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Peace Corps

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The Peace Corps allows Americans the opportunity to engage in public service abroad. Peace Corp Volunteers work all across the world in a variety of settings and fields, including: health, education, environment, youth & community development, food security, agriculture, and business and computer & information technology. The organization aims to achieve the following three main goals: helping the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women; helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served; and helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans. The traditional Peace Corps program is 27 month in length and offers a variety of job assignments in over 70 countries. The type of work a Volunteer does is ultimately determined by the needs of a host country and the potential of a Volunteer to contribute to those needs and to the Peace Corps' mission. The Peace Corps provides Volunteers with a living allowance that enables them to live in a manner similar to the local people in their community. The Peace Corps also provides complete medical and dental care and covers the cost of transportation to and from your country of service.

Award / Eligibility Details:

Applicants must be over the age of 18.

Deadline: None. Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

Academic Level: All, Graduate, Post-Graduate, Post-Undergraduate, Undergraduate

Type/Purpose: Internship, Study Abroad / International Exchange

Field of Study: All, Arts & Humanities, Business, Education / Teaching, Public Affairs / Policy, Social Sciences, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

Location: International

Citizenship eligibility: US Citizen

Special Circumstances:

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