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*For the purposes of this program, this course counts as an Arts and Sciences course.

As with all BA majors, the Tier III minor the liberal arts minor must be completed outside the department of the students major. A student majoring in economics cannot minor in finance.



Liberal Arts Minor in Economics - fall 2016

The Bert W. Wasserman Department of Economics and Finance recently introduced a offers a liberal arts minor in economics. The liberal arts minor is 9 credits (three courses) and consists of two 3000-level courses and a relevant 4000-level, communication-intensive economics capstone course. All 4000-level economics courses, with the exception of ECO 4000, are communication-intensive courses. Finance majors are eligible to take the liberal arts minor in economics, but they must remember that courses used to fulfill the liberal arts minor may not be used to fulfill the 24-credit major requirement.

Liberal Arts Minor in Economics - Effective spring 2017

The Bert W. Wasserman Department of Economics and Finance offers a liberal arts minor in economics. The liberal arts minor is 9 credits and consists of

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 ECO 3200 (3 credits, 3 additional credits in 3000-level or 4000-level courses in economics, and a 3 credit 4000-level communication-intensive economics capstone course. With the exception of ECO 4000, ECO 4091, ECO 4092, ECO 4093, and ECO 4094, all other 4000-level courses are communication-intensive courses. Sometimes ECO 4093 (a 3-credit special topics course) may be communication-intensive, depending on the course material. Students are required to check the course description in CUNYfirst. Courses used for the liberal arts minor in Economics cannot be counted towards the 24 credits for the BBA in Finance.


The Minor - Economics and Finance
