- Biography
- Teaching
- Research and Creative Activity
- Grants
- Honors and Awards
- Service
Ph.D., Archaeology/Anthropology, Columbia University New York USA
MPhil, Archaeology/Anthropology, Columbia University New York USA
M.A., Archaeology/Anthropology, Columbia University New York USA
B.A., Philosophy and the History of Math and Science, St. John's College Annapolis MD
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2024 | ANTH | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2024 | ANTH | 85300 | Archaeologies of Empire |
Fall 2024 | HIS | 3012 | The Ancient World: Rome |
Spring 2024 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Spring 2024 | ANTH | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2023 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2023 | ANTH | 75300 | Archaeology of Selected Areas |
Spring 2023 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2022 | ANTH | 84100 | ST:Archaeology |
Fall 2022 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2021 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Spring 2021 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Spring 2021 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2020 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Spring 2019 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Spring 2018 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2017 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2017 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2017 | HIS | 3012 | The Ancient World: Rome |
Spring 2017 | HIS | 3890 | Encountrs Global Anct Empires |
Spring 2017 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2016 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2016 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2016 | HIS | 3860 | Top:Afr,Asia,Lat Am |
Spring 2016 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2015 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2015 | HIS | 3012 | The Ancient World: Rome |
Fall 2015 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2014 | HIS | 3012 | The Ancient World: Rome |
Fall 2014 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Fall 2014 | HIS | 3860 | Top:Afr,Asia,Lat Am |
Fall 2013 | HIS | 3012 | The Ancient World: Rome |
Fall 2013 | HIS | 1001 | Global His To 1500ce |
Boozer, A. L. (2025). Daily Life in Roman Egypt. New York, Cambridge University Press. In Progress.
Boozer, A. (2022). Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Social History. Blackwell. In Progress.
Boozer, A. (2021). At Home in Roman Egypt: A Social Archaeology. Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press.
Boozer, A., During, B., & Parker, B. (2020). Archaeologies of Empire: Local Participants and Imperial Trajectories. (p. 115-143). Santa Fe, New Mexico, School for Advanced Research and University of New Mexico Press.
Boozer, A. (2019). The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. USA, John Wiley and Sons. In Progress.
Boozer, A. (2015). A Late Romano-Egyptian House in the Dakhla Oasis: Amheida House B2. New York, NY, USA, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World & New York University Press.
Boozer, A. L., & Jennings, A. M. Nubian Homescapes from Antiquity to the Present. Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies.
Journal Articles
Zaki, A., & Boozer, A. (2020). Tutankhamun the Twentieth-Century Diplomat: The 1972 Treasures of Tutankhamun Exhibition as a Landmark in Anglo-Egyptian and in American-Egyptian Relations. Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – University of Sadat City, 4(1). 1-24.
Boozer, A., Düring, B., Williams, P., Smith, S., Yao, A., Alconini, S., Overholtzer, L., & Parker, B. (2018). Archaeological Insights into the Lives and Afterlives of Empires. Past and Present,
Boozer, A. (2018). Towards an Archaeology without Borders in Sudan. Societies without Borders, In Progress.
Boozer, A. (2018). Connectivity in Pharaonic and Post-Pharaonic Egypt. Ancient West & East, 17. 304-308.
Aravecchia, N., & Boozer, A. (2018). Community and Privacy in a Late Antique Church from Ain el-Gedida, Egypt. Journal of Late Antiquity, In Progress.
Boozer, A. (2018). Impressions of Basketry from Meroe City (Sudan). Antiquity, In Progress.
Boozer, A. (2017). A Historiography of Archaeological Research at Meroe, Sudan. Ancient West & East, 16. 209-248.
Boozer, A. (2015). Tracing Everyday Life at Trimithis (Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt). Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, 26. 122–138.
Boozer, A. (2014). New Perspectives on Post-Pharaonic Egypt. Ancient West & East, 13. 260-264.
Boozer, A. (2013). Frontiers and Borderlands in Imperial Perspectives: Exploring Rome’s Egyptian Frontier. American Journal of Archaeology, 117(2). 275-92.
Boozer, A. (2013). Archaeology on Egypt’s Edge: Archaeological Research in the Dakhleh Oasis, 1819-1977. Ancient West & East, 12. 117-156.
(2012). Globalizing Mediterranean Identities: The Overlapping Spheres of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman Worlds at Trimithis. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 25(2). 93-116.
Boozer, A. (2012). Globalizing Mediterranean Identities: The Overlapping Spheres of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman Worlds at Trimithis. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 25(2). 93-116.
Book Chapters
Boozer, A. L. (2023). Artifacts as Active Agents: The Social Role of Play and Games in Roman Egypt. In Dasen, V., & Vespa, M. (Eds.), Companion to Play and Games in Graeco-Roman Antiquity
Boozer, A. L. (2022). From Trimithis to al-Qasr. In Hope, C. A., & Bowen, G. (Eds.), Studies in Honor of Fred Leemhuis Oxford, United Kingdom. Oxbow.
Boozer, A. (2020). Agents of Empire: Imperial Agendas and Provincial Realities in Roman Egypt. In Boozer, A. L., During, B., & Parker, B. (Eds.), Archaeologies of Empire: Local Participants and Imperial Trajectories (pp. 115-143). Santa Fe, New Mexico. School for Advanced Research and University of New Mexico Press.
Boozer, A., & Düring, B. S. (2020). Conclusions. In Boozer, A., Düring, B., & Parker, B. (Eds.), Archaeologies of Empire: Local Participants and Imperial Trajectories (pp. 255-264). Santa Fe, New Mexico,USA. School for Advanced Research and University of New Mexico Press.
Düring, B. S., Boozer, A., & Parker, B. J. (2020). Archaeologies of Empire: An Introduction. In Boozer, A., Düring, B., & Parker, B. (Eds.), Archaeologies of Empire: Local Participants and Imperial Trajectories (pp. 1-20). Santa Fe, New Mexico. School for Advanced Research and University of New Mexico Press.
Boozer, A. (2020). Spaces and Places. In Laes, C., & Vuolanto, V. (Eds.), A Cultural History of Youth (p. 8,000 words). Bloomsbury.
Boozer, A. L. (2020). Living and Working at Home: Workshops and Workspaces in Romano-Egyptian Houses. In Steadman, S., Brody, A., & Battini, L. (Eds.), No Place Like Home: Ancient Near Eastern Houses and Households (p. 6,000 words). Oxford,United Kingdom. Archaeopress.
Boozer, A. (2020). Urbanization in Egypt’s Western Desert under Roman Rule. In Sterry, M., & Mattingly, D. J. (Eds.), Urbanisation and State Formation in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond (pp. 147-186). Cambridge,United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press and the Society for Libyan Studies.
Boozer, A. (2020). Children and Childhood. In Laes, C. (Ed.), A Cultural History of Education (pp. 47-63). Bloomsbury Publishers.
Boozer, A. (2019). Cultural Identity. Housing and Burial Practices. In Vandorpe, K. (Ed.), Blackwell Companion to Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (pp. 361-380). Malden,United Kingdom. Blackwell.
Boozer, A. (2019). Looking for Singles in the Archaeological Record of Roman Egypt. In Huebner, S. R., & Laes, C. (Eds.), Singles and the Single Life in the Roman and Later Roman World (pp. 57-84). Cambridge,United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press.
Boozer, A. (2019). The Archaeology of Amheida (Egypt). In Smith, C. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (p. 6,100 words). Springer.
Boozer, A. (2018). Domestic Discard: The Making and Unmaking of Romano-Egyptian Houses. In Barrett, C., & Carrington, J. (Eds.), Households of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt Ithaca, New York. Cornell University Press.
Boozer, A. (2018). The Archaeology of Imperial Borderlands: A View from Roman Egypt and Sudan. In Düring, B., & Stek, T. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes: A Comparative Study of Empires in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World (pp. 206-239). Cambridge,United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press.
Boozer, A. (2017). "The small finds from Meroe…are not very impressive": New Perspectives on Peter L. Shinnie’s Small Finds from Meroe. Proceedings of the Meroitic Conference in Prague, September 2016 Meroitica.
Boozer, A. (2017). Towards An Archaeology of Household Relationships in Roman Egypt. In Huebner, S. R., Nathan, G., Huebner, S. R., & Nathan, G. (Eds.), Mediterranean Families in Antiquity: Households, Extended Family, and Domestic Space (pp. 174-203). Oxford,United Kingdom. Wiley Blackwell.
Boozer, A. (2015). The Tyranny of Typologies: Evidentiary Reasoning in Romano-Egyptian Archaeology. In Chapman, R., & Wylie, A. (Eds.), Material Evidence: Learning from Archaeological Practice (pp. 92-109). Malden,United Kingdom. Routledge.
Boozer, A. (2015). The Social Impact of Trade and Migration: The Western Desert in Pharaonic and Post-Pharaonic Egypt. In Riggs, C. (Ed.), Oxford Handbooks Online in Archaeology (p. 18,934 words). Oxford,United Kingdom. Oxford University Press.
Boozer, A. (2015). Inside and Out: Romano-Egyptian Housing from the Fayyum and the Dakhleh Oasis. In Di Castro, A., Parr, B. E., & Hope, C. (Eds.), Housing and Habitat in the Ancient Mediterranean: Cultural and Environmental Responses (Babesch: Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology: Supplement) (pp. 185-198). Leuven,The Netherlands. Peeters.
Boozer, A. (2014). Urban Change at Late Roman Trimithis (Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt). In O'Connell, E. (Ed.), Egypt in the First Millennium AD: Perspectives from New Fieldwork (pp. 23-42, plates 1-3). Peeters. Leuven.
Boozer, A. (2013). The Archaeology of Amheida (Egypt). In Smith, C. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (p. 2,891 words). Springer.
Boozer, A. (2011). Forgetting to Remember in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. In Bommas, M. (Ed.), Cultural Memory and Identity in Ancient Societies (pp. 109-126). London and New York. Continuum Publishers.
Boozer, A. (2010). Memory and Microhistory of an Empire: Domestic Contexts in Roman Amheida, Egypt. In Boric, D. (Ed.), Archaeology and Memory (pp. 138-157). Oxford,UK. Oxbow.
Media Contributions
Boozer, A. (2011). Roman Amheida: Living on the Edge of the Roman Empire.
Boozer, A. (2020, November 30). Archaeologies of Empire and Imperial Formations in Conversation. Archaeologies of Empire Book Talk. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of Advanced Research.
Boozer, A. (2019, December 31). Rubbish in Roman Egypt. Santa Barbara, CA: University of California, Santa Barbara.
Boozer, A. (2019, April 30). Clean and Unclean Spaces in Roman Egypt. American Research Center in Egypt Annual Meeting. Alexandria, Virginia: American Research Center in Egypt.
Boozer, A. (2019, March 15). The Dirt on Rubbish: What Discard Tells Us About Daily Life in Roman Egypt. Spring 2019 Colloquium Series. New York, New York: Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Boozer, A. (2018, December 31). Domestic Discard: The Making and Unmaking of Romano-Egyptian Houses. Houses of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt Conference. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University.
Boozer, A. (2018, December 31). Material Collaborators: Making and Unmaking Imperial Power at Trimithis (Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt). Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.
Boozer, A. (2017, November 30). Domesticating Empire in Roman Egypt. American Research Center in Egypt. Washington, D.C.: American Research Center in Egypt.
Boozer, A. (2017, May 31). Archaeologies of Empire. "Archaeologies of Empire" Advanced Seminar. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School for Advanced Research.
Boozer, A. (2017, May 31). “Going Native”: Roman Agents in Egyptian Deserts. "Archaeologies of Empire" Advanced Seminar. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School for Advanced Research.
Boozer, A. (2016, September 5). Preliminary Results from the Meroe Archival Project. 12th International Meroitic Conference. Prague, Czech Republic: National Museum – Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures.
Boozer, A. (2015, February 28). The Meroë Archival Project. Meroe Archival Workshop. Liverpool: University of Liverpool.
Boozer, A. (2015, April 30). Urbanization in Egypt’s Western Desert under Roman Rule. Trans-Saharans: Urbanization and State Formation. Leicester, UK: University of Leicester.
Boozer, A. (2015, May 31). Looking for Singles in the Archaeological Record. Singles and the Single Life in the Roman and Later Roman World. Rome, Italy: Academia Belgica.
Boozer, A. (2015, November 12). Urbanization in Egypt's Western Desert under Roman Rule. Invited Lecture. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan.
Boozer, A. (2014, October 31). Research in Roman Egypt and Meroitic Sudan. Memphis, TN, USA: University of Memphis.
Boozer, A. (2014, October 31). An Archaeology of Imperial Borderlands: A View from Roman Egypt and Sudan. Memphis, TN, USA: University of Memphis.
Boozer, A. B., & Thompson, E. (2014, December 11). Looting the Past, Destroying the Future: Revolution, Terrorism, and Archeology in Egypt and Syria. Teach-In. Baruch College: Baruch College.
Boozer, A. (2014, April 30). An Archaeology of Imperial Borderlands: A View from Roman Egypt and Sudan. The Archaeology of Empires: Repertoires of Rule. Leiden, Netherlands: Universiteit Lieden.
Boozer, A. (2014, December 31). An Archaeology of Imperial Borderlands: A View from Roman Egypt and Sudan. New York, NY, USA: Center for the Ancient Mediterranean, Columbia University.
Boozer, A. (2013, December 31). Rome’s Egyptian Frontier. Reading, United Kingdom: Reading Classical Association.
Boozer, A. (2013, July 31). The Meroë Archival Project. Island of Meroë Workshop. Doha, Qatar: University College London Qatar.
Boozer, A. (2012, December 31). Exploring Rome’s North African Frontier. Cardiff, United Kingdom: School of History and Archaeology, University of Cardiff.
Boozer, A., & Walker, G. (2012, December 31). From Science to Archaeology. Heritage and Science Network. Reading, United Kingdom: University of Reading.
Boozer, A. (2012, December 31). Rome’s Egyptian Frontier. Reading, United Kingdom: Berkshire Archaeological Society.
Boozer, A. (2012, December 31). Adaptive Reuse and Avoiding the Past within Domestic Spaces at Amheida. Sackler Conference. London, United Kingdom: Egypt and Sudan Department, British Museum.
Boozer, A. (2012, December 31). Tracing Daily Life in Roman Egypt. Society for American Archaeology annual conference. Memphis, TN, USA: Society for American Archaeology.
Boozer, A. (2012, December 31). An Archaeology of Extended Kin Relationships in Roman Egypt. The Mediterranean Family: From Antiquity to the Early Modern Perio. Rostock, Germany: Max-Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
Boozer, A. (2011, December 31). Archaeological Approaches to Houses and Households in Roman Egypt. "House and Housing in the Classical World” panel at the Classical Association Meeting. Durham, United Kingdom: Classical Association.
Boozer, A. (2011, December 31). Beyond Romanization: An Archaeology of Daily Life in Roman Egypt. Reading, United Kingdom: Department of Classics, University of Reading.
Boozer, A. (2011, December 31). Interpreting Highly Eroded Mud-Brick Architecture in Desert Environments. New York, NY, USA: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University.
Boozer, A. (2011, December 31). Forgetting to Remember in Roman Egypt. Zuckerman Conference. New York, NY, USA: Mellon Foundation Biennial.
Boozer, A. (2010, December 31). Local Matters: An Archaeology of Identity and Imperialism in Roman Amheida, Egypt. Mediterranean Identities. Leicester, United Kingdom: Universities of Leicester and Nottingham.
Boozer, A. (2010, December 31). Extremities of Empire: The Oases of Roman Egypt in the Mind and on the Ground. “Nec Plus Ultra: Going Beyond Boundaries in Classical and Mediterranean Antiquity”. Berlin, Germany: Freie Universität Berlin and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin.
Boozer, A. (2010, December 31). Residing in Roman Egypt: A Glimpse into Daily Life at Trimithis. TOPOI Excellence Cluster. Berlin, Germany: Freie Universität Berlin and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Boozer, A. (2010, December 31). Beyond Romanization: An Archaeology of Daily Life in Roman Egypt. Roman Discussion Forum. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University.
Boozer, A., Bagnall, R. S., Morris, E. F., & Cribiore, R. (2009, December 31). From the Stone Age to Rome: Excavating in an Egyptian Oasis. Big Read Egypt. New York, NY, USA: National Endowment for the Arts.
Boozer, A. (2008, December 31). Finding Families: A Domestic Context from Roman Amheida, Egypt. Cross-Cultural Approaches to Family and Household Structures in the Ancient World. New York, NY, USA: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University.
Boozer, A. (2008, December 31). Domestic Life in Trimithis: Areas 1.3 and 2.1. Mut, Egypt: Amheida Project.
Boozer, A. (2008, December 31). Housing Mythology: Finding the Narrative in Roman Egyptian Households. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference. New York, NY, USA: Theoretical Archaeology Group.
Boozer, A. (2007, December 31). Household Matters: An Archaeology of Daily Life in Roman Amheida, Egypt. New York, NY, USA: Department of Art History and the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University.
Boozer, A. (2007, December 31). Between Two Houses: Trimithitan Daily Life and Beyond. New York, NY, USA: Department of Classics, Columbia University.
Boozer, A. (2007, December 31). Transitional Heritage: Neighborhoods and Domestic Contexts in Roman Amheida, Egypt. Society for Historical Archaeology 40th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology. Williamsburg, VA, USA: Society for Historical Archaeology.
Other Scholarly Works
Boozer, A. (2020). Old Age and Aging. Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Social History. 1,287 words.
Boozer, A., & Smith, C. (2019). Meroë. The Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. 6,200 words.
Boozer, A., & Smith, C. (2019). Peter L. Shinnie. The Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. 2,000 words.
Boozer, A., & Aderinto, S. (2017). Meroë. African Kingdoms: An Encyclopedia of Empires and Civilizations. 207-212.
Boozer, A., Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champlin, C., Erskine, A., & Huebner, S. R. (2016). Garbage. Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Social History.
Boozer, A. (2013). Preliminary Report on Area 1.4. University of Reading Excavations at Amheida. 1,950 words.
Boozer, A., Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champlin, C., Erskine, A., & Huebner, S. R. (2012). "Body (human)". Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Social History. c. 750 words.
Boozer, A., Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champlin, C., Erskine, A., & Huebner, S. R. (2012). "Apartment buildings (insulae)". Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Social History. c. 750 words.
Boozer, A., Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champlin, C., Erskine, A., & Huebner, S. R. (2012). "Identity (personal)". Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Social Histor. c. 750 words.
Boozer, A. (2012). Preliminary Report on Area 1.4. University of Reading Excavations at Amheida. 1,963 words.
Boozer, A., Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champlin, C., Erskine, A., & Huebner, S. R. (2012). "Old age and aging". Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Social History. c. 750 words.
Boozer, A., Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champlin, C., Erskine, A., & Huebner, S. R. (2012). "Memory (collective)". Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Social History. c. 750 words.
Boozer, A., Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champlin, C., Erskine, A., & Huebner, S. R. (2012). "Masculinity". Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Social History. c. 750 words.
Boozer, A. (2008). Area 1 Study Season. Excavations at Amheida. c. 750 words.
Boozer, A. (2007). Area 1. Excavations at Amheida. 1,133 words.
Boozer, A. (2006). Area 1.3. Excavations at Amheida. c. 2,000 words.
Boozer, A. (2005). In Search of Lost Memories: Domestic Spheres and Identities in Roman Amheida, Egypt. 05(07), 1-17.
Boozer, A. L. (1970,January 1). Review of “Colin A. Hope and Gillian E. Bowen, eds. Kellis: A Roman-Period Village in Egypt’s Dakhleh Oasis”. Studies in Late Antiquity.
Boozer, A. (2020,January 1). Ancient West & East.
Boozer, A. (2020,January 1). Journal of Late Antiquity.
Boozer, A. (2019,December 1). Journal of Late Antiquity.
Boozer, A. (2018,January 1). Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
Boozer, A. (2018,January 1). Journal of Roman Archaeology.
Boozer, A. (2017,January 1). Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
Boozer, A. (2015,January 1). 14: Ancient West & East.
Boozer, A. (2012,September 2). Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
Boozer, A. (2011,January 1). Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
Boozer, A. (2011,January 1). British Archaeology.
Boozer, A. (2011,January 1). Journal of Hellenic Studies.
Boozer, A. (2010,January 1). Anthropology Review Database.
Boozer, A. (2009,January 1). Anthropology Review Database.
Boozer, A. (2009,January 1). Anthropology Review Database.
Boozer, A. (2009,January 1). Anthropology Review Database.
Boozer, A. (2009,January 1). Anthropology Review Database.
Boozer, A. (2008,January 1). Anthropology Review Database.
Boozer, A. (2006,January 1). Anthropology Review Database.
Boozer, A. (2005,January 1). Anthropology Review Database.
Boozer, A. (2005,January 1). Anthropology Review Database.
Research Currently in Progess
Boozer, A.(n.d.). CUNY Excavations at Amheida (Egypt). In Progress.
Director of the CUNY excavations at Amheida (ancient Trimithis) a Romano-Egyptian city in the Dakhleh Oasis Egypt.
Boozer, A.(n.d.). The Meroe Archival Project. In Progress.
Director of an archival project to fully analyze, record, and disseminate prior archaeological research at Meroe City, capital of the Meroitic Empire (Sudan).
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
At Home in Roman Egypt: A Social Archaeology | PSC CUNY 52 | 07/01/2021 | 06/30/2023 | 04/15/2021 | 2500 | Completed |
The Amheida Project: Revealing Everyday Life in Roman Egypt | PSC-CUNY 47 | 07/01/2016 | 06/30/2017 | 04/15/2016 | 3500 | Completed |
The Meroe Archival Project: Revealing the Capital of the Meroitic Empire (Sudan) | PSC-CUNY 45 | 07/01/2014 | 06/30/2015 | 04/15/2014 | 3499.99 | Completed |
The Meroe Archival Project: Reuniting Legacy Data from the Capital of the Meroitic Empire (Sudan) | PSC CUNY 53 | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2023 | 04/15/2022 | 5000 | Funded - In Progress |
BRESI: Daily Life in Roman Egypt: Accessibility and Diversity in Educational Texts | The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation | 09/01/2022 | 10/15/2023 | 08/19/2022 | 4797 | Funded - In Progress |
The Meroe Aerchival Project: Revealing the Capital of the Meroitic Empire | PSC-CUNY 49 | 07/01/2018 | 06/30/2022 | 04/15/2018 | 6000 | Funded - In Progress |
Carved in Sand | Cultural Protection Fund | 09/01/2021 | 03/31/2022 | 47406 | Submitted for Review |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Teaching and Learning Award | University of Reading | 2013 | |
Lump Sum Award | University of Reading | 2012 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Global Studies Minor | Committee Member | Present | |
Committee on Libraries | Secretary | Present | |
Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
COIL | Senior Faculty Fellow | 7/31/2019 | |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 9/30/2018 | |
COIL Workshop | Faculty Advisor | 10/12/2017 | |
Global Studies Minor | Committee Chair | 9/30/2017 | |
COIL Workshop | Organizer | 9/22/2016 | |
Strategic Planning Committee | Committee Member | 12/31/2015 | |
Turkey Collaboration Delegation | Faculty Fellow | 3/31/2015 | |
Teach-In | Organizer and speaker | 12/11/2014 | |
Morton Globus Lecture Series | Organizer of guest lecture by Christopher Mackay | 12/9/2014 | |
"College for a Day" Volunteer | 12/31/2013 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Anthropology Program Four Fields Requirement Ad-Hoc Committee | Committee Member | 10/1/2021 | Present |
Archaeology Subfield | Committee Chair | 10/1/2022 | Present |
Archaeology Subfield | Committee Member | 1/1/2019 | Present |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Brepols Publishing | Editorial Review Board Member | Belgium | 1/1/2020 | Present | ||
Journal of Late Antiquity | Reviewer, Journal Article | 1/1/2020 | Present | |||
Journal of Ancient History | Reviewer, Journal Article | 1/1/2019 | Present | |||
Metropolitan Museum of Art | Advisor for forthcoming exhibition on Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia | New York | United States | 1/1/2018 | Present | |
UNS: Union for Nubian Studies | Founding Member | 1/1/2016 | Present | |||
Nubian Image Archive (NIA) | Co-Director (with Giovanni R. Ruffini) | 1/1/2015 | Present | |||
Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies | Editorial Review Board Member | United States | 1/1/2014 | Present | ||
University of Michigan Press | Reviewer, Book | Michigan | United States | 12/1/2020 | 1/31/2021 | |
Department of Classics, Barnard College | Committee Member | New York | United States | 1/1/2020 | 12/31/2020 | |
Brepols | Reviewer, Book | 9/1/2019 | 12/31/2019 | |||
Sudan Archaeological Research Society (SARS) | Committee Member | 4/1/2012 | 4/1/2019 | |||
Council for the Humanities of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, the Dutch Research Council) | Reviewer, Grant Proposal | Netherlands | 1/1/2016 | 12/31/2016 | ||
PhD Supervision | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2016 | ||||
Leverhulme Foundation | Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2015 | |||
Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History | Reviewer, Book | 1/1/2010 | 12/31/2010 | |||
National Science Foundation | Reviewer, Grant Proposal | United States | 1/1/2010 | 12/31/2010 | ||
Network on Ancient and Modern Imperialisms | Committee Member | 1/1/2010 | 12/31/2010 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Old Abbey Associates | UNESCO, Sudan Government, Qatar and Sudan Archaeological Project, Local Sudanese Villages Consultant | 1/1/2014 | Present | International | ||
American Research Center in Egypt (New York City Chapter) | Officer, Other Officer | New York | United States | 1/1/2014 | Present | International |