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This section has been updated to include ENG 2100 exemption criteria that will become effective in spring 2017.

Exemption Criteria - (See below for changes to the exemption criteria that will take place in spring 2017.) Students who enter Baruch College with any of the following sets of qualifications are exempt from ENG 2100 Writing I (without credit): an Advanced Placement (AP) English exam score of 4 or 5, an SAT verbal score of at least 680, and a writing section score of 12 or an SAT verbal score of at least 700 and a writing section score of 11 or 12. Note: Students who are exempt from this requirement may not enroll in ENG 2100.

 Exemption Criteria - Effective spring 2017

Students who earn a 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition or AP English Literature and Composition exam will be exempted from ENG 2100. Otherwise ENG 2100 and ENG 2150 are required for all Baruch students; no exemption is available for ENG 2150.

For questions about transferring courses which may count as ENG 2100 and 2150 equivalents, please contact the Admissions Office or Professor Lisa Blankenship, Writing Director.



This section has been updated to include new course MKT 4200 Search Marketing (effective Spring 2017) as elective course to General Marketing track, Digital Marketing Track, and Marketing Analytics track. The new course was also added to the list of MKT courses.

This section has been updated to include new course CIS 3770 (effective Spring 2017) as elective course to Information Risk Management and Cybersecurity track and General CIS track. The new course was also added to the list of CIS courses.

New minor for business students added - Cybersecurity and Information Assurance (effective Spring 2017)

This section has been updated to include new combined Real Estate major. (effective Spring 2017)

Also updated the RES course list with course title changes to RES 3000, RES 3100, RES 3200, and RES 3900. (effective Spring 2017)

9/20/2016 and 11/28/2016

Change to section "Liberal Arts Minor in Economics - Effective spring 2017


Added 3 minors to the list: Cybersecurity and Information Assurance, Data Analytics, Marketing Analytics


Added International Business major to the list of majors.




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