Katherine Pence

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: History

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: katherine.pence@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV


Ph.D., History, University of Michigan

M.A., History, University of Michigan

B.A., History, Pomona College

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2024HIS4900Capstone: Search His
Spring 2024HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2024HIS4900Capstone: Search His
Fall 2023HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2023HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2022HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2022HIS4900Capstone: Search His
Spring 2022HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2021HIS4900Capstone: Search His
Fall 2021HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2021HIS3340Wmn in Europe: Ancient-Mdrn
Spring 2021HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2020HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2020HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2020HIS4900Capstone: Search His
Spring 2020HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2019HIS3340Wmn in Europe: Ancient-Mdrn
Fall 2019HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2018HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2018HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2018HIS6002HHonors - History II
Fall 2017HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2017HIS6001HHistory - Honors I
Fall 2017HIS4900Capstone: Search His
Fall 2016HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2016HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2016HIS5000Independent Study History I
Spring 2015HIS5000Independent Study History I
Fall 2014IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2013HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2013HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2013HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2013HIS4900Capstone: Search His
Spring 2012WSM4900Topics in Women's Studies
Spring 2012IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2011HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2010HIS1003Global His Since1500
Summer 2010HIS5000Independent Study History I
Fall 2009HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2009HIS3340Wmn in Europe: Ancient-Mdrn
Spring 2008HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2008HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2007HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2007HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2007HIS3360Topics in European History
Spring 2007HIS3460Topics in American History
Fall 2006HIS5000Independent Study History I
Fall 2006HIS3460Topics in American History
Fall 2006HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2006HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2005HIS1003Global His Since1500
Spring 2005HIS5000Independent Study History I
Fall 2004HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2004HIS3460Topics in American History
Fall 2004FRO1000First Year Seminar
Spring 2004HIS3360Topics in European History
Spring 2004HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2003HIS1003Global His Since1500
Fall 2003HIS1003HHonors - Global History 1500
Fall 2003HIS3360Topics in European History
Fall 2002HIS1003Global His Since1500


Pence, K. (2019). Gender and Consumer Politics in Cold War Germany. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.

Pence, K., & Betts, P. (2008). Socialist Modern: East German Everyday Culture and Politics. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press .

Journal Articles

Pence, K. (2019). “We want to see the rich Germany”: The Tour of African Women at West Germany’s 1962 “Africa Week”. Central European History, 12,406 words.

Pence, K., & Zimmerman, A. (2012). "Transnationalism". German Studies Review, 35(3). 495-500.

Pence, K. (2012). “Showcasing Cold War Germany in Cairo: 1954 and 1957 Industrial Exhibitions and the Competition for Arab Partners Katherine Pence”. Journal of Contemporary History, 46(1). 69-95.

Pence, K. (2001). “’You as a woman will understand’: Consumption, Gender and the Relationship between State and Citizenry in the GDR’s June 17 1953” . German History (London, UK: Arnold Publisher), 19(2). 218-252.

Pence, K. (1992). “The 'Frauleins’ meet the 'Amis’: Americanization of German Women in the Reconstruction of the West German State”. Michigan Feminist Studies , (7). 83-108.

Book Chapters

Pence, K., & Barker, E. (2021). "The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR)". In Dorff, M., Taylor, D., & Rychtar, J. (Eds.), Expanding Undergraduate Research in Mathematics: Making UR More Inclusive (pp. 161-166). The Mathematical Association of America (MAA).

Pence, K. (2018). Introduction. In Hentzi, G., & Romero Jr., A. (Eds.), From Departure to Destination: Reminiscences of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences (pp. 1-10). New York. Baruch College Weissman School of Arts and Sciences.

Pence, K. H. (2015). "Antipathy and Attraction to the West and Western Consumerism in the German Democratic Republic". In Bavaj, R., & Steber, M. (Eds.), Germany and ‘the West’: The History of a Modern Concept (pp. 277-292). Oxford. Berghahn Books.

Pence, K. (2014). "Eat, Drink & Smoke/Essen, Trinken & Rauchen". In Jampol, J. (Ed.), Beyond the Wall: The East German Collection of the Wende Museum (p. 28 (604 words)). Cologne, Germany. Taschen Books.

Pence, K. (2012). "Grounds for Discontent? Coffee from the Black Market to the Kaffeeklatsch in the GDR". In Neuberger, M., & Bren, P. (Eds.), Communism Unwrapped: Consumption in Postwar Eastern Europe (pp. 197-225). Oxford, UK. Oxford University Press.

Pence, K., & Betts, P. (2008). "Introduction". In Pence, K., & Betts, P. (Eds.), Socialist Modern: East German Everyday Culture and Politics (pp. 1-36). Ann Arbor. University of Michigan Press.

Pence, K. (2008). "Women on the verge: Consumers between private desires and public crisis". In Pence, K., & Betts, P. (Eds.), Socialist Modern: East German Everyday Culture and Politics Ann Arbor. University of Michigan Press.

Pence, K. (2006). "Shopping for an Economic Miracle: Gendered Politics of Consumer Citizenship in Divided Germany". In Chatriot, A., Chessel, M., & Hilton, M. (Eds.), The Expert Consumer: Associations and Professionals in Consumer Society (pp. 105-120). Aldershot. Ashgate Press.

Pence, K. (2004). “Politiques de la consummation, femmes et citoyenneté dans les deux Allemagnes”. In Chatriot, A., Chessel, M., & Hilton, M. (Eds.), Au nom du consommateur: Consommation et politique en Europe et aux États-Unis au XXe siécle (pp. 188-216). Paris. La Découverte.

Pence, K. (2003). “'A World in Miniature’: The Leipzig Trade Fairs in the 1950s and East German Consumer Citizenship”. In Crew, D. F. (Ed.), Consuming Germany in the Cold War: Consumption and National Identity in East and West Germany (pp. 21-50). Oxford, UK. Berg Press.

Pence, K. (2003). “Building Socialist Worker-Consumers: The Paradoxical Construction of the Handelsorganisation-HO,1948”. In Huebner, P., & Tenfelde, K. (Eds.), Arbeiter in der SBZ-DDR (pp. 497-526). Essen. Klartext Verlag.

Pence, K. (2003). “The Myth of a Suspended Present: Prosperity’s Painful Shadow in 1950s East Germany”. In Betts, P., & Eghigian, G. (Eds.), Pain and Prosperity: Reconsidering Twentieth-Century German History (pp. 137-159). Palo Alto. Stanford University Press.

Pence, K. (2000). “‘Herr Schimpf und Frau Schande’: Grenzgänger des Konsums im geteilten Berlin und die Politik des Kalten Krieges”. In Ciesla, B., Lemke, M., & Lindenberger, T. (Eds.), Sterben für Berlin? Die Berliner Krisen 1948:1958 (pp. 185-202). Berlin. Metropol Verlag.

Pence, K. (1997). “Schaufenster de sozialistischen Konsums: Texte der Texte der Ostdeutschen ‘Consumer Culture'”. In Becker, P., & Luedtke, A. (Eds.), Akten, Eingaben, Schaufenster: Die DDR und ihre Texte. Erkundungen zu Herrschaft und Alltag (pp. 91-118). Berlin. Akademie Verlag.

Pence, K. (1996). “Labours of Consumption: Gendered Consumers in Postwar East and West German Reconstruction”. In Abrams, L., & Harvey, E. (Eds.), Gender Relations in German History: Power, Agency and Experience from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century (pp. 211-238). London. University College of London Press.

Pence, K. "Exports at Postwar Trade Fairs and Dilemmas of Public Diplomacy in Decolonizing Africa: West German Participation in South Africa’s Rand Easter Show during Apartheid". Made in Germany New York, NY. Berghahn Books. In Progress.

Media Contributions

Pence, K. (2009). “20 Years After the Fall, Nostalgia Builds for East German Design,” Presentation for PBS Newshour Online, Art Beat.


Previous link to video: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/art/blog/2009/11/20-years-after-the-fall-nostalgia-builds-for-east-german-design.html


Pence, K. "Exports at Postwar Trade Fairs and Dilemmas of Public Diplomacy in Decolonizing Africa: West German Participation in South Africa’s Rand Easter Show during Apartheid" for the Seminar "Made in Germany: Myths and Materiality of an Exporting Nation,". 47th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Montreal, Canada: German Studies Association.

Pence, K. (2025, March 13). "Togolese Students in Altenkirchen: How a Local Rhineland Togo Union Brought Africans to Germany" for the panel "Germany and the African Diaspora". 53rd Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA). Baltimore, MD

Pence, K. "Humane Empathy for the Margins" for the Panel "The Visual, the Social and the Material". "No Straight Lines: Peculiar Pasts and Crooked Futures--A Symposium in Honor of Geoff Eley. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan--Ann Arbor.

Pence, K. (2020, October 2). "Togolese Students in Altenkirchen: Local Civic Development Aid from a Rhineland Togo-Union" for the panel "From 'Entwicklungshilfe' to Humanitarianism (1): Aid to Africa". 44th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Online

Pence, K. (2020, October 4). Commentator for the Panel: "The Socialist Imaginary: Literary, Visual, and Material Modes of GDR Self-Representation". 44th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Online

Pence, K. (2020, May 28). "German and African Women in Global Itineraries: Possibilities and Limits to Manufacturing 1960s International Women’s Movements" for the Panel "Rethinking International Feminist Solidarity and Praxis in the Postwar Germanies. "Genders and Sexualities": Eighteenth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. Johns Hopkins University: Berkshire Conference of Women Historians.

Pence, K. (2019, November 7). Commentator for the Panel: "Social Effects and Debates". "In the Laboratory of Market Economics: Toward a History of Germany’s Treuhandanstalt, 1989/90-1994" Conference. Cambridge University, UK: Cambridge DAAD Research Hub for German Studies/Leibniz Institut für Zeitgeschichte in Munich.

Pence, K. (2019, October 6). Comment for the Roundtable "Writing East German History Ten Years On: Perspectives on the Interdisciplinary History of the GDR". 43rd Annual German Studies Association Conference. Portland, OR: German Studies Association.

Pence, K. (2019, October 4). "Women at the West German Africa Week: Limits and Possibilities of Early 1960s Transnational Exchanges" for the panel "East and West Germans' Transantaional Trajectories and Alternative Solidarities.". 43rd Annual German Studies Association Conference. Portland, OR

Pence, K. (2019, March 22). Keynote Address: "Sparking Joy in the Not-so-tidy Historiography of Consumption". 11th annual Graduate Conference "Consumption, Exchange and Material Culture". Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University, Department of HIstory.

Pence, K. (2018, September 27). Commentator on the Panel: "East German Trajectories of 1968 Beyond the Public Sphere". 41st Annual German Studies Association Conference. Pittsburgh, PA

Pence, K. (2018, September 30). Moderator for the Panel: "Cold War Politics, East and West". 41st Annual German Studies Association Conference. Pittsburgh, PA

Pence, K. (2018, November 9). Roundtable participant for the "World War I and its Impact" Conference. CUNY Graduate Center: DAAD/CUNY.

Pence, K. (2017, December 14). "Staking her Claim: Kathleen Canning's Gender Revolution, Women's Agency, and the Expansion of Citizenship". “The Shape of History – A Kathleen Canning Frame of Mind” A Symposium. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, History Department.

Pence, K. (2017, November 17). Round Table on the Velvet Revolution and the Fall of Communism. "The Velvet Reunion: A night of celebration for the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution on November 17, 1989" Symposium. New York City: Czech Center New York.

Pence, K. (2017, January 19). "The West German Scramble for Africa: The Public Diplomacy of Mobile Exhibitions in Decolonizing Africa". "MACHINERIES OF PERSUASION: European Soft Power and Public Diplomacy during the Cold War" Conference. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies Department of History, Aarhus University.

Pence, K. (2017, April 25). Commentator on the Panel Discussion of "Chronicle of Return: Life Histories of Jews in the GDR (1989/93)" with co-director Jeff Peck. Film Screening and Panel Discussion. Baruch College, Engelman Recital Hall: The Wasserman Jewish Studies Center at Baruch College.

Pence, K. H. (2016, September 30). Discussant on the Roundtable: "Ten Days that Shook the Century? Modernity and the Meaning of the Russian October Revolution". 40th Annual German Studies Association Conference. San Diego, CA

Pence, K. H. (2016, September 30). Untitled paper for Seminar: "Writing Histories of Germans Abroad. Approaches and Methodologies to German Sources on the Global South.". 40th Annual German Studies Association Conference. San Diego, CA: German Studies Association.

Pence, K. H. (2016, October 1). Moderator for the Panel: "Making Germany in Africa: Mobility, Technology, and Identity". 40th Annual German Studies Association Conference. San Diego, CA

Pence, K. (2014, November 12). "Beyond Dictatorship or 'Ostalgie': Post-Wende Perspectives on Cold War Divided Germany". "25 Years After the Fall of the Wall: Critical Perspectives" Conference. Rutgers University Center for European Studies

Pence, K. (2014, October 3). "Cold War Political Exhibitions as Cultural Diplomacy in the Decolonizing World". "Medium, Method, and Message in Cultures of the Cold War" Conference. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Pence, K. (2014, September 19). Moderator for the Panel: "Surveillance and German Studies (1): Violence, Xenophobia, and Privacy". 38th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Kansas City, MO: GSA.

Pence, K. (2014, September 19). Moderator for the Panel: "The German Democratic Republic and the Globalizing World Economy, 1971-1989". 38th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Kansas City, MO: GSA.

Pence, K. (2014, December 11). "Nostalgia for Socialist East Germany?: Twenty-five Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall". Baruch Macaulay Honors College Free Thinking Lunch.

Pence, K. (2013, October 6). "The East and West German Scramble for Africa: Exhibiting Cold War Competition in the Age of Decolonization". 37th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Denver, CO: German Studies Association.

Pence, K. (2012, June 29). "'Uhuru' for Berlin?: Willy Brandt's Trip to Africa and the Cold War Discourse of Decolonization". Willy Brandt Symposium: "Willy Brandt--Denken, Wirken und Rezeption 20 Jahre nach seinem Tod". Erfurt, Germany: University of Erfurt, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy.

Pence, K. (2010, October 7). "‘Uhuru’ for Berlin?: Willy Brandt’s Trip to Africa and the Cold War Discourse of Decolonization". 34th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Oakland, CA

Pence, K. (2009, September 17). "East German Socialist Modernity and Consumer Culture Before and After the Wall". Lecture Series "DDR--Was bleibt? East German Legacies in German History". Washington, DC: German Historical Institute.

Pence, K. (2009, May 28). "East Germany in Cairo: 1954 and 1957 Industrial Exhibitions and the Competition with West Germany for Arab Partners". “Sites of Convergence: The USSR and Communist Eastern Europe at International Fairs Abroad and at Home” Conference. Budapest, Hungary

Pence, K. (2009, February 13). "Challenges in Exhibiting West German Modernity to Africa: The Mobile Exhibitions of 1961 and 1963". “Rethinking German Modernities: Part IV” Conference. Austin, TX: University of Texas-Austin.

Pence, K. (2009, October 1). "The Struggle for Real Coffee: From Black Market and Global Trade to the GDR Kaffeeklatsch". “Germans’ Things: Material Culture and Daily Life in East and West 1949-2009,” Conference. University of California Los Angeles and Villa Aurora, Los Angeles, CA: UCLA and the Wende Museum.

Pence, K. (2009, October 8). Moderator for the Roundtable, "Rethinking German Modernities (2): A Roundtable". 33rd Annual German Studies Association. Washington, DC

Pence, K. (2008, January 3). "The German Product Invasion in Africa: German Trade Exhibition in Decolonizing Countries in the 1960s". American Historical Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC

Pence, K. (2008, December 5). "East Germany in Global Context: The Transnational Cultural Turn". “Writing East Germany: What difference does the Cultural Turn Make,” Conference. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.

Pence, K. (2007, October 4). Commentator on the Panel: "Aid for Africa". 31st Annual German Studies Association. San Diego, CA

Pence, K. (2007, November 9). "Consumer Politics and Everyday Negotiations of Power". Practices and Power in History of Everyday Life: A Symposium in Honor of Alf Luedtke. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.

Pence, K. (2007, October 4). "Scrambling for Trade: East and West Germany at African and Middle Eastern Trade Fairs 1953-1965". 31st Annual German Studies Association. San Diego, CA

Pence, K. (2007, September 6). "The German Product Invasion in Africa: German Trade Exhibitions in Decolonizing Countries in the 1960s". Germany's Colonialism in International Perspective: International Interdisciplinary Conference on German Colonialism and Post-Colonialism. San Francisco, CA: San Francisco State University.

Pence, K. (2007, June 1). "Bussing German Modernity Through Africa: Traveling Trade Exhibitions and German Transnational Ties in the 1960s". "Rethinking – German- Modernities: Part III" Conference. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati.

Pence, K. (2007, March 30). "Bananas for East Germany: From Shortage to Surplus in East German Consumer Historiography". “Past, Present, and Future: East Germany before and after Communism” an International Conference. Toronto, Canada: Joint Initiative in German and European Studies, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto.

Pence, K. (2006, May 19). Presentation. "Rethinking-German-Modernities: What is the Germanness of German History?” Workshop. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.

Pence, K. (2006, September 28). Commentator on the Panel: "The Berlin Wall, Cinemas and Civic Symbols: Readings of the Inner Life of the German People through the Study of Key Artifacts". 30th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Pittsburgh, PA

Pence, K. (2006, September 28). "Black Market Smuggling and East-West Conflict in Divided Germany". 30th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Pittsburgh, PA

Pence, K. (2006, November 7). "Mr. Insult and Ms. Shame: The Politics of Shopping in Cold War Germany". Honors Program Brown Bag Lecture. Baruch College

Pence, K. (2005, July 1). "Cold War Iceboxes: Competing Visions of Kitchen Politics in 1950s Divided Germany". "Kitchen Politics of the Cold War" Conference. Munich, Germany

Pence, K. (2005, May 19). "Cold War ‘Alternative Modernities’: Competing German Consumer Economies in Global Context". First “Rethinking German Modernities: Modernity and Empire: Reconceptualizing Twentieth-Century German History,” Workshop. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto.

Pence, K. (2005, March 7). "Shopping Before the Wall: Gender, Consumption and Cold War Competition in Divided Germany". "Culture, Power, Boundaries" Seminar. New York, NY: Columbia University.

Pence, K. (2005, September 29). Moderator for the Panel: "Naturalizing and Nationalizing Germany’s Borderlands, 1850-1930". 29th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Milwaukee, WI

Pence, K. (2004, June 10). "Shopping for an ‘Economic Miracle’: Gender Politics of Consumer Citizenship in Divided Germany". "Au nom du consommateur: La consummation entre mobilsation sociale et politique public dans les pays occidentaux au XXe siècle" International Colloquium. Paris, France

Pence, K. (2004, November 23). "Showcase Showdown: Consumption, Conflict and Citizenship in the Cold War Germanies". Invited Lecturer. UK: University of Warwick.

Pence, K. (2004, October 6). Commentator on the Panel: "Marketing Socialisms?: Culture, Consumption, and Cold War Competition". 28th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Washington, DC

Pence, K. (2004, October 6). Moderator for the Panel: "The Search For 'Normalcy' in Weimar and the Third Reich". 28th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Washington, DC

Pence, K. (2004, November 24). "Shopping Before the Wall: Gender, Consumption and Cold War Competition in Divided Germany". Invited Lecturer. Birmingham, UK: University of Birmingham.

Pence, K. (2003, December 12). "Shopping in the Rubble: Gendering Postwar German Consumption in Comparative Perspective". Transnational European History Seminar. Fordham and Yeshiva Universities

Pence, K. (2003, October 17). "America’s Love Affair with German Fräuleins: German-American Relations in Postwar Pulp Fiction". Midwest German History Workshop. University of Illinois--Champaign/Urbana

Pence, K. (2003, September 18). "Showcase Showdown: Tensions Over Global and Domestic Consumption in the GDR". 27th Annual German Studies Association Conference. New Orleans, LA

Pence, K. (2003, September 18). Commentator and Moderator for the Panel: "The State and the Self in the GDR". 27th Annual German Studies Association Conference. New Orleans, LA

Pence, K. (2003, April 26). "Shopping in the Rubble: Gendering Consumption and the Postwar German Public Sphere". "Cycles of Change: Reconstruction, Gender, and Public Life in Western Europe after the Two World Wars" Workshop. Harvard University: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies.

Pence, K. (2003, February 27). "Showcase Showdown: Consumption, Conflict and Citizenship in the Cold War Germanies". Dean’s Lecture Series: “Transnational Perspectives on Women and Gender: Historicizing Difference, Power, and Resistance". SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY

Pence, K. (2003, November 6). "Showing Off Socialism: East German Advertising in the 1950s and 1960s". "Selling Modernity: Advertising and Public Relations in Modern German History" Conference. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: McMaster University.

Pence, K. (2003, November 17). Commentator on the Paper by Jana Bruns "The Disobedient Maiden: Kristina Soederbaum Film Politics, and Womanhood". "Women and Society" Seminar. Columbia University, New York, NY

Pence, K. (2003, February 13). "'A World in Miniature’: East German Consumption at the Leipzig Trade Fair". CUNY Intellectual and Cultural History Seminar. New York, NY: CUNY Graduate Center.

Pence, K. (2002, October 4). Commentator on the Panel: "Modernity begins at Home: Domesticity, Consumers and Technology". 26th Annual German Studies Association Conference. San Diego, CA

Pence, K. (2002, April 9). "German Women as Cold War Consumers: The Politics of Shopping Between Citizenship and Deviance". German Study Group and Gender, Society and Politics Study Group. Harvard University: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies.

Pence, K. (2002, February 27). "Showcase Showdown: Consumption, Conflict and Citizenship in the Cold War Germanies". Visiting Scholar Luncheon. Harvard University: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies.

Pence, K. (2002, November 18). "Showcase Showdown: Gender and Consumption in Cold War Germany". "Women and Society" Seminar. New York, NY: Columbia University.

Pence, K. (2002, November 8). "Center and Periphery: Germany in the Age of Decolonization". Midwest German History Workshop. University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana

Pence, K. (2001, October 5). "German Modernities: Historicizing Concepts of Change and Continuity". 25th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Washington, DC

Pence, K. (2000, May 18). "'Erleichterung des Lebens der werktätigen Frau’: Paradoxes of Consumption in the DDR and BRD". "Politikgeschichte - Alltagsgeschichte – Lebensgeschichte: Figurationen 1938-1968: NS-Deutschland, DDR, BRD, und Österreich im Vergleich" Conference. Erfurt, Germany

Pence, K. (2000, October 5). "Consumer Culture in Twentieth-Century Germany". 24th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Houston, TX

Pence, K. (2000, October 5). "Showcasing Consumption to East German Women: The Leipzig and Hannover Trade Fairs in the 1950s and Popular Construction of Consumer Citizenship". 24th Annual German Studies Association Conference. Houston, TX

Pence, K. (2000, November 11). "East German Itineraries: Fantasies and Realities of Travel behind the 'Iron Curtain'". Midwest Graduate Seminar in German Studies. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Pence, K. (1999, June 4). "'Easing the Life of the Working Woman’ or Does Socialism Liberate Women from Shopping?: East German Consuming Women in the 1950s". "Breaking Boundaries": The 11th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. Rochester, New York

Pence, K. (1999, November 30). "Landscapes of Consumption: Defining German Internal and External Spaces". Midwest German History Workshop. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Pence, K. (1998, November 21). "Sexualities and Cold War Politics". Midwest German History Workshop. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Pence, K. (1998, October 8). "Value under the Rubble: Salvaging German Culture Through Postwar Exhibitions". 22nd Annual German Studies Association Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah

Pence, K. (1998, May 7). "'Herr Schimpf und Frau Schande’: Grenzgänger des Konsums im geteilten Berlin und die Politik des Kalten Krieges". "Berliner Krisen 1948:1958: Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur im Kalten Krieges" Conference. Zentrum fur Berlin-Studien, Berlin, Germany

Pence, K. (1997, September 25). "Consuming Socialism: Continuities and Contradictions in Building Socialist ‘Consumer Culture’ in the GDR 1948-1960". 21st Annual German Studies Association Conference. Washington, DC

Pence, K. (1997, September 29). "Building Socialist Consumption: The Handelsorganisation-HO". "Arbeiter in der SBZ/DDR 1945-1970" Conference. Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany: Institut zur Erforschung der Europäischen Arbeiterbewegung.

Pence, K. (1997, November 8). "Postwar Histories of Consumption". Midwest German History Workshop. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Pence, K. (1997, May 16). "From Rations to Fashions: The Politics of West German Consumption". "Geteilte Geschichte--A History Shared and Divided: The Two Germanies 1945-1990" Conference. Seattle, WA: University of Washington.

Pence, K. (1997, April 16). "'Schimpf und Schande': Negotiating a West Berlin Identity Through a State Campaign Against ‘Deviant’ Consumers". Third Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar in German History: "Germany Divided and United, 1945-1998". Washington, DC: German Historical Institute.

Pence, K. (1997, May 5). Participation in Roundtable: "Women in Contemporary Eastern Europe". "Thinking About Gender in the Social Sciences: Poland as a Case Study". Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.

Pence, K. (1996, June 7). "Shopping in Reconstruction Germany: State Regulation of Consumption and the Structuring of Women’s Daily Life". "Complicating Categories: Women, Gender and Difference": The 10th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Pence, K. (1994, October 31). "A Schaufensterbummel through the GDR: Reading the Texts of East German Consumer Culture". "What is the Text of the Text: Reading the Files of East German Bureaucracies" Conference. Washington DC: German Historical Institute.

Pence, K. (1993, June 30). "'The Bras that Fell from Heaven’: Gender and Material Culture in Postwar German Women’s Magazines". Midwest Graduate Seminar in German Studies. Goethe Institute, Chicago

Pence, K. (1993, April 2). "Popular Culture, Consumer Culture, and the Gendering of Cold War German Identities". Graduate Student Workshop on East German History. Harvard University: Center for European Studies.

Pence, K. (1993, May 31). "'The Bras that Fell from Heaven’: German Women Window Shopping for Postwar Utopias". 9th Bershire Conference on the History of Women. Poughkeepsie, NY: Vassar College.

Pence, K. (1992, June 30). "Ambivalence Toward ‘Americanization’ of German Women as an Indication of Anxiety about Reconstruction of the West German State, 1945-1953". Midwest Graduate Seminar in German Studies. Goethe Institute Chicago


Pence, K. (2025,October 18). Book Review of "African Students in East Germany, 1949-1975," By Sara Pugach, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2022.. German Studies Review.

Pence, K. (2025,September 18). Review of the book: Andrew Demshuk, Bowling for Communism: Urban Ingenuity at the End of East Germany (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020).. American Historical Review.

Pence, K. (2018,June 1). Review of the Book by Eli Rubin, Amnesiopolis: Modernity, Space, and Memory in East Germany (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016). Journal of Modern History.

Pence, K. (2014,December 1). Review of the Book by Edith Sheffer. Burned Bridge: How East and West Germans Made the Iron Curtain (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014). American Historical Review.

Pence, K. (2013,April 1). Review of the Book by Greg Castillo, Cold War on the Home Front: The Soft Power of Midcentury Design (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009). Slavic Review.

Pence, K. (1970,January 1). “Material Matters,” Review of the Book by Eli Rubin, Synthetic Socialism: Plastics and Dictatorship in the German Democratic Republic. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2008). Book Forum.

Pence, K. (2006,March 1). Review of the Book by Catherine Epstein, The Last Revolutionaries: German Communists and Their Century (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003). Journal of Modern History.

Pence, K. (2004,November 1). Review of the Books: Hartmut Berghoff et al. (Eds.), The Making of Modern Tourism: The Culture History of the British Experience, 1600-2000 (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2002) and Rudy Koshar (Ed.), Histories of Leisure (London: Berg, 2002).. Social History .

Pence, K. (2003,July 1). Review of the Book by Corey Ross, The East German Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives in the Interpretation of the GDR (London and New York: Edward Arnold Publishers, 2002). H-German, H-Net Reviews. Oxford: Oxford University Press .

Pence, K. (1997,January 1). Review of the Book by Michael Wildt, Am Beginn der ‘Konsumgesellschaft’ Mangelerfahrung,Lebenshaltung, Wohlstandshoffnoug in Westdeutschland in den fu¨nfziger Jahren (Ergebnisse Verlag, 1994). German History.

Pence, K. (1997,February 1). Review of the Book by Gitta Sereny, Albert Speer: His Battle with Truth (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995). The Midwestener .

Research Currently in Progess

Pence, K.(n.d.). “Partners in Progress”: Exhibiting German Masculinity, Modernity, and Cold War Competition to Decolonizing Africa. In Progress.

Second book project progress: archival research in 2003-12, published articles related to research, conference presentations related to research, book proposal completed, and funding of research

Pence, K.(n.d.). “Togolese Students in Altenkirchen: Local Civic Development Aid from a Rhineland Togo-Union”. In Progress.

In 1960, Altenkirchen City Councilman Otto Uhlmann (CDU) had the idea to bring students from the former German colony of Togo to his West German Westerwald region to study. Uhlmann founded an Altenkirchen Togo-Verein in 1961, built interest in Africa with exhibitions, film presentations, and other programs, and collected 100,000 DM from students, doctors and patients, local singing and sports unions, and civil servants. These funds enabled Uhlmann to personally select the first 12 students in Togo that year. Eventually 24 youths came to study. Women studied nursing and men apprenticed with craftsmen. Using Uhlmann’s book about the venture, local press, and interviews with original Togo-Verein members, this paper examines how local non-governmental actors became involved in philanthropic activism and development aid in decolonizing Africa. The mythologized legacy of Germany in Togo as a “model colony” was evident in this exchange, since the Rhineland press reported fond memories among the Togolese of German colonial rule, such as the supposed excitement of the Togolese students at the visit to Altenkirchen of Togo’s last German governor, 90-year-old Herzog Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg. Lingering racism was also evident in a newspaper series recounting comments by black students about, for example, how one German asked a Togolese student if his blood was red and others wondered if shaking hands would cause black skin to rub off on their white hands. Uhlmann also addressed this racism explicitly, noting that the visit of students aimed to help eliminate racist misconceptions. This initiative also demonstrated local awareness of national politics, since commentators used nationally-touted terminology about Germany’s “partnership” with Africa and debated how to best offer development aid. However, unlike federally-sponsored development aid, this initiative had less overt Cold War aims. Nor was it religiously motivated. The participants claimed a generous desire to be helpful. Some remained in touch with their apprentices and their offspring for decades, expressed genuine affection for them, and through these friendships worked to grapple with older racist stereotypes. Thus, this story highlights motivations and experiences of local German and African actors in complex interaction with these global transformations.

Pence, K.(n.d.). “Uhuru” for Berlin?: Willy Brandt’s Trip to Africa and the Cold War Discourse of Decolonization. In Progress.

Article to be submitted to peer-reviewed journal by May 2021

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
The East and West German Scramble for Africa: Exhibiting Cold War Competition in the Age of DecolonPSC-CUNY 4707/01/201606/30/201704/15/20163499.02Completed
The East and West German Scramble for Africa: Exhibiting Cold War Competition in the Age of DecolonPSC-CUNY 4507/01/201406/30/201504/15/20143500Completed
The east and west german scramble for africaPSC-CUNY 4307/01/201206/30/201304/17/20123990Completed
The East and West German Scramble for Africa: Exhibiting Cold War Competition in the Age of DecolonPSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20116000Completed
The East and West German Scramble for Africa: Exhibiting Cold War Competition in the Age of DecolonPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20103925Completed
EAST AND WEST GERMAN SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICAPSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20094140Completed
Bananas for Reconstructing Germany: German Reconstruction, Global Trade and Decolonization, 1952-1966PSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20082010Completed
Gender and Consumer Politics in Cold War GermanyCUNY Book Completion Award05/01/202004/30/202104/06/20206400Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Faculty Service Award for the Weissman School of Arts and SciencesBaruch College Alumni Association Incorporated 2015This award is in recognition of dedication to the students and mission of Baruch College over the years in ways that go beyond the normal responsibilities of a faculty member.
Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished TeachingBaruch College Office of the President2008$1500
Feliks Gross Endowment Award for Outstanding ResearchCUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences2007$500
Eugene M. Lang Junior Faculty Research Program AwardBaruch College/Lang Foundation2006Lang Fellowships are designed to encourage and assist Baruch's junior faculty members to develop and carry out scholarly research in their disciplines in furtherance of their academic careers. The goal of the program is to produce scholarly research that represents significant accomplishment.
Andrew W. Mellon Seminar Fellowship in the Humanities for the theme “Aftermaths” The Graduate Center-CUNY, The Center for the Humanities2006Year Long One-Course Release
Whiting Research Award for Excellence in TeachingBaruch College2005Semester Leave Fall 2005
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Award for Special Service to StudentsBaruch College2004$200
James Bryant Conant Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Minda de Gunzberg Center for European Studies, Harvard University2001-03-14
Friedrich Ebert Dissertation Research FellowshipFriedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, Germany 1995-04-05
Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies Dissertation Research FellowshipSocial Science Research Council (SSRC) 1993-04-14
Preliminary Exams Passed with DistinctionUniversity of Michigan, Department of History1993
Polish Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship at the University of Michigan1992-04-08
Polish Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship at the University of Michigan1991-04-17
Polish Summer Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Kosciuszko Language Program at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland 1991-04-03
Phi Beta KappaPomona College1990
Eda May Haskell Library Prize Pomona College1990
Pomona Scholar AwardPomona College1987


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Annual International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) at Monash and Warwick Universities Faculty LiaisonCampus OrganizerPresent
Women's and Gender Studies Minor and ProgramDirectorPresent
History Department Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
History Department Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Experiential and Community Engaged learning Working GroupCommittee MemberPresent
Administrative Reassigned Time (ART) Committee Working GroupCommittee MemberPresent
Search Committee for the Director of Experiential and Community Engaged LearningCommittee Member2/16/2024
Organizer of History Department talk by Prof. TJ Desch-Obi, "Fighting for Archives: Endangered Archives and Preserving the History of the Afro-Colombian Martial Arts" co-organized with the American Trust for the British LibraryOrganizer2/5/2024
Organizer of Student Prize Committees for the Baruch Research and Creative Inquiry ExpoCampus Organizer5/19/2023
Co-Organizer of the 3rd Annual Faculty Research SymposiumOrganizer and MC During Event3/31/2023
Campus Organizer of 9th Annual International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) at BaruchCampus Organizer9/29/2022
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) AllianceCommittee Member5/31/2022
Organizer of Faculty Workshops on Research in Undergraduate ClassroomsCampus Organizer5/13/2022
Campus Organizer of 8th Annual International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) at BaruchCampus Organizer9/23/2021
History Department Executive CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2021
Academic Affairs Diversity Advisory BoardCommittee Member12/31/2020
Campus Organizer of 7th Annual International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) at BaruchCampus Organizer9/24/2020
Public lecture: Dr. Ervand Abrahamian "Understanding the US-Iran Crisis" Organizer.2/27/2020
Campus Organizer of 6th Annual International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) at BaruchCampus Organizer9/26/2019
Baruch College Self Study, Working Group 4Committee Member3/31/2019
Macaulay Honors College Admissions CommitteeCommittee Member3/1/2019
Campus Organizer of 5th Annual International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) at BaruchCampus Organizer9/27/2018
Islamic World History Assistant Professor Search CommitteeHiring Manager4/30/2018
Advisor for History Major Jennifer Michael's Honor's Thesis on the Politics of Fascism Associated with Architect Philip Johnson4/30/2018
Colonial/Early Republic American Women's History Assistant Professor Search CommitteeHiring Manager4/30/2018
History Department External Review Self Study Primary Author3/31/2018
Macaulay Honors Admissions CommitteeCommittee Member2/28/2018
Schwartz Communication Institute Symposium on Communication-Intensive Teaching and Learning "Active Listening"Small Group Facilitator11/10/2017
Campus Organizer of 4th Annual International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) at BaruchCampus Organizer9/28/2017
CUNY Faculty Diversity DialogueAttendee, Meeting5/16/2017
High Impact Practices Steering CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2015
Weissman Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2015
CUNYFirst AmbassadorAdvisor on new online administrative system12/31/2015
Baruch Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) CommtiteeCommittee Member12/31/2015
Faculty Advisory Committee to the Schwartz Communication InstituteCommittee Member9/30/2015
Campus Organizer of 3rd Annual International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) at BaruchCampus Organizer9/24/2015
Campus Organizer of 2nd Annual International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) at BaruchCampus Organizer9/24/2015
Schwartz Communication Institute Symposium on Communication-Intensive Teaching and Learning "Design Thinking and Practice"Small Group Facilitator5/25/2015
Undergraduate Research and Civic Engagement Faculty Lunch Seminars, Presenter on "International Conference on Undergraduate Research, Fall 2015"Presenter4/23/2015
Macaulay Honors Admissions CommitteeCommittee Member3/31/2015
History Department Ad Hoc Strategic Planning CommitteeCommittee Chair3/31/2015
Women's History Month Baruch's Faculty Panel: Women in the WorkplaceAttendee, Meeting3/19/2015
Faculty Chaperone on Bus Trip to Seneca Falls Women's Rights National Historical Park for Women's History Month3/13/2015
Admitted Student Recruitment EventAttendee, Meeting2/26/2015
History Department Lecture OrganizerOrganizer of a talk for Black History Month by journalist Marcus Baram about his book, "Gil Scott-Heron: Pieces of a Man."2/24/2015
Women's History Month Committee, Student Life OfficeAttendee, Meeting1/6/2015
Organizer Book Celebration for Brigett Davis' novel Into the Go-Slow11/18/2014
Transgender Events Committee for Baruch Performing Arts Center SeriesCommittee Member9/30/2014
Faculty Search Procedures Review CommitteeCommittee Member7/31/2014
Department Chair's Handbook Draft ReaderFaculty Advisor7/29/2014
Latino Heritage Month Committee, Student Life OfficeAttendee, Meeting7/17/2014
Baruch College Sustainability CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2014
Latin American History Assistant Professor Search CommitteeCommittee Chair4/30/2014
Oral History, Research Ethics, and Institutional Research Board (IRB) Compliance Discussion featuring Farida Lada, University Director of Research ComplianceWorkshop Organizer4/24/2014
Baruch Associate Provost Search CommitteeCommittee Member3/31/2014
Undergraduate Recruitment EventPanel Presenter2/23/2014
Baruch College Learning Communities, Participant12/31/2013
Study Abroad in Poland for Winter Term Holocaust Course Planning CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2013
Civic Engagement InitiativeCommittee Member12/31/2013
History Club (Official club founded Spring 2005)Faculty Mentor12/31/2013
Baruch Summer Leadership Academy, Baruch Vice President for Student Affairs OfficeGuest Lecturer7/17/2013
East Asian/Southeast Asian History Faculty Search CommitteeCommittee Member4/30/2013
Russian/Eastern European/Jewish History Faculty Search CommitteeCommittee Chair4/30/2013
Ancient History Search CommitteeCommittee Member4/30/2013
Organizer and moderator of a panel discussion "Germany after 1945: A Society Confronts Antisemitism, Racism, and Neo-Nazism" A program to launch an exhibition by the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Berlin, Germany4/17/2013
Ad Hoc Pathways General Education Conference CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2012
Baruch Summer Leadership Academy, Baruch Vice President for Student Affairs OfficeGuest lecturer7/16/2012
"Professor Carol Berkin’s History: Stories from Over Three Decades of Writing and Teaching American Colonial and Women’s History at Baruch" A Talk and LuncheonOrganizer and Host11/10/2011
“Labor Unions and Education: Historical and Current Challenges for Teachers,” PanelOrganizer and Host5/10/2011
"Understanding the Democratic Upheaval in Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan," A Teach-In Discussion with Associate Professor of Political Science Dov Waxman and Distinguished Professor of History Ervand AbrahamianOrganizer 3/3/2011
Drafter of a proposal for an M.A. in Global History12/31/2010
Panel “Meet the Authors: Five New Books in American History and How they were Written” with Carol Berkin, Charlotte Brooks, Julie Des Jardins, Bert Hansen, T.J. Desch-Obi Organizer and Moderator5/12/2010
Baruch College Learning CommunitiesParticipant12/31/2009
History Department Executive CommitteeCommittee Member5/29/2009
Women's History Month Co-Organizer with Luz Rodriguez from Student Life12/31/2008
2nd History Club Scavenger Hunt, Faculty Advisor5/31/2008
Second Annual Women's Hall of Fame Dinner Party Co-Organizer3/25/2008
Baruch College Learning CommunitiesParticipant12/31/2007
Screening of “Full Disclosure: A Reporter’s Journal Toward Truth in Iraq,” A Documentary by Brian Palmer, former CNN correspondentOrganizer and host4/19/2007
Women’s History Month Panning Committee3/31/2007
Organizer of Annual Friedman Symposium: "The History of American Consumer Culture: From the Home to a Global Empire" featuring Victoria de Grazia (Columbia University) and Susan Strasser (University of Delaware)3/22/2007
Women’s Hall of Fame Dinner PartyInitiator and Co-organizer3/22/2007
Baruch College Learning CommunitiesParticipant12/31/2006
History Majors CoordinatorFaculty Advisor5/19/2006
"The Hows of Entering Graduate School... A Seminar" sponsored by the Baruch History ClubSpeaker2/23/2006
Women's Studies Minor Women's Studies Learning Goals Writer12/31/2005
Women's Studies MinorWomen's Studies Model Capstone Syllabus Writer and Organizer12/31/2005
Weissman Research and Travel CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2005
Women's Studies MinorWomen's Studies Brochure Designer12/31/2005
1st History Club Scavenger Hunt Faculty Advisor5/31/2005
History Department Executive CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2005
Women's History Month Co-Organizer (With Carol Berkin)3/31/2005
"The History and Future of Women's Studies" Women's Studies Program Launch Panel Studies ProgramChair and Organizer3/21/2005
"The History and Future of Women's Studies" Women's Studies ProgramLaunch Panel Chair and Organizer3/21/2005
Andrew Bergerson (University of Missouri-Kansas City) “The Myth of Normalcy: Ordinary Germans & the Origins of the Holocaust" LectureOrganizer and Host3/8/2005
Weissman Committee on Undergraduate Academic StandingCommittee Member12/31/2004
Baruch College Learning CommunitiesParticipant12/31/2004
Baruch College Learning Communities ProjectParticipant12/31/2004
“Teaching Large Classes”Faculty Development Session Presenter1/24/2004
History Department Curriculum Committee12/31/2003
History Department Planning Committee12/31/2003
Teach-In: “Iraq: Anatomy of a Crisis” part of the Historians Against the War National Teach-In ProjectInitiator, Organizer, and Participant4/8/2003
“Teach-In on War in Iraq” Sponsored by the History Department and the Philosophy ClubParticipant2/27/2003


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Women's Studies GroupAttendee, Meeting12/1/2014Present
CUNY Undergraduate Research Council (CURC)Committee Member11/28/20225/31/2022
CUNY University Faculty SenateUniversity Senate Service7/1/20146/30/2017
CUNY University Faculty SenateUniversity Senate Service9/1/20106/30/2014
2014 CUNY Faculty Leadership AcademyWorkshop participant3/26/20145/7/2014
Graduate Student Conference, "Charting New Historical Trajectories"Commentator for the Panel: "Fighting for Consensus: The Complicated Legacies of Empire"3/28/20143/28/2014
CUNY German History WorkshopWorkshop Organizer4/17/201310/25/2013
Dissertation Committee Member for Anton MasterovoyCommittee Member1/1/20098/30/2013
CUNY History Discipline Council Committee Member1/1/201112/31/2012
CUNY University Faculty Senate General Education Reform CommitteeAttendee, Meeting1/1/20114/30/2011
CUNY Intellectual and Cultural History SeminarParticipant1/1/200212/31/2010
PSC-CUNY grant applicationsReviewer12/31/2006
PSC-CUNY grant applicationsReviewer12/31/2003


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Columbia University "Women and Society" SeminarMember1/1/2002PresentRegional
Freshman PACE Introduction to the College Experience Course InstructorInstructorMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
German Studies Review Journal of the German Studies Association, Editorial Review BoardBoard MemberNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
Dissertation Committee Member for University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Student Jeffrey Hayton for the dissertation “Culture from the Slums: Punk Rock, Authenticity, and Alternative Culture in East and West Germany”Committee MemberIllinoisUnited StatesPresentNational
German Studies Association Program Committee, 20th/21st Century History Session CoordinatorProgram OrganizerNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
University of Michigan History Department Women’s Caucus LiaisonCommittee MemberMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
Adrian College Association of Professors (ACAP) Adrian College Faculty Union At-Large RepresentativeCommittee MemberMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
Adrian College Planning Committee SecretaryOfficer, SecretaryMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
German Studies Association Task Force on Recent PhDsCommittee MemberNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
McNair Faculty Mentor for Minority Students, Adrian CollegeStudent MentorMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
Adrian College Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual AllianceFaculty MentorMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
Gender Issues Committee, Adrian CollegeCommittee MemberMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
Women’s Leadership Day Planning Committee, Adrian CollegeCommittee MemberMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
Women’s Studies Program Task Force Coordinator, Adrian CollegeProgram OrganizerMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
Service Learning Committee, Adrian CollegeCommittee MemberMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
Comparative Studies of Social Transformation Steering Committee, University of MichiganGraduate Student LiaisonMichiganUnited StatesPresentLocal
German Women's History Study GroupMemberNew York1/1/2002Present
German Studies Review Journal of the German Studies AssociationEditorial Review Board Member1/1/201112/31/2017
Graduate Student Article Prize committee for the Journal of Women's History awarded at the Berkshire Conference of Women's HistoryCommittee Member10/1/20166/4/2017
Graduate Student Article Prize committee member for the Journal of Women's History awarded at the Berkshire Conference of Women's HistoriansCommittee MemberNew YorkUnited States10/1/20166/4/2017International
Dissertation Committee Member for Harvard University Student Colleen AndersonCommittee MemberMassachusetts3/2/20174/25/2017National
Dissertation Committee Member for Harvard University Student Colleen Anderson for the dissertation “‘Two Kinds of Infinity’: East Germany, West Germany, and the Cold War Cosmos, 1945-1995”Committee MemberMassachusettsUnited States3/2/20174/25/2017National
Dissertation Committee Member for NYU Student Laura Honsberger for the dissertation “‘Rendezvous with Moscow’: The Soviet Union in East German Popular Culture, 1961-1989”Committee MemberNew YorkUnited States4/22/2014Regional
Dissertation Committee Member for NYU Student Laura HonsbergerCommittee Member1/1/20134/22/2014
Dissertation Committee Member for University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Student Jeffrey Hayton1/1/201112/31/2012
University of Chicago PressReviewer, Book12/31/2010
German Studies Association Program Committee, 20th/21st Century History Session CoordinatorCommittee Member9/1/200812/31/2009International
German Studies Association Task Force on Recent PhDsTask Force Member12/31/2006
NYU Remarque Institute SeminarMember1/1/200412/31/2006
Central European History JournalReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2005
“Reading W.G. Sebald’s Austerlitz: The Architecture of Memory,” 13th Annual Workshop of the Northeast Working Group on German Women’s History and CultureProgram OrganizerNew YorkUnited States3/5/20053/7/2005Regional
“Reading W.G. Sebald’s Austerlitz: The Architecture of Memory,” 13th Annual Workshop of the Northeast Working Group on German Women’s History and Culture Program Organizer3/5/20053/7/2005
Transnational European History Seminar, Fordham and Yeshiva UniversitiesMember1/1/200212/31/2004
Historians Against the War (HAW)Member1/1/200312/31/2004
University of Michigan PressReviewer, Book12/31/2003
“Gender and Consumption in Modern Germany,” 12th Annual Workshop of the Northeast Working Group on German Women’s History and Culture, New York UniversityProgram OrganizerNew YorkUnited States4/4/20034/5/2003Regional
“Gender and Consumption in Modern Germany,” 12th Annual Workshop of the Northeast Working Group on German Women’s History and Culture Co-Compiler of readings and participant4/4/20034/5/2003
Women’s Studies Program Task Force Coordinator, Adrian CollegeTrack Organizer1/1/199812/31/2000
ACAP Adrian College Faculty Union At-Large RepresentativeMember12/31/2000
Adrian College Planning Committee SecretaryOfficer, Secretary12/31/2000
Global Issues Committee, Adrian CollegeCommittee Member1/1/199812/31/2000
Adrian College Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Alliance Faculty Mentor1/1/199812/31/2000
Women’s Leadership Day Planning Committee, Adrian CollegeCommittee Member1/1/199812/31/2000
Gender Issues Committee, Adrian CollegeCommittee Member1/1/199812/31/2000
McNair Faculty Mentor for Minority Students, Adrian College1/1/199912/31/2000
Freshman PACE Introduction to the College Experience Course Instructor, Adrian College1/1/199912/31/2000
Service Learning Committee, Adrian CollegeCommittee Member12/31/1999
Co-Organizer, International Week, Adrian CollegeProgram Organizer10/18/199910/22/1999
International Week, Adrian CollegeProgram OrganizerMichiganUnited States10/18/199910/22/1999Local
Comparative Studies of Social Transformation Steering Committee, Graduate Student Liaison, University of Michigan 1/1/199312/31/1995
Ostberliner Geschichtswerkstatt (East Berlin History Workshop)Member1/1/199312/31/1995
University of Michigan History Department Women’s Caucus LiaisonCommittee Member1/1/199212/31/1993


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
New Explorations into Science Technology and Math PTA Whole Child Committee Co-ChairCommittee ChairNew York9/1/2015PresentLocal
Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts Math Twice Exceptional w/Focus on ADHD Guiding TeamCommittee MemberNew YorkPresentLocal
New Explorations into Science Technology and Math Public School PTA Anti-Racism CommitteeCommittee ChairNew YorkUnited States5/1/202012/31/2021
New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math (NEST+M) Pubilc School Whole Child CommitteeCommittee MemberNew York11/1/201412/31/2015
New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math (NEST+M) Public School Leadership Team School Culture CommitteeCommittee MemberNew York3/19/20156/30/2015
New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math (NEST+M) Enrichment Cluster Instructor for "Ancient Egypt Museum"Weekly Instructor New York4/17/20156/17/2015
Baruch College and Leo Baeck Institute Public Conference on German-Jewish Immigration to New York CityProgram OrganizerNew YorkUnited States5/5/20115/5/2011Local
“Cold War American Culture” Teacher Development Seminar, Facing HistoryGuest Speaker5/12/2007
Historians Against the War National Teach-In Project Coordinator: “Iraq: Anatomy of a Crisis, April 9/10, 2003” Program Organizer4/9/20034/10/2003