Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Click the 'Reply' link located below the text of a comment.
  2. This will open up a new comment box. Type in your text.
  3. You can tick the box next to 'Watch this page' to receive email alerts whenever the page is commented or edited.
  4. Click 'Save'.


You can create links to anywhere within Confluence (pages, news items, comments, attachments) or an external web site.

Linking to another page in Confluence

To delete a comment

'Remove Comments' needs a permission from a Space Administrator.  Once you have the permission then 'Remove' button will display at  the bottom of page next to add comment button.

  1. Go to the page that contains the comment.
  2. Click Remove at the bottom of the comments box.



Warning - Deleted comments cannot be restored.



You can create links to anywhere within Confluence (pages, news items, comments, attachments) or an external web site.

Linking to another page in Confluence

  1. From the page and location you wish to link from, click on the 'Link' button on the toolbar (the one that has two chain links). This will open up the 'Insert Link' window.
  2. Click on 'Recently Viewed' to select the page you want to link to.
    Do a 'Search' for the page using the search facility and select a page from the search results.
  3. In the field called "Link Text" enter the words you wish to appear to represent the link on the actual page. For instance, you might type "here is the latest report," or simply the document's title. The link can appear on its own or in the middle of a paragraph, and may simply be part of a sentence.
  4. Another way to enter the words that will form the link is to highlight the words in the edit window before clicking the 'Link' button. These words will automatically appear in the "Link Text" field and all you have to do is enter the Wiki page name.
  5. Click 'OK'.

 Linking to an external web site

  1. From the page and location you wish to link from, click on the 'Link' button on the toolbar (the one that has two chain links). This will open up the 'Insert Link' window.
  2. Click on 'Recently Viewed' to select the page you want to link to.
    Do a 'Search' for the page using the search facility and select a page from the search results.
  3. In the field called "Link Text" enter the words you wish to appear to represent the link on the actual page. For instance, you might type "here is the latest report," or simply the document's title. The link can appear on its own or in the middle of a paragraph, and may simply be part of a sentence.
  4. Another way to enter the words that will form the link is to highlight the words in the edit window before clicking the 'Link' button. These words will automatically appear in the "Link Text" field and all you have to do is enter the Wiki page name.
  5. Click 'OK'.

 Linking to an external web site


  1. will open up the 'Insert Link' window.  
  2. Click on 'Web Link' tab.
  3. Enter the URL of the webpage in the text-entry field and click 'OK'.


The Anchor macro allows to link to specific parts of a page. Anchor links can be especially useful when navigating between sections of a long document or to link to a segment of a page and not to the page as a whole.

Anchors are invisible to the reader when the page is rendered.

There are two steps to using an anchor:

  1. Create the anchor for the content.
  2. Create the link to the anchor.   

Creating an Anchor

To add the Anchor macro to a page:

  1. In the Confluence editor, choose Insert the Other Macros.
  2. Click on Anchor
  3. .



Page permissions and restricting access (hiding a page)
