Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Accessing Confluence
    •  URL and login credentials
  • Navigating through and around Confluence
    • hierarchies and searching
  • Working with pages
    • creating/adding a new page
    • editing a page ->update comment and minor update check box
    • adding an attachment
    • page permissions (hiding a page)
    • commenting on a page
    • links
  • Working with news/blogs
    • viewing news
    • adding news
  • Tracking Updates
    • watching a page/space
      • digest or email on every update
      • notify on your own updates
  • User Profile
    • editing profile


  1. From the page and location you wish to link from, click on the 'Insert Link' button on the toolbar (the one that looks like a globe with chain link in front of it). A pop-up screen will appear.
  2. In the pop-up screen, click on the tab labeled "Attachments." To add a new attachment, click on the "Browse" button to get to files on your computer, and select the appropriate file.
  3. Next click on the "Attach" button, and the file will upload. When done, it will show up just above the "Browse" and "Attach" buttons in a list. This is a list of all the attachments to that particular page.
  4. Select the attachment you just uploaded from the list and a reference to it will show up in the "Link" field at the top of the pop-up screen.
  5. In the field called "Alias," enter the words you wish to appear to represent the link on the actual page. For instance, you might type "click here to see our latest report,". The link can appear in the middle of a paragraph, and may simply be part of a sentence.
  6. Another way to enter the words that will form the link is to highlight the words in the edit window before clicking the 'Insert Link' button. These words will automatically appear in the "Alias" field and all you have to do is add the attachment info.
  7. When ready, click the "OK" button at the bottom of the pop-up screen.

Page permissions and restricting access (hiding a page)

Page restrictions control who may view or edit a specific page, within the bounds of the space permissions


. This gives the space administrator control over who can access their space, and within that the page editor can control access to the page.

  • Viewing restrictions make the page invisible to everyone except the chosen users/groups.
  • Editing restrictions prevent everyone except the chosen users/groups from editing the page.

To set 'viewing' restrictions on a page

  1. Click the 'Edit' link at the top of the page.
  2. The word 'Restrictions' will now appear at the bottom of the page (above 'Labels'). Click the 'Edit' link next to the word 'Restrictions'.
  3. A form will appear below the word 'Restrictions', as shown in the screenshot below. The option 'Restrict viewing of this page' will be selected by default.
  4. Choose the appropriate user(s) and/or group(s) who you want to allow to view the page:
    • To choose just yourself, click 'Choose me'.
    • To choose a particular user, you can either:
      • If you are unsure of the user's exact name, click the 'Choose users' link to display the 'User Search' popup window. Use the search options to find the required user. Select the appropriate user(s), then click the 'Select user(s)' button. (You can read more about searching for users.)
      • Type the user's name (or a list of names, separated by commas) into the 'Enter user/group name(s)' box, then click the 'Add' button.
    • To choose a particular group(s), you can either:
      • If you are unsure of the group's exact name, click the 'Choose groups' link to display the 'Group Search' popup. Type part of the name, then click the 'Search' button to display a list of matching groups, e.g. to search for groups whose names start with 'finance', type 'finance'. Select the appropriate group(s), then click the 'Select group(s)' button.
      • Type the group name (or a list of groups, separated by commas) into the 'Enter user/group name(s)' box, then click the 'Add' button.
  5. Click the 'Save' link at the bottom of the page.

To set 'editing' restrictions on a page

  1. Click the 'Edit' link at the top of the page.
  2. The word 'Restrictions' will now appear at the bottom of the page (above 'Labels'). Click the 'Edit' link next to the word 'Restrictions'.
  3. A form will appear below the word 'Restrictions', as shown in the screenshot above. Select 'Restrict editing of this page'.
  4. Choose the appropriate user(s) and/or group(s) that you want to allow to edit the page, as described for 'viewing' restrictions above.
  5. Click the 'Save' link at the bottom of the page.

Commenting on a Page

A comment is a remark, question, or any other additional information you wish to add to a page pertaining to the topic the page covers. Comments are a means by which a community of users can interact with each other on the site.You can leave a comment on any page or news item in Confluence.

Comments on pages will appear by default in threaded form, below the page content. If the comment author is a Confluence user, a link appears to their profile page. The time of the comment's last edit is also displayed - you can mouse-over the time to see the date and time it was posted.

To add a new comment

  1. Click the 'Add Comment' link near the bottom of the page.
  2. The comments box opens up. Type in your text.
  3. Click the 'Preview' tab to see a preview of your comment.
  4. You can tick the box next to 'Watch this page' to receive email alerts whenever the page is commented or edited.
  5. Click the 'Post' button to save your comment and display it on the page.

To respond to a comment


  1. Click the 'Reply' link located below the text of a comment.
  2. This will open up a new comment box. Type in your text.
  3. You can tick the box next to 'Watch this page' to receive email alerts whenever the page is commented or edited.
  4. Click 'Post'.

  1. links