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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Click the 'Reply' link located below the text of a comment.
  2. This will open up a new comment box. Type in your text.
  3. You can tick the box next to 'Watch this page' to receive email alerts whenever the page is commented or edited.
  4. Click 'Post'.


You can create links to anywhere within Confluence (pages, news items, comments, attachments) or an external web site.

Linking to another page in Confluence

  1. From the page and location you wish to link from, click on the 'Insert Link' button on the toolbar Image Added(the one that looks like a globe with chain link in front of it). This will open up the 'Link Properties' window.
  2. Click on one of these tabs: 'History' or 'Recently Modified' to select the page you want to link to.
    Do a 'Search' for the page using the search facility and select a page from the search results.
  3. In the field called "Alias," enter the words you wish to appear to represent the link on the actual page. For instance, you might type "here is the latest report," or simply the document's title. The link can appear on its own or in the middle of a paragraph, and may simply be part of a sentence.
  4. Another way to enter the words that will form the link is to highlight the words in the edit window before clicking the 'Insert Link' button. These words will automatically appear in the "Alias" field and all you have to do is enter the Wiki page name.
  5. Click 'OK'.

 Linking to an external web site

  1. From the page and location you wish to link from, click on the 'Insert Link' button on the toolbar Image Added(the one that looks like a globe with chain link in front of it). This will open up the 'Link Properties' window.  
  2. Click on 'External Links' tab.
  3. Enter the URL of the webpage in the text-entry field and click 'OK'.

Working with news/blogs

Each space in Confluence can publish its own news. News items may be announcements, journal entries, status reports or any other timely information you would categorise as 'news' pertaining to a space. News items are also known as 'blog posts'.

Viewing news

  1. Click on the 'Browse Space' link for the space. This is located at the top of every page and beside the space link on the dashboard.
  2. Go to the 'News' tab. This will display the latest news items in the space along with the date of each item and the name of its author.

Adding news

  1. Click the 'Add News' link located at the top of every page in the space. This will bring up the 'Add News' screen.
  2. Enter a title for your news item in the 'Title' text field at the top.
  3. Enter your content in the text-entry box using Confluence markup or Rich Text as you would for any other page in Confluence.
  4. Add labels if you want to categorise information this way.
  5. If you want to backdate your news item, click 'edit' next to 'Posting Day', as shown in the screenshot below.
    (info) You can set the date to earlier than today, but you cannot set it to a future date. And you can only change the date when creating the news item, not when editing a news item.
  6. Preview and click 'Save'.

Tracking Updates

watching a page/space

digest or email on every update

notify on your own updates

User Profile

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