Globalization & Localization. Caribbean Histories. Hannover, Germany: University Of Hannover.
Hansing , K. (2012, February 17). Las Experiencias de la unificación alemana para Cuba: el desafío de la identidad nacional. Cuba: a divided nation. Santo Domingo, DR: Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
Hansing , K. (2012, May 31). ’Race’ and Inequality in Contemporary Cuba. Latin American Studies Association. San Francisco: LASA.
Hansing , K. (2012, October 14). The Internet and Civic Spaces in Latin America. Media and Human Rights. Berlin, Germany: Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
Hansing , K. (2011, March 31). Inequalities in Contemporary Cuba. CUNY Cuba Conference. New York
Hansing , K. (2011, April 10). Cuba's Sixth Party Congress. Cuba Seminar Series. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University.
Hansing , K. (2011, October 24). The African Presence in Cuban Culture. Cuba Symposium. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Eastern Michigan University.
Hansing , K. (2011, November 15). Communication in Cuba. Houston, Texas: World Affairs Council of Houston.
Hansing , K. (2011, November 15). Race and Class in Contemporary Cuba. Cuba Seminar Series. Washington DC: Georgetown University.
Hansing , K. (2010, December 31). Grassroots Impact of Cuba's Economic Reforms. Council on Foreign Relations. Washington, D.C.
Hansing , K. (2010, October 20). US-Cuban Relations under Obama. Cuba under Raul Castro. Berlin, Germany: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Hansing , K. (2010, October 1). Cuban African Relations during the Cold War. Committee on Global Thought. Columbia University, NYC
Hansing , K. (2010, June 30). Race and Identity in Cuba. WNYC, New York: Past Present Future, the Green Space.
Hansing , K. (2010, April 30). Contemporary African Film and Filmmaking. Columbia University, NY: Institute for African Studies.
Hansing , K. (2010, April 25). Race and Identity in Cuba. Washington, D.C.: Foreign Service Institute.
Hansing , K. (2010, March 31). The Religious Impact of the Mariel Exodus in South Florida. Drew University: Mariel Symposium.
Hansing , K. (2009, October 27). Impact of Cuban Embargo on Cuban People’s Lives. Fordham University Law School
Hansing , K. (2009, November 30). Social Changes in Cuba. Democratization in Cuba. Washington, D.C.: CENTRA.
Hansing , K. (2009, December 5). Cuban Youth: Aspirations, Challenges. Cuba Generacion 2.0. Mexico City: Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
Hansing , K. (2009, October 22). Cuban Medical Internationalism in Africa. CUNY Bildner Center
Hansing , K. (2009, March 31). Contemporary Cuban Youth, paper presented at Cuba. Generacion 2.0 conference. Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Mexico City
Hansing , K. (2009, April 30). Popular Expressions in Cuba: Dynamics, Challenges, and Strategies. Raices Cubanas. University of Miami, Miami
Hansing , K. (2009, September 30). Cuban Education System at Home and Abroad. Washington DC: The New Old Guard.
Hansing , K. (2009, February 28). Impact of Remittances to Cuba. Washington DC: Inter-American Dialogue.
Hansing , K. (2009, May 31). Remittances and the Future of Micro-Credits in Cuba. Inter-American Dialogue. Washington, D.C.
Hansing , K. (2008, April 30). Grassroots Reactions to Recent Reforms in Cuba. Inter-American Dialogue, Washington DC: The New Old Guard: Making Sense of Post-Fidel Cuba.
Hansing , K. (2008, February 28). El Papel de la Iglesia Católica en la Reconciliación Nacional. 7th Cuban and Cuban American Studies Conference. Florida International University, Miami
Hansing , K. (2008, February 28). Changes and Continuities in Cuban Society. Senterfitt/Akermann, Miami: Counterpoints of Continuity and Change.
Hansing , K. (2008, January 31). The Impact and Consequences of Transnational Religious Ties between Cuba and Miami. Florida International University, Miami: Religion, Society and Social Justice in Contemporary Cuba.
Hansing , K. (2008, October 31). Grassroots Perspectives on the Effects of the US Embargo and Human Rights in Cuba. Annual Human Rights Symposium. St Thomas University, Miami
Hansing , K. (2008, May 27). The Politics of Social Justice in Cuba. The Future of Social Justice in Cuba. Rockefeller Bellagio Center, Bellagio, Italy: Ford Foundation.
Hansing , K. (2008, September 30). What Cubans think about Obama, McCain and the upcoming US elections. Potential Impact of US elections on US-Cuban relations. Inter-American Dialogue, DC
Hansing , K. (2007, October 31). US Cuban Immigration Issues. Inter-American Dialogue, Washington DC
Hansing , K. (2007, September 30). Race and Inequality in Contemporary Cuba. Canadian Foundation of the Americas. Montreal
Hansing , K. (2007, September 30). Changes and Continuities in Cuban Society. Latin American Studies Association. Montreal
Hansing , K. (2007, September 30). Dialogos fronterizos: tránsitos feministas y refexiones postcolinales en un mundo globalizado. Spanish Cultural Centre. Miami: Roundtable Chair and Discussant.
Hansing , K. (2007, September 30). The Politics of Transnational Charity between two Cuban Catholic Communities. Humboldt University, Berlin: paper presented at symposium: ‘Traveling Spirits, Migrants, Markets and Moralities.
Hansing , K. (2006, February 28). The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Cuba. 6th International. Florida International University: Cuban and Cuban-America Studies.
Hansing , K. (2006, October 31). South-South Migration & Transnational Ties between Cuba & Southern Africa. Transnational Identities, Cities Unbound, Migrations Redefined. Poland: Jagiellonian University, Cracow.
Hansing , K. (2006, April 30). A globalisação do movimento Rastafari. African Studies Center. Maputo, Mozambique: Eduardo Mondlane University.
Hansing , K. (2006, June 30). Mas allá de la yuma: the impact of international linkages on Cubans. Good Governance and Social Justice in Cuba. Ottawa: International Dimension.
Hansing , K. (2006, October 31). South South Aid. German Institute for Global and Area Studies. Hamburg
Hansing , K. (2006, October 31). The Cultures of Conflict in Contemporary Cuba. Cuba: Conflict Transformation. Ottawa: Canadian Foundation of the Americas.
Hansing , K. (2006, November 30). Cuban Civil Society. Madrid: FRIDE Foundation.
Hansing , K. (2005, September 30). South-South Social Collaboration Ties between Cuba and Africa. Summer School Academy of the Institute of Advanced Studies. Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Hansing , K. (2005, January 31). Colaboración Cubana en África. 9th Anthropology of Afro-American Cultures & Societies. Havana, Cuba: Casa de África.
Hansing , K. (2005, May 31). Impact of US policy on lives of ordinary Cubans in Cuba. Washington, DC: US State Department, Western Hemispheric Affairs.
Hansing , K. (2005, July 31). Transnational Ties between Southern Hemispheric Countries. AEGIS. London
Hansing , K. (2004, October 31). Processes of Syncretization in Historical Perspective. Bayreuth
Hansing , K. (2004, September 30). Religious Ties between Cubans on the Island and in the Diaspora. Cuba’s Special Period’, Bildner Centre. City University of New York
Hansing , K. (2004, August 31). Inequality in Cuba. Annual Conference of the Association of the Study of Cuban Economies. Miami
Hansing , K. (2004, April 30). The World Portrayed through Cuba’s Media. Annual Conference of Latin American Journalists and Editors. Miami
Hansing , K. (2003, November 30). Transnational Religious Ties: Manifestations and Motivations. Determinants of Transnational Ties. Santo Domingo, DR: FLASCO.
Hansing , K. (2002, March 31). Medicina, Mulas y Mucho Más: Transnational Links Between the Catholic Church in Cuba and Miami. Fourth International Conference of Cuban Studies. Florida International University, Miami,
Hansing , K. (2002, February 28). From Periphery to Paradigm: Caribbean Contributions to Transnational Theory. Anthropology Department Colloquium. New York University
Hansing , K. (2002, February 28). Afro-Cuban Religious Influences in Miami and Cuba. The Second Biennial Allen Morris. Florida State University, Tallahassee,
Hansing , K. (2002, April 30). Living in Limbo: African Students in Cuba. Africas of the Americas. University of Maryland
Hansing , K. (2002, May 31). So What Color is the Virgin Really? Historical and Contemporary Representations and Racialised Constructions of la Virgin de la Caridad del Cobre. Caribbean Studies. Nassau
Hansing , K. (2002, June 30). Transnational Cuban Catholic Connections. Cuba Catholicism: Island and Diaspora. Notre Dame University: Kellogg Institute.
Hansing , K. (2002, November 30). Pastors, Patron Saints and Paqueticos on the Move: Transnational Religious Ties between Cuba And the United States. American Anthropological Association Meetings. New Orleans,
Hansing , K. (2001, November 30). Rastafari in a Different Kind of Babylon. American Anthropological Association. Washington, DC
Hansing , K. (2001, July 31). The Globalization of the Rastafari Movement. Third International Meeting of Socio-Religious Studies. Havana, Cuba: Centre for Psychological and Sociological Studies.
Hansing , K. (2001, April 30). Daring to be Different: Rastafari Narratives from Cuba. Narratives of Home and Belonging. University of London: Goldsmiths University.
Hansing , K. (2000, June 30). Race and Youth in Contemporary Cuba. Caribbean Studies Association. St. Lucia
Hansing , K. (2000, June 30). Afro-Cubans and Social Capital. Social Capital in Latin American Reality. University of Oxford: Latin American Centre.
Hansing , K. (2000, February 28). The Emergence and Development of the Rastafari Movement in Socialist Cuba. Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology. University of Oxford
Hansing , K. (2000, October 31). Rasta, Race and Revolution: Transnational Connections in Socialist Cuba. Third International Conference on Cuban Studies. Miami: Florida International University.
Hansing , K. (2000, September 30). Rasta and Resistance: A Global Perspective. ASWAD conference. New York University, NY: The African Diaspora in the New Millennium.
Hansing, K. (1999, December 31). 'Afro-Cuban Youth and the Rastafari Movement in 1990s Cuba'. Rethinking Race in Cuba. University of London: Institute for Latin American Studies.
Hansing, K. (1999, November 30). 'Rastafari in Global Perspective'. American Association of Religious Studies Meetings. Boston
Other Scholarly Works
Hansing, K., & Hoffman, B. (2019). 'Cuba's New Social Structure: Assessing the Re-Stratification of Cuban Society 60 Years after Revolution'. (315),
Hansing , K., & Orozco, M. (2014). The Role and Impact of Remittances on Small Business Development during Cuba’s Current Economic Reforms. (69),
Hansing , K., & West Duran, A. (2011). Rastafari in Cuba. Cuba: People, Culture, History.
Hansing , K., & West Duran, A. (2011). World in Cuba, Cuba in the World: Cuba and Africa’. Cuba: People, Culture, History.
Hansing , K. (2010). Freddy Ilanga: Che’s Swahili Translator’, Documentary Film, Author and Director.
Hansing , K. (2009). Cuba Conflict Analysis: Island and Diaspora.
Hansing, K. (2016,April 1). "Cubans in Angola: South-South Cooperation and Transfer of Knowledge, 1976 -1991'. American Historical Review.
Hansing , K. (2009,January 1). Cuban Human Rights and the US Embargo: A View From Below. Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Research Currently in Progess
Hansing, ,.(n.d.). Breaking the Silence: Cuban Memories from the War in Angola. In Progress.
The goal of this project is to document the diverse, Cuban experiences and memories of the war in Angola. This is being done through extensive oral history interviews with Cubans, both military and civilians, who served in the war, as well as their family members. Interviews are being conducted both in Cuba as well as the diaspora, mainly South Florida. In so doing, the aim is to complicate and bring greater nuance into the existing understandings and narratives of Cuba’s participation in the war.
Hansing, ,.(n.d.). The Return of Race-based Inequalities in Contemporary Cuba: the role of migration, remittances and foreign citizenship. In Progress.
With the support of a German Research Council grant I examined the impact of remittances and foreign citizenship on new racial inequalities in Cuba. I continue to publish articles on the data collected from that study.
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
Breaking the Silence: Cuban Experiences and Memories from the War in Angola | PSC CUNY 52 | 07/01/2021 | 06/30/2023 | 04/15/2021 | 5400 | Completed |
Contemporary Cuban Youth: Now and in the Future | Christopher Reynolds Foundation | 05/01/2011 | 04/30/2012 | 7500 | Completed | |
(Post)-Socialist Migration & Transnational Ties: Cuban Contract Workers in Former East Germany | PSC-CUNY 41 | 07/01/2010 | 06/30/2011 | 5000 | Completed | |
Tertulias Cabanas | Christopher Reynolds Foundation | 09/01/2009 | 07/31/2010 | 7500 | Completed | |
Tertulias Cabanas | Arca Foundation | 09/01/2009 | 06/30/2010 | 2700 | Completed | |
Democratizing the Past: Cubans Remember the Angolan Civil War | National Endowment for The Humanities | 10/01/2023 | 09/30/2026 | 09/13/2023 | 248284 | Funded - In Progress |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
PCS-CUNY award | PSC CUNY | 2021 | |
Scholar Incentive Award | Baruch College CUNY | 2016 | To conduct research in Cuba during the Spring semester 2017 on the increasing racial inequalities. The research is being funded by the German Research Council. |
Open Society Fellowship | Open Society Foundation | 2014 | To conduct research, write/publish and make policy recommendations on the social impact of Cuba's current economic reforms and opening. |
Re: work Fellowship | Humboldt University Berlin | 2013 | To write up research on contemporary youth. |
Desigualdades Fellowship | Free University Berlin | 2013 | To code data and write up research on migration and remittances. |
Friedrich Ebert Foundation Fellowship | Friedrich Ebert Foundation | 2012 | To write up research on contemporary CUban youth. |
Rubin Fellowship | Rubin Museum of Art/Baruch College/CUNY | 2011 | |
Fitzpatrick Scholarship | University of Oxford | 2000 | |
Latin American Studies Prize | University of Oxford | 2000 | |
Radcliffe-Brown Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Nothern Island, London | 2000 | |
St. Antony’s College Bursaries | University of Oxford | 1999 | |
Fitzpatrick Scholarship | St. Antony’s College | 1998 | |
Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology | University of Oxford | 1998 | |
Latin American Studies Prize | University of Oxford | 1998 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Tenure Committee | Committee Member | 8/1/2016 | 5/31/2019 |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 8/1/2016 | 5/31/2019 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Global Studies Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
APR | Assessment Coordinator | 5/15/2022 | |
DEI | Committee Member | 5/15/2022 | |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 5/31/2019 | |
Tenure Committee | Committee Member | 5/31/2019 | |
Cuba Study abroad Pg | Faculty Mentor | 3/31/2013 | |
Mishkin Art Gallery Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2012 | |
Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2012 | |
Tenure Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2012 | |
Freshman Text Committee | Faculty Advisor | 12/31/2011 | |
Mishkin Gallery Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2011 | |
Global Studies Committee | Attendee, Meeting | 12/31/2011 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Cuba Programm | Faculty Mentor | 9/1/2009 | 12/31/2022 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Wenner Gren Foundation | Reviewer, Grant Proposal | New York | 9/1/2016 | Present | International | |
Cuban Studies | Editorial Review Board Member | Massachusetts | United States | 9/1/2012 | 12/31/2018 |