Field Description

Students examine the theory and practice of communication in a variety of contexts, including business and nonprofit organizations, small groups, the mass media, and video- and computer-based media. Under the auspices of the department, students acquire the knowledge base and analytical skills necessary to become effective communicators within an increasingly intercultural business and public environment. Courses are intended to serve the general student population as well as those students who have selected the major in Business Communication/Corporate Communication or the major in Communication Studies.

The Majors

Business Communication Major with a Specialization in Corporate Communication

The business communication major is designed for students who are interested in careers in business journalism, corporate communication, or graphic communication. Because the business communication field is essentially interdisciplinary in nature, the program integrates courses from several departments in the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences and the Zicklin School of Business.

The corporate communication specialization prepares students for careers as communication specialists in business, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations in such fields as media relations, investor relations, corporate advertising, and employee communication. Interested students should contact the Department of Communication Studies at 646-312-3720.

The major also offers specializations in graphic communication (see the Department of Fine and Performing Arts listing) and business writing (see the Department of Journalism and the Writing Professions listing).

Program Prerequisites                   12 credits


Introduction to Information Systems and Technologies

3 credits


Fundamentals of Management

3 credits


Marketing Foundations

3 credits


Business Statistics I

3 credits




Statistics for Social Science

3 credits




(may be applied to the base curriculum - Baruch Common Core)

3 credits




(may be applied to the base curriculum - Baruch Common Core)

3 credits



Current Economic Problems

3 credits

Major/Specialization:                30 credits

Interdisciplinary Core                   12 credits 
Business Communication


Business Communication

3 credits

Choose one course:


Advertising and Marketing Communications

3 credits


Marketing Research

3 credits


Consumer Behavior

3 credits

Choose one course:

Management: A Behavioral Approach

3 credits


Management and Society

3 credits

Business or Arts and Sciences Elective 
One business or arts and sciences elective (at the 2000-level or above) to be selected upon consultation with the program advisor and with the advisor's approval.

Specialization Requirements                   18 credits

Required Courses                   9 credits

COM 3068

Managerial Communication Within Organizations

3 credits

COM 3102

Communication for Executives

3 credits

COM 5010

Internship in Business and Public Communication

3 credits

Electives                   9 credits

COM 3020

Communication and Advocacy in Business and Public Affairs

3 credits

COM 3045

Communication Law and Free Speech

3 credits

Introduction to Digital Communication and Culture3 credits 

COM 3058

The Ethics of Image Making: Film, Television, and Digital Media

3 credits

COM 3059

Video Communication and Production

3 credits

COM 3060

Media Analysis and Criticism

3 credits

COM 3062

Studies in Electronic Media

3 credits

COM 3067

American Television Programming

3 credits

COM 3069

Intercultural Communication

3 credits

COM 3070


3 credits

COM 3071

Argumentation and Debate

3 credits

COM 3075

Interpersonal and Group Communication

3 credits

COM 3076

International Communication

3 credits

COM 3077

Interpersonal Communication

3 credits

COM 3078

Group Communication

3 credits

Virtual Teamwork3 credits

COM 3800

Principles of Public Relations

3 credits

COM 4000

Corporate Communication

3 credits

COM 4005

Public Relations Writing

3 credits

COM 4010

Public Relations Campaigns

3 credits

COM 4059

Advanced Video Communication and Production

3 credits

Selected Topics


COM 4900

Topics in Communication Studies

3 credits

Communication Studies Major with Specializations in

Communication Studies (CS) is both a scholarly and professional academic field that focuses on processes of communication ranging from the spoken word to global media in interpersonal, organizational, cultural, political, and international contexts.

The major is an ideal springboard for a variety of graduate degrees and - due to the spread of globalization and digital communication - the basis for an increasing number of new careers.

Interested students should contact the Department of Communication Studies at 646-312-3720. or visit the department's website.

Major          30 credits

Required Course  


Introduction to Communication Studies

3 credits

Foundation Courses          9 credits

Choose one course each from the three areas that are not your concentration  

Interpersonal and Group Communication

Interpersonal Communication3 credits
Group Communication3 credits

Intercultural and International Communication

Intercultural Communication3 credits

International Communication3 credits

Rhetoric and Public Advocacy



Communication Law and Free Speech ()

3 credits
Persuasion 3 credits

Digital Communication and Culture

Introduction to Digital Communication and Culture3 credits

Studies in Electronic Media

3 credits

Concentrations          12 credits

Choose one of the following four concentrations:

Interpersonal and Group Communication


Interpersonal Communication

3 credits
Plus three of the following:  
Group Communication3 credits
Virtual Teamwork3 credits

Selected Topics * (Subject to departmental approval. Please check the departmental website for approved courses in this concentration)  

3 credits

Topics in Communication Studies

(Subject to departmental approval. Please check the departmental website for approved courses in this concentration)  

3 credits

Intercultural and International Communication

Intercultural Communication3 credits
Plus three of the following:  
International Communication3 credits

Selected Topics * (Subject to departmental approval. Please check the departmental website for approved courses in this concentration)  

3 credits

Topics in Communication Studies

(Subject to departmental approval. Please check the departmental website for approved courses in this concentration)  

3 credits

Rhetoric and Public Advocacy


Communication Law and Free Speech ()3 credits
Plus three of the following:  
Classical Rhetoric3 credits
History and Criticism of American Public Address3 credits
Modern Frontiers of Rhetoric3 credits

Persuasion3 credits
Argumentation and Debate3 credits
Elements of Legal Argumentation3 credits

Selected Topics * (Subject to departmental approval. Please check the departmental website for approved courses in this concentration)  

3 credits

Digital Communication and Culture


Introduction to Digital Communication and Culture3 credits
Plus three of the following:  
Ethics of Image Making: Film, Television, and Digital Media 3 credits 
Studies in Electronic Media 3 credits 
American Television Programming 3 credits 
International Communication 3 credits 

Selected Topics * (Subject to departmental approval. Please check the departmental website for approved courses in this concentration)  

3 credits 

Communication Studies Electives          6 credits 

Choose any two COM courses at the 3000-level or above.  Especially recommended:

Selected Topics in Communication Studies                                                                                                                                               3 credits 
Internship in Business and Public Communication 3 credits

* Students may enroll in COM 4101 more than once if the topic is different.


The Minor

A minor in the Department of Communication Studies provides students with a concentration in an area of study of acknowledged importance to every career path. The minor consists of two courses at the 3000 level or above and the communication studies capstone course,

COM 4900

While students may elect any two courses listed below, possible areas of concentration include the following: corporate communication, media studies, interpersonal and intercultural communication, and public communication.

Choose any two courses from those listed:

COM 3045

Communication Law and Free Speech

3 credits

 Introduction to Digital Communication and Culture3 credits 

COM 3058

The Ethics of Image Making: Film, Television, and Digital Media

3 credits

COM 3059

Video Communication and Production

3 credits

COM 3060

Media Analysis and Criticism

3 credits

COM 3061

Speech Composition and Delivery

3 credits

COM 3062

Studies in Electronic Media

3 credits

COM 3067

American Television Programming

3 credits

COM 3068

Managerial Communication Within Organizations

3 credits

COM 3069

Intercultural Communication

3 credits

COM 3070


3 credits

COM 3071

Argumentation and Debate

3 credits

COM 3075

Interpersonal and Group Communication

3 credits

COM 3076

International Communication

3 credits

COM 3077

Interpersonal Communication

3 credits

COM 3078

Group Communication

3 credits

Virtual Teamwork3 credits

COM 3102

Communication for Executives

3 credits

COM 3150

Business Communication

3 credits

COM 3800

Principles of Public Relations

3 credits

COM 4000

Corporate Communication

3 credits

COM 4005

Public Relations Writing

3 credits

COM 4010

Public Relations Campaigns

3 credits

COM 4059

Advanced Video Communication and Production

3 credits

COM 4063

Advanced Speech Writing

3 credits

Selected Topics


Complete the minor with the communication studies capstone course:


COM 4900


Topics in Communication Studies                                                 

3 credits


Courses in Communication Studies (COM)

COM 1010

Speech Communication

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 2000

Introduction to Communication Studies

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3014

Intensive Voice and Diction

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3020

Communication and Advocacy in Business and Public Affairs

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3040

Information and Society (), ()

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3045

Communication Law and Free Speech

3 hours; 3 credits

Introduction to Digital Communication and Culture3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3058

The Ethics of Image Making: Film, Television, and Digital Media

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3059

Video Communication and Production

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3060

Media Analysis and Criticism

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3061

Speech Composition and Delivery

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3062

Studies in Electronic Media

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3063

Speaking to the Camera

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3067

American Television Programming

4 hours; 3 credits

COM 3068

Managerial Communication Within Organizations

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3069

Intercultural Communication

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3070


3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3071

Argumentation and Debate

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3075

Interpersonal and Group Communication

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3076

International Communication

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3077

Interpersonal Communication

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3078

Group Communication

3 hours; 3 credits

Virtual Teamwork3 hours; 3 credits 

COM 3102

Communication for Executives

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3150

Business Communication ()

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3700

Introduction to Linguistics and Language Learning ()

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3750

The Structure and History of English ()

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 3800

Principles of Public Relations

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 4000

Corporate Communication

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 4005

Public Relations Writing

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 4010

Public Relations Campaigns

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 4015

The Globalization of English (), ()

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 4059

Advanced Video Communication and Production

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 4063

Advanced Speech Writing

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 4101

Selected Topics

Hours and credits to be arranged

COM 4110

Selected Topics

Hours and credits to be arranged

COM 4900

Topics in Communication Studies

3 hours; 3 credits

COM 5000

Independent Study I

Hours and credits to be arranged

COM 5001

Independent Study II

Hours and credits to be arranged

COM 5010

Internship in Business and Public Communication

8 - 10 hours plus periodic conferences with internship coordinator; 3 credits

COM 5011

Internship in Business and Public Communication

8 - 10 hours plus periodic conferences with internship coordinator; 3 credits

COM 6001H

Honors in Communication Studies I

3 hours; 3 credits per semester

COM 6002H

Honors in Communication Studies II

3 hours; 3 credits per semester