Judith Kafka

Judith Kafka


Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Department: Public Affairs

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: judith.kafka@baruch.cuny.edu

Judith Kafka uses a historical lens to examine the social, political, and institutional forces that shape American schooling. Her research focuses on urban education from the postwar era through today, and she is particularly interested in the ways in which educational policies serve to both interrupt and reinforce social and economic inequalities.

Dr. Kafka’s book, The History of ‘Zero Tolerance’ in American Public Schooling (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), explores the intersection of race, politics, and bureaucracy in the context of school discipline, using the case of the Los Angeles City School District. Her scholarship has appeared in the Handbook of Research on Teaching (AERA, 2016), History of Education QuarterlyAmerican Journal of Education, Peabody Journal of Education, and Teachers College Record. She is currently at work on a history of race, space and schooling in Brooklyn, from the nineteenth century through today.

Dr. Kafka teaches courses on school reform and education policy and is an active member of the History of Education Society and Division F (History and Historiography) and Division L (Education Policy and Politics) of the American Educational Research Association.

Dr. Kafka received her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley.


Ph.D., Educational Policy, Univ. of CA, Berkeley

M.A., Education, Univ. of CA, Berkeley

B.A., History, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024UED90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2023UED90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2023UED80100Independent Reading & Research
Fall 2022PAF9318Educational Policy
Fall 2022PAF3710Reforming Education
Fall 2021UED70200Historical Contexts Urban Ed
Fall 2021UED80100Independent Reading & Research
Spring 2021PAF9318Educational Policy
Fall 2020PAF3710Reforming Education
Fall 2020UED70200Historical Contexts Urban Ed
Fall 2019PAF9318Educational Policy
Fall 2019PAF3710Reforming Education
Spring 2019PAF3710Reforming Education
Fall 2018PAF9318Educational Policy
Fall 2018PAF3710Reforming Education
Spring 2018IDC4001HHon NY In 21st Cent
Spring 2018PAF3710Reforming Education
Fall 2017PAF9318Educational Policy
Fall 2017PAF3710Reforming Education
Fall 2016PAF3710Reforming Education
Fall 2016PAF9318Educational Policy
Fall 2016PAF9310LSchool Leadership and Org Mgmt
Spring 2016UED73200School Choice
Spring 2016PAF3710Reforming Education
Fall 2015PAF9318Educational Policy
Fall 2015PAF6002HHonors Thesis
Fall 2015PAF3710Reforming Education
Fall 2014PAF3710Reforming Education
Fall 2014PAF9318Educational Policy
Fall 2014PAF93180Educational Policy
Spring 2013PAF9318Educational Policy
Spring 2013PAF3710Reforming Education
Fall 2012PAF9180Policy Analysis
Fall 2012PAF4401Capstone
Fall 2012MALS79000Thesis/Final Project Research
Spring 2012PAF9318Educational Policy
Fall 2011PAF9180Policy Analysis
Fall 2011PAF4401Capstone
Spring 2011PAF9321Educational Leadership Interns
Spring 2011PAF4401Capstone
Fall 2010PAF9320Educational Leadership Interns
Spring 2010PAF9321Educational Leadership Interns
Spring 2010PAF9314Strategies in Classroom Manag
Spring 2010PAF9310Schl Ldrshp & Organizl Mgmt
Fall 2009PAF9320Educational Leadership Interns
Fall 2009PAF9310Schl Ldrshp & Organizl Mgmt
Fall 2009PAF9310Schl Ldrshp & Organizl Mgmt
Fall 2008PAF9320Educational Leadership Interns
Fall 2008PAF9320Educational Leadership Interns
Fall 2008PAF9310Schl Ldrshp & Organizl Mgmt
Fall 2008PAF9310Schl Ldrshp & Organizl Mgmt
Spring 2008PAF9321Educational Leadership Interns
Spring 2008PAF9309Instructional Leadership
Fall 2007PAF9320Educational Leadership Interns
Fall 2007PAF9309Instructional Leadership
Summer 2007PAF9399Selected Topics in Educational
Spring 2007PAF9399Selected Topics in Educational
Spring 2007PAF9321Educational Leadership Interns
Spring 2007PAF9318Educational Policy
Spring 2007PAF9318Educational Policy
Fall 2006PAF9309Instructional Leadership
Fall 2006PAF9320Educational Leadership Interns
Fall 2006PAF9309Instructional Leadership
Spring 2006PAF9318Educational Policy
Spring 2006PAF9318Educational Policy
Spring 2006PAF9320Educational Leadership Interns
Fall 2005PAF9309Instructional Leadership
Fall 2005PAF9309Instructional Leadership
Spring 2005PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2005PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Spring 2005PAF9320Educational Leadership Interns
Fall 2004PAF9309Instructional Leadership
Fall 2004PAF9309Instructional Leadership


Kafka, J. (2011). The History of "Zero Tolerance" in American Public Schooling. New York, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal Articles

(2023). Happiness Oriented Parents: An Alternative Perspective on Privilege and Choosing Schools. American Journal of Education, 129(2). 145-176. In Progress.

(2023). Growing up Together: Brooklyn's Truant School and the Carceral and Educational State, 1857-1924. Journal of Urban History,

(2023). Interest Convergence and Market-based School Reform: The Promise and Limits of Using Controlled Choice to Desegregate Schools. The Urban Review,

Kafka, J., & Matheny, C. (2022). Racial Integration, White Appropriation, and School Choice: The Demise of the Colored Schools of late Nineteenth Century Brooklyn. Journal of Urban History, 48(1). 35-62.

(2022). When Information Isn't Enough: School Choice, Segregation and the Elusive Notion of Fit. Teachers College Record, 124(4). 95-123.

Kafka, J., & Matheny, C. (2021). Boundary Matters: Uncovering the Hidden History of New York City’s School Subdistrict Lines. AERA Open, (7).

Jewett, P. I., Gangnon, R., Kafka, J., Areba, E., Malecki, K., & Borowsky, I. W. (2021). Weapon-Carrying among Boys in US Schools by Race/Ethnicity: 1993-2019. Pediatrics, 148(1).

Waisanen, D., & Kafka, J. (2020). Conflicting Purposes in U.S. School Reform: The Paradoxes of Arne Duncan's Educational Rhetoric. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 23(4). 637-674.

(2009). "Shifting Authority: Teachers' Role in the Bureaucratization of School Discipline in Postwar Los Angeles". History of Education Quarterly, 49(3). 211-246.

(2009). "The Principalship in Historical Perspective". Peabody Journal of Education, 84(3). 318-330.

(2008). "Disciplining Youth, Disciplining Women: Motherhood, Delinquency and Race in Postwar American Schooling". Educational Studies, 44(3). 197-221.

(2008). "'Sitting on a Tinderbox': Racial Conflict, Teacher Discretion and the Centralizatin of Disciplinary Authority". American Journal of Education, 114(3). 247-270.

(2008). "Thinking Big about Getting Small: An Ideological History of Small School Reform". Teachers College Record , 110(9). 1802-1836.

(2003). "Looking at a Student Work for Teacher Learning, Teacher Community and School Reform". Phi Delta Kappan, 85(3). pp.184-192.

(1997). "Action, Reaction and Interaction: Slave Women in Resistance in the South of San Domingue, 1793-94". Slavery and Abolition, 18(2). pp.48-72.

Book Chapters

Kafka, J. (2024). The Myth of Declining Student Behavior. 23 Myths about the History of American Schools: What the Truth Can Tell Us and Why It Matters (pp. 61-72). New York, New York. Teachers College Press.

Kafka, J. (2019). Inequality in Education. In Rury, J., & Tamura, E. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Education (pp. 335-354). New York. Oxford University Press.

Kafka, J. (2018). Institutional Theory and the History of District-level School Reform: A Reintroduction. The Shifting Landscape of the American School District: Race, Class, Geography, and the Perpetual Reform of Local Control 1935-2015 (pp. 223-237). New York. Peter Lang.

Kafka, J. (2016). In Search of a Grand Narrative: The Turbulent History of Teaching. Handbook on the Research of Teaching, Fifth Edition (pp. 69-126). Washington, D.C.. American Educational Research Association.

Kafka, J. (2015). Bureaucratizing from the Bottom Up: The Centralization of School Discipline Policy in the United States. Education and the State: International Perspectives on a Changing Relationship (pp. 121-137). Oxford/New York,U.K./U.S.A.. Routledge.

Media Contributions

Wilson, A., & Kafka, J. (2022). NYC Middle Schools Shouldn't Pick their Students, (October 25).

Kafka, J., & Matheny, C. (2020). "The Colored People Have Dispersed": Race, Space and Schooling in Late-19th Century Brooklyn on Gotham Center's Blog..

Kafka, J. (2020). Interview on Have You Heard podcast.

Roda, A., & Kafka, J. (2019). How G&T programs hurt NYC: They create a climate of scarcity and drive segregation inside the system.

Roda, A., & Kafka, J. (2019). Gifted and Talented Programs Are Not the Path to Equity.

Kafka, J. (2017). Order in the Classroom: From Hall Monitors to Handcuffs, Interview segment on NPR's 1A.

Kafka, J. (2016). A Brief History of School Discipline: Interview with APM Reports.

Kafka, J. (2012). Sunday Dialog: Schools for Rich and Poor.

Kafka, J. (2007). "It's Guns, Not School Size".


Kafka, J. (2025, October 18). Growing Up Together: Brooklyn’s Truant School and the Carceral and Educational State, 1857-1924 . Biannual Meeting of the Urban History Association. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Urban History Association.

Kafka, J. (2025, November 18). Jonna Perrillo’s Educating the Enemy: Teaching Nazis and Mexicans in the Cold War Borderlands. History of Education Society. Baltimore

Kafka, J. (2025, November 18). Schooling and the Carceral State. History of Education Society. Baltimore

Kafka, J. (2025, November 18). Social Impact Panel. SEEK. : Baruch College.

Kafka, J., Debs, M., Makris, M., & Roda, A. (2025, September 18). Happiness Oriented Parents: An Alternative Perspective on Privilege and Choosing Schools. : Yale University, Education Studies.

Kafka, J., & Lewis, H. (2025, April 18). NYC’s Entwined History of Housing & Educational Segregation Formative Highlights from the Late 19th and 20th Centuries. Designing Education Symposium, Presented by The Desegregation Think Tank. Virtual: Pratt Institute School of Architecture.

Kafka, J. (2025, April 18). Fireside Chat: A Big Tent, Educational Policy from Diverse Standpoints. American Education Research Association, Division L. San Diego

Kafka, J. (2025, March 18). The Twisted Histories of U.S. Schools and Prisons. : Wesleyan University, College of Education Studies.

Kafka, J., & Matheny, C. (2025, March 18). Boundary Matters: Uncovering the Hidden History of New York City’s School Subdistrict Lines. : New York City Independent Budget Office.

Debs, M., Kafka, J., Makris, M., & Roda, A. (2025, April 18). Striving for Happy: Privileged Parents and the Social-Emotional Purposes of Schooling. American Education Research Association. San Diego

Kafka, J. (2025, November 18). HES Graduate Student Council Presents: Historians as Co-authors. History of Education Society. Baltimore

Kafka, J. (2025, June 18). Historical Perspectives on Educational Justice and Injustice. Just Education Policy Institute. virtual

Kafka, J. (2021, October 31). Threading the Needle: Balancing Core Competencies with Specializations in Undergraduate Public Affairs Education. NASPAA Annual Conference.

Kafka, J. (2021, April 30). “The Social Construction of “Fit”: School Choice, Segregation and the Limits of the Market Model. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. Virtual: AERA.

Kafka, J. (2021, November 30). “An Institution for Confinement, Betterment, and Education”: The Truant School and the Carceral Continuum in Progressive Era Brooklyn. History of Education Society Annual Meeting. San Diego: History of Education Society.

Kafka, J. (2019, April 30). Choice, Opportunity Hoarding, and the Social Construction of School Quality. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, CA: American Education Research Association.

Kafka, J. (2019, November 30). Boundaries or Borders? Tracing the History of Brooklyn’s District Lines. History of Education Society Annual Meeting. Columbus, OH: History of Education Society.

Kafka, J., & Waisanen, D. (2018, April 30). Education as a Civic Marketplace: The Political Rhetoric of Arne Duncan. American Educational Research Association Conference. New York, NY: AERA.

Kafka, J., & Matheny, C. (2018, December 31). Space, Place, and Student Enrollment in Brooklyn’s Colored School No. 1, 1882-1900. History of Education Society Annual Meeting. Albuquerque: History of Education Society.

Kafka, J. (2018, December 31). "Their Hearts Are in the Right Place": School Segregation and Opportunity Hoarding in Brooklyn. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New York: American Educational Research Association.

Kafka, J. (2017, December 31). District Schools without District Boundaries: School Choice, Local Control, and the “Colored” Schools of Nineteenth Century Brooklyn. History of Education Society Annual Meeting. Little Rock, Arkansas: History of Education Society.

Kafka, J. (2016, April 30). In Search of a Grand Narrative: The Turbulent History of Teaching. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: American Education Research Association.

Kafka, J. (2015, July 31). Education and American Pluralism. MultiInternational Institute of American Studies. NYU: New York University.

Kafka, J. (2014, November 30). What’s the Right Unit of Analysis? Institutional Theory and District Reform. Annual Meeting of the History of Education Society. Indianapolis, Indiana

Kafka, J. (2014, October 31). “'Zero Tolerance' in School Discipline: Where Did It Come from and Where Is It Going?". Invited Lecture. : Syracuse University.

Kafka, J. (2013, November 6). Zero Tolerance Discipline and the Centralization of Educational Authority, or Why Don’t Teachers Make the Rules Anymore?. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Graduate School of Education.

Kafka, J. (2013, April 30). Historical Perspectives on Teaching. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco: American Educational Research Association.

Kafka, J. (2013, November 30). Searching for a Grand Narrative: Using the Instructional Triangle to Review Research on the History of Teaching. Annual Meeting of the History of Education Society. Nashville, TN: History of Education Society.

Kafka, J. (2012, April 30). The Politics of Institutional Change: Institutional Theory and the Case of School Discipline. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, BC

Kafka, J. (2012, November 30). Politics and Institutional Change in American Schooling. Annual Meeting of the History of Education Society. Seattle, WA

Kafka, J. (2012, November 30). Manager, Politician, Entrepreneur, Educator: The Role of the Principals in the Context of Choice-based School Desegregation in the 1970s. Annual Meeting of the History of Education Society. Seattle, WA

Kafka, J. (2011, November 30). Leading in a Time of Racial Conflict: The Role of School Principals in the 1960s and 70s. Annual Meeting of the History of Education Society. Chicago, IL: History of Education Society.

Kafka, J. (2011, September 30). When the State Follows its Institutions: School Discipline Policy in the United States. Education and the State. Zurich, Switzerland: University of Zurich.

Kafka, J. (2008, April 30). ‘Cracking Down’ in the 1970s: Shifting School Discipline away from the Schools. Politics, Activism and the History of America’s Public Schools Conference Marking the 40th Anniversary of Michael B. Katz’s The Irony of Early School Reform. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.

Kafka, J. (2008, October 31). The Principalship in Historical Perspective (Presented in absentia). History of Education Society Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL: History of Education Society.

Kafka, J. (2008, March 31). How NYC Principals and Schools Are Rated in the New Model of Accountability. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New York City: American Educational Research Association.

Kafka, J. (2007, April 30). From 'Vipers' to 'Victims'; Motherhood, Delinquency and School Discipline in Postwar America. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL: American Educational Research Association.

Kafka, J. (2007, August 31). Disciplining Youth, Disciplining Women: Motherhood, Delinquency and the Organization of Schooling in Postwar America. Social Studies Department Professional Development Seminar/ Invited talk. New York City: Stuyvesant High School.

Kafka, J. (2006, April 30). Centralizing Authority: The Bottom-Up Bureaucratization of School Discipline in the Los Angeles City School District, 1967-1975. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Education Research Association.

Kafka, J. (2006, June 30). From Social Movement to Public Policy: An Ideological History of Samll School Reform. Policy History Conference. Charlottesville, VA: Journal of Policy History.

Kafka, J. (2006, April 30). "Thinking Big About Getting Small: A Genealogy of Small School Reform". American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. : American Education Research Association.

Kafka, J. (2005, November 30). Something Ought to Be Done about Johnny': Motherhood, Delinquency, and School Discipline in the Poswar Era. History of Education Society Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD: History of Education Society.

Kafka, J. (2004, March 31). We Can Do More With a Boy Before He is Whipped Than We Can After': Discipline and Social Control in American Public Schools, 1790-1950. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA: American Education Research Association.

Kafka, J. (2004, November 30). Disciplinary Dialectics: Race, Rights, and Punishment Post-Brown. History of Education Society Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO: History of Education Society.

Kafka, J. (2003, October 31). Condition of Control: The Bureaucratization of School Discipline in the Los Angeles City Schools, 1956-1959. History of Education Society Annual Meeting. Evanston, IL: History of Education Society.

Warren Little, J., Gearhart, M., Curry, M., & Kafka, J. (2002, April 30). Looking at Student Work for Teacher Learning and School Reform: A Review of Practice and Research. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA: American Education Research Association.

Gearhart, M., Warren Little, J., Curry, M., & Kafka, J. (2002, April 30). Looking at Student Work: Locating Opportunities for Teacher Learning in the Context of Practice. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA: American Education Research Association.

Other Scholarly Works

Kafka, J., & Shipps, D. (2009). Introduction to the Special Issue on the New Politics of Educational Leadership. 84(3), 279-282.

Woody, E., Buttles, M., Kafka, J., Park, S., & Russell, J. (2004). Voices form the Field: Educators Respond to Accountability.


Kafka, J. (2020,May 1). Ansley T. Erickson and Ernest Morrell (Eds.). Educating Harlem: A Century of Schooling and Resistance in a Black Community. History of Education Quarterly.

Kafka, J. (2005,April 1). Ron Miller. Free Schools, Free People: Education and Democracy after the 1960s; Richard Neumann. Sixties Legacy: A History of the Public Alternative Schools Movement, 1967-2000. History of Education.

Kafka, J. (2004,April 1). Brown v. Board of Education: A Civil Rights Milestone and Its Troubled Legacy. Educational Studies .


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Educational Policy CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Bachelor of Science in Public AffairsFaculty DirectorPresent
Student Disciplinary CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Learner Success LabCommittee MemberPresent
Continuing Students Scholarship CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Bachelor of Science in Public AffairsFaculty DirectorPresent
Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Search for Assistant Professor in Higher Education Committee Chair4/1/2022
Grant Selection Committee, Howard J. Samuels State and City Policy CenterCommittee Member7/31/2021
Search Committee for Undergraduate AdvisorCommittee Member12/31/2020
School of Public Affairs Assessment CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2020
Middle States Self Study Working Group 1Committee Chair6/30/2020
Search Committee Higher EducationCommittee Member3/31/2018
Faculty Coordinator CAEP accreditation6/30/2017
Search Committee, Assessment Coordinator position Committee Member12/31/2014
Search Committee Methods LecturerCommittee Member12/31/2014
Director of Learning Assurance for School of Public Affairs8/31/2013
School of Public Affairs Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member6/30/2013
Search Committee, Lecturer Position for Quantitative MethodsCommittee Member5/31/2013
School of Public Affairs Research CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2012
Committee on Undergraduate Learning Goals and AssessmentCommittee Chair5/31/2011
Search Committee, Tenure Track Position in Higher EducationCommittee Member12/31/2010
School of Public Affairs WeekSession Moderator3/31/2010
School of Public Affairs Executive CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2009
Board of Directors of the Baruch College AssociationCommittee Member12/31/2008
Committee on the LibraryCommittee Member5/31/2008
School of Public Affairs WeekSession Moderator3/31/2008
"Lack of Access: Barriers to Higher Education" Conference Sponsored by School of Public AffairsSession Moderator10/31/2007
School of Public Affairs, Education Programs Review CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2007
School of Public Affairs, Search CommitteeEducational Leadership Senior Faculty Position5/31/2006


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Dissertation CommitteesCommittee Member1/1/2015Present
Executive Committee, Urban EducationCommittee Member8/1/20206/30/2023
CUNY Interdisciplinary Research Grant Proposal ReviewersGrant Proposal Reviewer, Internal1/1/201712/31/2018
University Faculty SenateUniversity Senate Service5/1/20176/30/2018
PSC-CUNY Grant Awards Review Committee - EducationCommittee Member3/1/20135/31/2013


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
NASPAA Committee on Undergraduate EducationCommittee Member1/1/2020Present
Education ResearcherReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2019Present
History of Education QuarterlyReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2004Present
American Education Research AssociationReviewer, Conference Paper1/1/2004Present
Teachers College RecordReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2008Present
American Journal of EducationReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2008Present
American Education Research JournalReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2010Present
Education StudiesReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2012Present
The Urban ReviewReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2016Present
History of Education SocietyReviewer, Conference Paper1/1/2017Present
American Education Research Association, Division LConference-Related1/1/2017Present
American Education Research Association, Division FConference-Related1/1/2017Present
Various Book PublishersReviewer, Book1/1/2019Present
History of Education Society, Space and Place Affinity GroupCommittee Chair1/1/202112/31/2023
AERA, Division FProgram Organizer1/1/201812/31/2019
AERA, Division FMentoring Seminar Chair1/1/201712/31/2018
American Education Research Association, Division FConference-Related1/1/201712/31/2018
AERA, Division FOfficer, Secretary1/1/201412/31/2016
American Education Research Association, Division F, Nominating CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/201412/31/2016
American Education Research Association, Division FOfficer, Secretary4/1/20144/30/2016
Dissertation Committee Member at NYUCommittee Member12/31/2015
Brushes With History: History of Art Education ConferenceConference-Related11/30/2015
History of Education Quarterly Editorial BoardMember1/1/201212/31/2014
History of Education Society Book Prize CommitteeCommittee Chair1/1/201312/31/2013
History of Education Society Book Prize CommitteeMember1/1/201112/31/2012
Politics in Education Association Special Issue1/1/200812/31/2008


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Academic Board, International Standing Conference for the History of EducationMember1/1/200712/31/2008
Annual Meeting of the History of Education SocietySession ChairOhio10/31/2007
Annual Meeting of the History of Education SocietySession ChairCanada10/31/2006
Graduate School of Education Academic Review CommitteeStudent Representative9/1/20024/30/2003
Policy, Organization, Measurement and Evaluation faculty committee, Graduate School of Education Academic Review Committee, Univeristy of California, BerkeleyStudent Representative9/1/20013/31/2002
Dan Siegel, President of Oakland Unified School District School BoardResearch Associate and Policy Analyst3/1/20009/30/2001
Crucial Issuaes in California Education 2000, Policy Analysis for California Education, University of California, BerkeleyCopy Editor3/31/2000