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Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship

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As part of their commitment to military veterans and to inspire and help students become future leaders in computing and technology, Google established the Google SVA Scholarship in partnership with Student Veterans of America. The scholarship provides assistance to student veterans who are pursuing university degrees in the field of computer science in the U.S. Selected students will receive 10,000 USD for the academic year and will be invited to attend the Google Scholars’ Retreat in the summer. The Scholars' Retreat provides an important networking opportunity for top students from all over the United States and Canada to meet with each other and with Google engineers in a personable, fun environment.

Award / Eligibility Details:

To be eligible, applicants must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at a university for the current academic year; intend to be enrolled in or accepted as a full-time student at a university in the United States for the following academic year; maintain a strong academic performance; be pursuing a computer science or computer engineering degree, or a degree in a closely related technical field; exemplify leadership and demonstrate a passion for computer science and technology; be a current student veteran (includes members of the National Guard or Reserve) as proven by a DD-214 and transcript, or a student on Active Duty as proven by submission of Active Duty orders and a Memorandum of Understanding from your commanding officer indicating that you are currently in good standing with your unit and transcript; and have received an honorable discharge, or be in good standing with his/her branch of service.

Deadline: Early November each year

Academic Level: Graduate, Undergraduate

Type/Purpose: Graduate School Funding, Undergraduate Level Funding

Field of Study: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

Location: United States

Citizenship eligibility: Permanent Resident, US Citizen, US National

Special Circumstances:

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