John S Gosnell

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Natural Sciences

Areas of expertise:

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Stephen’s work focuses on understanding the mechanisms that drive patterns in diversity (including impacts of human activities), how diversity impacts ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services, and how ecology can inform, motivate, and learn from management actions. In order to consider these issues across multiple scales, his lab employs and connects field, lab, and quantitative techniques in various communities.  Most of the lab’s field projects focus on understanding, restoring, and conserving coastal and aquatic communities in the Hudson River watershed (e.g., oyster reefs, salt marshes, tidal marshes, rivers), while computational work explore diversity patterns and impacts using big-data (focal areas include kelp and rain forests) and model development.  He is also interested in communicating research findings to stakeholders and finding ways to connect education and research.


Ph.D., Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara CA

M.A., Statistics, University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara CA

M.A., Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara CA

B.S., Biological Sciences, Clemson University Clemson SC

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Summer 2024ENV1003Fundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2024ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Spring 2024ENV2100Biostatistics
Spring 2024BIO2100Biostatistics
Fall 2023BIOL78001Mathematical Biology: Lecture
Fall 2023BIOL78002Mathematical Biology: Lab
Fall 2023ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Summer 2023ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2023ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2023ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2023ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Spring 2023BIO3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2023BIO3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2023ENV3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2023ENV3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2023ENV5001Independent Study ENV II
Fall 2022BIOL78002Mathematical Biology: Lab
Fall 2022BIOL78001Mathematical Biology: Lecture
Fall 2022ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Fall 2022ENV2100Biostatistics
Fall 2022ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Fall 2022BIO2100Biostatistics
Summer 2022ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2022ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Summer 2022ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Spring 2022BIOL78002Mathematical Biology: Lab
Spring 2022ENV5000HHon Independent Study ENV I
Spring 2022ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Spring 2022ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Spring 2022ENV2100Biostatistics
Spring 2022BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Spring 2022BIO2100Biostatistics
Spring 2022BIOL78001Mathematical Biology: Lecture
Fall 2021BIOL90000Dissertation Supervision
Summer 2021ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2021ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2021ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Spring 2021ENV3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2021BIO3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2021BIO3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2021ENV3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2021BIOL90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2021ENV4900Capstone: Env Scienc
Spring 2021ENV4900Capstone: Env Scienc
Spring 2021ENV5001Independent Study ENV II
Spring 2021ENV6002HHonors - ENV II
Fall 2020ENV6001HHonors - ENV I
Fall 2020ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2020BIO2100Biostatistics
Fall 2020BIO5001Independent Study Biology II
Fall 2020ENV2100Biostatistics
Fall 2020BIOL78002Mathematical Biology: Lab
Fall 2020ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2020ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2020BIOL78001Mathematical Biology: Lecture
Fall 2020BIOL90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2020ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Summer 2020ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Spring 2020ENV3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2020ENV4900Capstone: Env Scienc
Spring 2020BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Spring 2020BIO3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2020BIOL90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019BIOL90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2019BIO2100Biostatistics
Fall 2019ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2019ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2019ENV2100Biostatistics
Fall 2019ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Fall 2019BIOL78002Mathematical Biology: Lab
Fall 2019BIOL78001Mathematical Biology: Lecture
Summer 2019ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2019ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Summer 2019ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Spring 2019ENV4900Capstone: Env Scienc
Spring 2019ENV3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2019BIO3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Fall 2018BIO2100Biostatistics
Fall 2018ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Fall 2018ENV2100Biostatistics
Fall 2018ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Fall 2018ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2018BIOL78001Mathematical Biology: Lecture
Fall 2018BIOL78002Mathematical Biology: Lab
Fall 2018BIOL89800Advanced Study
Summer 2018ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2018ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2018ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Spring 2018BIOL89800Advanced Study
Fall 2017ENV2100Biostatistics
Fall 2017ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Fall 2017BIO2100Biostatistics
Fall 2017ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2017ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Fall 2017ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2017BIOL89800Advanced Study
Summer 2017ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2017ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Summer 2017ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Fall 2016ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2016BIOL78001Mathematical Biology: Lecture
Fall 2016IDC3002HHon Sci & Tech NYC
Fall 2016ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2016ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Summer 2016ENV1020Principles of Ecology
Summer 2016ENV1020Principles of Ecology
Spring 2016ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Spring 2016ENV3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2016ENV4900Capstone: Env Scienc
Spring 2016ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Spring 2016ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Spring 2016BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Spring 2016BIO3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2016ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Fall 2015ENV1003LFundamentals of Ecology
Fall 2015ENV1004Fund Of Ecol Research
Fall 2015ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Spring 2015ENV3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2015ENV4900Capstone: Env Scienc
Spring 2015ENV4900Capstone: Env Scienc
Spring 2015ENV4900Capstone: Env Scienc
Spring 2015BIO3009Consv Bio & Sust Dev
Spring 2015ENV5000Independent Study ENV I
Fall 2014ENV1020Principles of Ecology
Fall 2014ENV1020Principles of Ecology
Fall 2014ENV1020Principles of Ecology
Fall 2014ENV4900Capstone: Env Scienc

Journal Articles

Khan, B., Gosnell, J. S., Alldred, M., Whaley, T., Lowell, A., Groffman, P., & Zarnoch, C. (2024). Acidification has no effect on sediment nitrogen fluxes in urban salt marshes. Estuaries and Coasts, In Progress.

(2024). Exploring factors influencing recruitment in ribbed mussels, Geukensia demissa. Marine Biology, In Progress.

Gosnell, J. S., Kitaygorodsky, D., & Honeywood, A. (2024). A meta-analysis of biomass impacts on non-consumptive effects. Ecology, In Progress.

(2024). A molecular phylogeny of the Petaluridae (Odonata: Anisoptera): A 160-Million-Year-Old story of drift and extinction. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 200. 108185.

Gosnell, J. S., & Zhu, J. (2024). Fear does not impact growth or biodeposition in NY oysters. Marine Biology, In Progress.

Gosnell, J. S., & Zarnoch, C. (2024). Predator presence decreases oyster enhancement of denitrification. Ecology, In Progress.

Gosnell, J. S. (2023). What is community science, and how do I get involved?. Lessons in Conservation, 13. 38-43.

(2023). Exploring chromosome evolution in 250 million year old groups of dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta:Odonata). Molecular Biology, 32(21). 5785.

(2023). Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology,

(2023). Fear changes traits and increases survival: a meta-analysis evaluating the efficacy of antipredator training in captive-rearing programs. Restoration Ecology, 31(3). e13674.

(2023). Assessment of targeted enrichment locus capture across time and museums using odonate specimens. Insect Systematics and Diversity, 7(3). 5.

(2023). Length-weight relationship of the kelp forest gastropod and emerging fisheries species, kellet's whelk, Kelletia kelletii. Journal of Shellfish Research, 42(3).

Gosnell, J. S., & Schreiber, K. (2022). Using data to support oyster restoration in New York City. Lessons in Conservation,

Gosnell, J. S., Green, D. P., Akallal, L., Wepy, C., Laghiti, G., Akter, M., Heller, N., & Ozgur, N. (2022). Finding a place for panthers: Mapping conservation issues related to Florida panthers. Lessons in Conservation, (12). 26-47.

Gosnell, J. S., Levine, E., & Goetz, E. (2021). Non-consumptive effects of predators on oysters differ based on predator identity and duration (but not frequency) of exposure. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 660. 95--104.

Zhu, J., & Gosnell, J. S. (2021). Ribbed mussels continue to feed and biodeposit in the presence of injured conspecifics and predators. Estuaries and Coasts, 44(3). 875-882.

(2021). Opportunities and challenges for including oyster-mediated denitrification in nitrogen management plans. Estuaries and Coasts, 44(8). 2041.

Gosnell, J. S., McClintock, W., & Lee, M. (2020). Building marine reserve networks to fit multiple needs: an introduction to marine spatial planning using SeaSketch. Lessons in Conservation, 10(1). 12-28.

Zhu, J., Zarnoch, C., Gosnell, J. S., Alldred, M., & Hoellein, T. J. (2019). Ribbed mussels Geukensia demissa enhance nitrogen-removal services but not plant growth in restored eutrophic salt marshes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 631. 67--80.

Gosnell, J. S., Spurgin, K., & Levine, E. A. (2017). Caged oysters still get scared: Predator presence and density influence growth in oysters, but only at very close ranges. Marine Ecology Progress Series,

Levine, E. A., Gosnell, J. S., Goetz, E. M., & Malinowski, C. R. (2017). Natural cultch type influences habitat preference and predation, but not survival, in reef-associated species. Restoration Ecology, 25(1). 101-111.

Dornberger, L., Ainsworth, C. A., Gosnell, J. S., & Coleman, F. (2016). Developing a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure dose-response model for fish health and growth. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109(1). 259–266.

Needles, L. A., Gosnell, J. S., Waltz, G. T., Wendt, D. E., & Gaines, S. D. (2015). Trophic cascades in an invaded ecosystem: native keystone predators facilitate a dominant invader in an estuarine community. Oikos, 124(10). 1282 - 1292.

Fakhoury, W. A., & Gosnell, J. S. (2014). Limits to local adaptation: Some impacts of temperature on Nucella emarginata differ among populations, while others do not. . Marine Biology, 161. 1943-1948.

Cavanaugh, K. C., Gosnell, J. S., Davis, S. L., Ahumada, J., Boundja, R. P., Clark, D. B., Mugerwa, B., O'Brine, T. G., Rovero, F., Sheil, D., Vasquez, R., & Adelman, S. (2014). Carbon storage in tropical forests correlates with taxonomic diversity and functional dominance on a global scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23. 563-573.

Gosnell, J. S., Macfarlan, J. A., Shears, N. T., & Caselle, J. E. (2014). A dynamic oceanographic front drives biogeographical structure in invertebrate settlement along Santa Cruz Island, CA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 507. 181-196.

Gosnell, J. S., & Gaines, S. D. (2012). Keystone intimidators in the intertidal: non-consumptive effects of a keystone sea star regulate feeding and growth in whelks. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 450. 107–114.

Gosnell, J. S., DiPrima, J. B., & Gaines, S. D. (2012). Habitat complexity impacts persistence and species interactions in an intertidal whelk. Marine Biology, 159(12). 2867–2874.

Viola, D. V., Mordecai, E. A., Jaramillo, A. G., Sistla, S. A., Albertson, L. K., Gosnell, J. S., Cardinale, B. J., & Levine, J. M. (2010). Competition–defense tradeoffs and the maintenance of plant diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(40). 17217 –17222.

Gosnell, J. S., Rivera, G., & Blob, R. W. (2009). A phylogenetic analysis of sexual size dimorphism in turtles. Herpetologica, 65(1). 70–81.


Gosnell, J. S. (2024, March 13). Environmental and cultural impacts of oyster restoration in new york and next steps. Biology Colloquium. New York, New York: Queens College.

Kitaygorodskiy, D., Gosnell, J. S., Corpus, J., Uddin, S., Betke, J., Lande, S., & Agustin, K. (2024, April 25). Does varying predator biomass impact nonconsumptive interactions?. Annual meeting. Kutztown, PA: Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Ecological Society of America 2024.

Barno, S., Gosnell, J. S., Rubin, T., & Coleman, J. (2024, October 25). Drones urban wildlife: how are drones impacting New York City bats?. Annual meeting. Remote: Student Conference on Conservation Science - New York.

Herlan, J., Staniczenko, P., Santos, R., James, W. R., Gosnell, J. S., McDonald, K., & Gaymer, C. (2024, April 25). Impact of wave exposure on coral dispersion patterns at Rapa Nui. Annual meeting. Kutztown, PA: Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Ecological Society of America 2024.

Gosnell, J. S. (2024, February 25). Baruch and the Billion Oyster Project: A Local Example of Combining Research and Teaching. Conference on Climate Research, Teaching, and Collaboration. Baruch College: Baruch College.

Gosnell, J. S. (2024, March 25). Bringing oysters back to NYC: Research, education, and outreach working with the BOP. Conference on Climate Research, Teaching, and Collaboration. Baruch College: Baruch College.

Gosnell, J. S., Clare, X., Whited, D., Chiu, J., Huie, S., Zacherl, D., & White, C. (2024, April 25). What can we learn from an emerging west coast whelk fishery? . Annual spring meeting. Remote: New England Estuarine Research Society.

Dobi, K. C., Wutoh-Hughes, X., Buchbinder, B., Ahmed, I., Gosnell, J. S., & Baylies, M. K. (2024, April 25). Apterous regulates muscle attachment in Drosophila. Mid-Atlantic Regional Society for Developmental Biology Meeting. Princeton, NJ: Society for Developmental Biology.

Gosnell, J. S., Haller, V., & Newbert, S. (2022, March 25). Community Engaged and Field-based Teaching and Learning. Center for Teaching and Learning Showcases. Baruch College

Zhu, J., & Gosnell, J. S. (2024, October 25). Does training prey to avoid predators work? A meta-analysis. Annual meeting. Remote: Student Conference on Conservation Science - New York.

Zhu, J., & Gosnell, J. S. (2024, November 25). Does training prey to avoid predators work? A meta-analysis . Annual meeting. Remote: Coastal and Estuarine Research Foundation.

Gosnell, J. S., Zarnoch, C., & Zhu, J. (2020, March 11). Incorporating species interactions into restoration planning. Research in the Reserve: Studying Ecosystems of the Tidal Hudson. Staatsburg NY: Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve.

Zhu, J., & Gosnell, J. S. (2020, June 30). Ribbed mussels continue to feed and biodeposit in the presence of injured conspecifics and predators. Annual spring meeting. Remote: New England Estuarine Research Society.

Gosnell, J. S., Sarkissian, H., & Goldstein, F. (2020, December 10). Teaching with Tech: Using Microsoft Teams, Excel, and Github Classroom for organization, feedback, and engagement.. Center for Teaching and Learning Innovations in Teaching Showcases. Baruch College

Gosnell, J. S., & Zhu, J. (2020, June 30). Predator presence reduces oyster contributions to denitrification but not growth or biodeposition. Annual spring meeting. Remote: New England Estuarine Research Society.

Zhu, J., & Gosnell, J. S. (2024, October 25). Ribbed mussels still feed and biodeposit despite presence ofpredators and alarm cues. Annual meeting. Remote: Student Conference on Conservation Science - New York.

Zhu, J., & Gosnell, J. S. (2019, November 30). Predator presence does not impact ribbed mussel filtration or biodeposition. Biennial meeting. Birmingham, AL: Coastal and Estuaries Research Federation.

Gosnell, J. S., Zarnoch, C., & Zhu, J. (2019, April 30). Predators impact oyster contribution to denitrification. Annual spring meeting. York, Maine: New England Estuarine Research Society.

Zhu, J., Zarnoch, C., Gosnell, J. S., Alldred, M., & Hoellein, T. (2019, April 30). Potential of ribbed mussels (Geukensia demissa) to enhance growth and nitrogen-removal services in restored salt marshes. Annual spring meeting. York, Maine: New England Estuarine Research Society.

Gosnell, J. S. (2018, August 31). . Campus visit by Pinkerton Foundation. Baruch College: Pinkerton Foundation, College Now.

Gosnell, J. S. (2018, September 30). So many ways to be scared: How fear changes oysters and the ecosystem services they provide. Natural Sciences Retreat. Baruch College

Gosnell, J. S., Lehr-Samuels, A., McKinney, A., Thielman, P., & Rappoport, J. (2018, March 23). Building an OER culture at Baruch: Presentation and panel. CUNY & SUNY Open Educational Resources (OER) Showcase. Baruch College: CUNY, SUNY, Baruch.

Gosnell, J. S. (2017, September 30). How long do oysters stay scared?. Natural Sciences Retreat. Baruch College

Gosnell, J. S., Dias, A., & Shea, P. (2017, August 10). Where you are from is as important as who you are and what you do: Phylogenetic diversity plays a key role in explaining carbon sequestration trends in tropical forests. Annual meeting. Portland, OR: Ecological Society of America.

Gosnell, J. S., Levine, E., & Goetz, E. (2017, April 15). How long do oysters stay scared? Non-consumptive effects of predators on oysters depend on exposure regime and predator identity. Annual meeting. Myrtle Beach, SC: Benthic Ecology Meeting Society.

Gosnell, J. S. (2017, September 30). How long do oysters stay scared?. Graduate Center Retreat. Baruch College: The Biology Program.

Gosnell, J. S. (2016, February 10). From fear and loathing to functional diversity. Biology Colloquium. New York, New York: Queens College.

Gosnell, J. S. (2016, September 30). What’s driving carbon storage in tropical forests?. Natural Sciences Retreat. Baruch College

Gosnell, J. S. (2015, November 30). What makes your garden grow (or not)?. Meeting of middle school teachers for NSF-sponsored Science Training. New York, New York: Pace University and Columbia University.

Gosnell, J. S. (2015, February 17). Pulling together growing data to fuel ecosystem models: An introduction to rglobi and ratlantis. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. Houston, TX: GOMRI.

Gosnell, J. S. (2015, February 11). From impacts of oil spills to how to best store carbon in trees: Answering big questions in ecology and management with big data. Biology Colloquium. New York, New York: Manhattan College.

Gosnell, J. S. (2015, December 31). An introduction to ratlantis. International Atlantis Summit. Honolulu, Hawaii: NOAA and CSIRO.

Gosnell, J. S. (2014, April 15). . Ecosystem Approach to Management Workshop. Baton Rouge, LA: Northern Gulf Institute.

Gosnell, J. S. (2014, February 13). Bridges from the ivory tower: Merging science and management in tropical forests, oyster reefs, and the Gulf of Mexico.. Conservation Lecture Series. St. Teresa, FL: Florida State University Coastal and Marine Lab.

Gosnell, J. S. (2014, January 27). A more efficient route to Atlantis: New tools for developing and comparing Atlantis models applied to new models for the eastern Gulf of Mexico.. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. Mobile, AL: Gulf of Mexico Research Institute.

Gosnell, J. S., & Caselle, J. E. (2013, August 6). Easing our way to change: Changes in functional diversity in the decade following protection of marine areas. Annual meeting. Minneapolis, MN: Ecological Society of America.

Gosnell, J. S. (2013, September 11). Putting it all together: The Deep-C Atlantis Model. Deep-C All Hands Meeting. Tallahassee, FL: Deep-C Consortium.

Needles, L. A., Gosnell, J. S., Waltz, G. T., Wendt, D. E., & Gaines, S. D. (2013, November 30). Native generalist predators facilitate invasion of the introduced bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata in a marine fouling community. Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting. Oxnard, CA: Western Society of Naturalists.

Gosnell, J. S. (2013, December 31). . Alligator Harbor Oyster Culture Workshop. St.Teresa, Florida: Florida State University and Florida Division of Aquaculture.

Gosnell, J. S., Macfarlan, J. R., & Caselle, J. E. (2012, August 31). Moving oceanographic boundaries explain larval recruitment. California Islands Symposium. Ventura, CA

Gosnell, J. S., Roth, K. L., Diaz (Uriostegui), S. H., MacDonald, A. J., Kendall, B. E., Wilmers, C. J., Duffield, J. W., & Seddon, P. J. (2012, August 10). Where motivations, metrics, and milestones meet: A comprehensive framework for assessing and planning reintroductions. Annual meeting. Portland, OR: Ecological Society of America.

Gosnell, J. S., DiPrima, J. B., & Gaines, S. D. (2012, January 31). Variation in habitat structure impacts responses to biotic and abiotic factors in an intertidal snail. Annual meeting. Charleston, SC: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.

Cavanaugh, K. C., Davis, S. L., Gosnell, J. S., Ahumada, J., & Andelman, S. (2012, August 31). Interactions among climate, biodiversity, and ecosystem services in tropical forest ecosystems. Annual meeting. Portland, OR: Ecological Society of America.

Gosnell, J. S. (2011, December 31). . Working group on reintroduction success. Santa Barbara, CA: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS).

Gosnell, J. S., & DiPrima, J. B. (2010, November 30). The impact of habitat complexity on consumption and distribution of the emarginated dogwhelk, Nucella emarginata. Annual meeting. San Diego, CA: Society of Western Naturalists.

Gosnell, J. S. (2010, January 31). Non-consumptive effects of a keystone intertidal predator and community consequences. Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology Graduate Student Symposium. Santa Barbara, CA: Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, UC Santa Barbara.

Viola, D. V., Mordecai, E. A., Sistla, S. A., Albertson, L. K., Gosnell, J. S., & Jaramillo, A. G. (2009, August 7). Competition: Defense tradeoffs and the maintenance of producer diversity. Annual meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Ecological Society of America.

Gosnell, J. S., & Gaines, S. D. (2009, November 14). The impact of sea star density on marine snails via non-consumptive effects. Annual meeting. Monterey Bay, CA: Society of Western Naturalists.

Gosnell, J. S. (2007, December 31). . Marine Resources Population Dynamics Workshop. Florida: National Marine Fisheries Service.

Gosnell, J. S., Rivera, G., & Blob, R. W. (2007, January 31). A phylogenetic analysis of sexual size dimorphism in turtles. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.

Gosnell, J. S. (2007, December 31). . International Consortium for Research on Upwelling Marine Biogeographic Areas. Valparaiso, Chile: Partnership for the Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans (PISCO).

Gosnell, J. S., & Morse, J. C. (2006, December 31). Species identification of Trichoptera (Philopotamidae: Chimarra) larvae of eastern North America. South Carolina LIFE Research Colloquium.

Gosnell, J. S., & Morse, J. C. (2006, December 31). Larvae of Chimarra species (Trichoptera:Philopotamidae) from eastern North America. ACC Meeting of the Minds Conference. Clemson, SC: Atlantic Coast Conference.

Gosnell, J. S., & Morse, J. C. (2002, December 31). Larvae of Chimarra Species (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) from Eastern North America. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Entomological Society Meeting.

Other Scholarly Works

Zhu, J., & Gosnell, J. S. (2024). New York City Oyster Monitoring Report: 2020-2021. 60.

In Progress.

Zhu, J., & Gosnell, J. S. (2024). New York City Oyster Monitoring Report: 2022. 60.

In Progress.

Zhu, J., Zarnoch, C., Gosnell, J. S., Alldred, M., & Hoellein, T. (2020). Potential of ribbed mussels (Geukensia demissa) to enhance growth and nitrogen-removal services in restored salt marshes. Final Report of the Tibor T. Fellowship Program.

Poelen, J., & Gosnell, J. S. (2014). rglobi: R interface to the aggregated biotic interaction data of GloBI ( R package version 0.1.0..

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Impacts of predator biomass on prey responses to risk PSC CUNY 5307/01/202206/30/202304/15/20225959.93Completed
A global analysis of the relationship between environmental factors, forest diversity, and carbon storage PSC CUNY 5207/01/202106/30/202304/15/20215967Completed
How does restoration of focal species impact the sediment microbes thatactually remove nitrogen from marshes?Eugene Lang Fellowship06/01/202006/30/202105/17/20207766.62Completed
Impacts of community composition and species interactions on nitrogen removal (denitrification) by bacteria in marshesPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20205997.6Completed
Does history matter? Consumptive and non-consumptive effects of native and introduced crab predators on wild and hatchery-reared oystersPSC-CUNY 5007/01/201912/31/202004/13/20195975.3Completed
How long do oysters stay scared? Measuring fear level, attenuation, and impacts using a physiological approachPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201812/31/201904/15/20185996.84Completed
Translating Fear into Ecosystem Effects: Do non-consumptive effects of predators on oysters impact nitrogen cycling and carbon storage in estauriesEugene Lang Fellowship06/01/201706/30/201805/10/20178605Completed
Do non-consumptive effects of predators on oysters impact nitrogen cycling in estuaries?PSC-CUNY 4807/01/201706/30/201804/14/20176000Completed
Developing and calibrating dynamic energy budget models to predict shellfish growth and direct restoration work: A case study focusing on species in New York HarborPSC-CUNY 4707/01/201606/30/201704/15/20165998.4Completed
Creating Diversity in Restored Coastal Communities: Methods and ImpactsPSC-CUNY 4607/01/201506/30/201604/17/20155992.8Completed
Modeling Ecology and Economics for Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management in the Gulf of MexicoIowa State University09/01/201402/29/201602/10/201421882Completed
Integrating Environmental Restoration with Computer Science in New York City Public SchoolsPace University01/01/201908/31/202209/13/201818748Funded - In Progress
Billion Oyster Project Shared PostdocBillion Oyster Project47830Work Discontinued
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Career Success FellowCUNY Office of Transformation2024-03-22
Education ScholarEcological Society of America2020Recognized for contribution to ESA teaching efforts
BIOME (Biology and Mathematics Educators) Institute: Cultivating Scientific CuriosityBioQUEST & QUBES (Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis Project)2020Awarded fellowship to attend faculty institute devoted to increasing research in undergraduate classrooms
Rising Tides Fellowship, Faculty MentorCoastal and Estuarine Research Federation 2019Selected as faculty mentor for fellowship program designed to increase representation in the marine sciences. My graduate student and I attended two-days of training sessions prior to the 2019 CERF conference and focused conference activities
2013 Second Place Award, Postdoctoral Oral Presentation CompetitionFlorida State University Department of Biological Sciences and Program in Neuroscience2013Recognized postdoctoral research
Fiona Goodchild Award for Excellence as a Graduate Student Mentor of Undergraduate ResearchUniversity of California, Santa Barbara2011Recognized contributions as a research mentor
Luce Environmental Science to Solutions FellowshipUniversity of California, Santa Barbara2009Awarded fellowship to gain training and experience in addressing conservation issues
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate FellowshipDepartment of Defense2008Competitive national fellowship for graduate studies
Norris MedalClemson University2007Clemson University award given to best all-around graduating senior
Martin AwardClemson University Department of Biological Sciences2007Award for Outstanding Senior in Biological Sciences
Graduate Research Fellowship ProgramNational Science Foundation2007Competitive national fellowship for graduate studies
Biological Sciences Faculty AwardClemson University Department of Biological Sciences2007Award recognizing scholarship and research on campus
Matt Locke Award for Student Leadership and ServiceClemson University2006Award recognizing outstanding leadership with regard to service and devotion to humankind and Clemson University
Barry M. Goldwater ScholarBarry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation2006The Foundation recognizes emerging scientists (college sophomores and juniors) in order to promote research and provide a stream of highly-qualified individuals to STEM fields.
National Scholar FellowshipClemson University2003Full-tuition academic scholarship and enrichment program offered to approximately 12 students in each freshman class
Best undergraduate/high school paperSouth Carolina Entomological Society2002Awarded in recognition of research


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Search CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/20174/30/2017


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Committee on College AthleticsCommittee ChairPresent
Baruch Open Education Resource InitiativeFaculty participantPresent
Committee on Educational TechnologyCommittee MemberPresent
SPAR Grant Review GroupMember of faculty review panelPresent
Committee on Undergraduate Honors ProgramCommittee MemberPresent
Committee on Undergraduate Academic StandingCommittee MemberPresent
Committee on Educational TechnologyCommittee ChairPresent
Environmental Studies, Natural Sciences DepartmentDeputy ChairPresent
Learning Community FacultyFaculty MentorPresent
Harbor School - Baruch College Access Agreement CoordinatorCoordinator12/31/2023
Baruch College Now STEM Research MentorFaculty Mentor8/31/2022
Creative Inquiry DayJudge5/10/2022
Search CommitteeCommittee Member4/30/2022
Search CommitteeCommittee Chair4/30/2022
ISLA Earth Day Alert: Climate Change in Latin America and the CaribbeanPresenter4/22/2021
Honors Review CommitteeCommittee Member2/28/2021
Baruch College Now STEM Research MentorFaculty Mentor8/31/2020
Online Teaching Essentials workshop, sponsored by the CUNY Office of Academic Affairs and hosted by CUNY School of Professional Studies Selected as workshop participant7/31/2020
2019 Majors FairRepresented department at Fall 2019 Major Fairs11/7/2019
Baruch College Now STEM Research MentorFaculty Mentor8/31/2019
Committee on Financial AidCommittee Member12/31/2018
Committee on Prizes, Scholarships, and AwardsCommittee Member12/31/2018
Committee on College AthleticsCommittee Member12/31/2018
2018 Majors FairRepresented department at Fall 2018 Major Fairs11/8/2018
Baruch College Now STEM Research MentorFaculty Mentor8/31/2018
Search CommitteeCommittee Member4/30/2018
Baruch College Now STEM Research MentorFaculty Mentor8/31/2017
Search CommitteeCommittee Member4/30/2017
"College for a Day" ProgramPresentation for "College for a Day" Program10/31/2015
"College for a Day" ProgramPresentation for "College for a Day" Program10/24/2014


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Brooklyn College BUEE REU ProgramFaculty Mentor4/1/20206/30/2020
Brooklyn College BUEE REU ProgramFaculty Mentor4/1/20198/31/2019
Brooklyn College BUEE REU ProgramFaculty Mentor4/1/20188/31/2018
Doctoral Student Research Grants Review PanelCommittee Member2/1/20172/28/2017
Hersby College VisitGuest Speaker10/25/201610/25/2016
Doctoral Student Research Grants Review PanelCommittee Member2/1/20162/28/2016


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Marine Biology ReviewerReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2016Present
Marine Ecology Progress Series ReviewerReviewer, Journal Article1/1/2012Present
National Science Foundation Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/202112/31/2021
Maryland Sea GrantReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer7/1/20217/31/2021
Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners WebinarGuest speaker3/10/2020
National Science Foundation Biological OceanographyReviewer, Grant Proposal10/1/201610/31/2016


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Croton-on-Hudson Conservation Advisory CouncilCommittee MemberNew YorkUnited States4/1/2019PresentLocal
Pace University STEM Summer InstituteGuest SpeakerNew YorkUnited StatesPresentNational
Billion Oyster Project Advisory BoardBoard MemberNew YorkUnited States11/1/2015PresentRegional
Harbor School Teacher/MentorGuest SpeakerNew YorkUnited States1/1/2015PresentLocal
Hudson Estuary Program Oyster Working GroupNew YorkUnited States3/1/2019PresentRegional
Pace University STEM Summer InstituteGuest SpeakerNew YorkUnited StatesPresentNational
Projects in Environmental Aquatics and Research LabBoard MemberNew YorkPresentRegional
Pace University Seidenhack 2020: Hack the OystersGuest SpeakerNew YorkUnited States2/24/2021National
Pace University Seidenhack 2020: Hack the OystersGuest SpeakerNew YorkUnited States12/4/2020National
Pace University STEM Summer InstituteGuest SpeakerNew YorkUnited States8/13/2020National
ESA/QUBES Data Access Faculty Mentoring NetworkFaculty Participant1/1/20206/30/2020National
New York School of the FutureGuest SpeakerNew YorkUnited States5/28/2020Local
Green Living SeriesGuest SpeakerNew YorkUnited States3/10/2020Local
CUNYtvGuest SpeakerNew YorkUnited States1/1/201912/31/2019State
Synthesizing the Nitrogen Removal Capacity of Oyster Habitats via DenitrificationSelected as workshop participantMassachusettsUnited States10/31/2019Regional
Pace University STEM Summer InstituteGuest SpeakerNew YorkUnited States7/10/2019National
QUBES (Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis Project) Reducing Barriers to Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology Faculty Mentoring NetworkFaculty Participant9/1/201812/31/2018National
Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners Conservation Teaching and Learning Studio: Developing and assessing student skills in conservation teachingNew YorkUnited States6/15/20166/17/2016
Scientists in School Outreach ProgramGuest SpeakerFlorida1/1/201312/31/2014Local
New York Harbor SchoolGave research presentation to high school classNew YorkUnited States11/24/2014Local
Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory Open HouseVolunteer ScientistFloridaUnited States12/31/2013
Hollister Ranch Tidepool SchoolLeader for school field trips.CaliforniaUnited States1/1/200912/31/2011
Santa Barbara Partners in EducationGuest SpeakerCaliforniaUnited States1/1/201012/31/2011
Family Ultimate Science Exploration (FUSE)Volunteer ScientistCaliforniaUnited States12/31/2008