Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Removed items that no longer exist, fixed items that have changed but still exist


  1. Go to the page and click on the 'Edit' link. This will bring up the edit screen.
  2. Make changes to the content or add new content as you would when you create a new page.
  3. Click 'Preview' to view your changes, and click 'Save' to keep them. Confluence will auto save a draft periodically, but we suggest that you save often, especially when adding a lot of content.


    On the same line as the Bold, Underline, Link, etc. buttons, there is a "Toggle to Fullscreen Mode." When clicked, it changes the window so the the editing area fills up the whole computer monitor, which may be easier if you are working on a long page.

Deleting pages

  1. Go to the page and click on the 'EditTools' link.
  2. Click on the 'Remove' link located at the top bottom of the page'Tools' menu.

Adding an attachment

An attachment is any file that is included with your page. Images, word documents, presentations, PDFs, multimedia and sound files are some examples of attachments. Attachments are useful when you want to share information that exists in another file format. in confluence you can attach files to any page.


  1. From the page and location you wish to link from, click on the 'Insert Link' button on the toolbar Image Removed (the one that looks like a globe with chain link in front of ithas two chain links). A pop-up screen will appear.
  2. In the pop-up screen, click on the tab labeled "Attachments" To add a new attachment, click on the "BrowseChoose File" button to get to files on your computer, and select the appropriate file.Next click on the "Attach" button, and select the appropriate file.
  3. After selecting the file will upload. When done, it will automatically upload and show up just above the "Browse" and "Attach" buttons in a list. This in the list of attachments on the same screen. This is a list of all the attachments to that particular page.
  4. Select the attachment you just uploaded from the list and a reference to it will show up in the "Link" field at the top of the pop-up screen.In the field called "Alias,Link Text" enter the words you wish to appear to represent the link on the actual page. For instance, you might type "click here to see our latest report,". The link can appear in the middle of a paragraph, and may simply be part of a sentence.
  5. Another way to enter the words that will form the link is to highlight the words in the edit window before clicking the 'Insert Link' button. These words will automatically appear in the "AliasLink Text" field and all you have to do is add the attachment info.
  6. When ready, click the "OKInsert" button at the bottom of the pop-up screen.


  1. Go to a page in the space, open the 'Tools' menu and select 'Attachments'. The 'Attachments' view will open.
  2. Click the 'Browse Choose File' button.
  3. Browse through your files and select the file you'd like to attach.
  4. Enter a description for the attachment in the 'Comment' text field (optional).
  5. Click 'Attach more files' if required.
  6. Click 'Attach File(s)'.

Once you attach a file, you can then provide a link to it from a Confluence page (see linking below). When a user clicks on the link, the attachment will open, so long as the user has the software application needed to open the attachment. In the case of image attachments, Confluence allows you to display attached images on the page.


  1. Click the 'Add Comment' link near the bottom of the page.
  2. The comments box opens up. Type in your text.
  3. Click the 'Preview' tab to see a preview of your comment.
  4. You can tick the box next to 'Watch this page' to receive email alerts whenever the page is commented or edited.
  5. Click the 'PostSave' button to save your comment and display it on the page.


  1. Click the 'Reply' link located below the text of a comment.
  2. This will open up a new comment box. Type in your text.
  3. You can tick the box next to 'Watch this page' to receive email alerts whenever the page is commented or edited.
  4. Click 'PostSave'.


You can create links to anywhere within Confluence (pages, news items, comments, attachments) or an external web site.


  1. From the page and location you wish to link from, click  click on the 'Insert Link' button on the toolbar Image Removed (the one that looks like a globe with chain link in front of ithas two chain links). This will open up the 'Insert Link Properties' window.
  2. Click on one of these tabs: 'History' or 'Recently ModifiedViewed' to select the page you want to link to.
    Do a 'Search' for the page using the search facility and select a page from the search results.
  3. In the field called "Alias,Link Text" enter the words you wish to appear to represent the link on the actual page. For instance, you might type "here is the latest report," or simply the document's title. The link can appear on its own or in the middle of a paragraph, and may simply be part of a sentence.
  4. Another way to enter the words that will form the link is to highlight the words in the edit window before clicking the 'Insert Link' button. These words will automatically appear in the "AliasLink Text" field and all you have to do is enter the Wiki page name.
  5. Click 'OK'.


  1. From the page and location you wish to link from, click  click on the 'Insert Link' button on the toolbar Image Removed (the one that looks like a globe with chain link in front of ithas two chain links). This will open up the 'Insert Link Properties' window.  
  2. Click on 'External LinksWeb Link' tab.
  3. Enter the URL of the webpage in the text-entry field and click 'OK'.


  • Viewing restrictions make the page invisible to everyone except the chosen users/groups.
  • Editing restrictions prevent everyone except the chosen users/groups from editing the page.

To set 'viewing' restrictions on a page'viewing' restrictions on a page

  1. Click the 'Tools' link at the top of the page and then click "Restrictions" or click "Edit" and then "Unrestricted" or "Restricted" at the lower left corner of the editor.
  2. A pop-up will appear allowing you to edit the restrictions
  3. Click the 'Edit' link at the top of the page.
  4. The word 'Restrictions' will now appear at the bottom of the page (above 'Labels'). Click the 'Edit' link next to the word 'Restrictions'.
  5. A form will appear below the word 'Restrictions', as shown in the screenshot below. The option 'Restrict viewing of this page' will be selected by default.
  6. Choose the appropriate user(s) and/or group(s) who you want to allow to view the page:
    • To choose just yourself, click 'Choose meMe'.
    • To choose a particular user, you can either:
      • If you are unsure of the user's exact name, click the 'Choose users' link to display the '"Person" and the 'User Search' popup window will appear. Use the search options to find the required user. Select the appropriate user(s), then click the 'Select user(s)' button. (You can read more about searching for users.)
      • Type the user's name (or a list of names, separated by commas) into the 'Enter user/group name(s)' box, then click the 'AddRestrict' button.
    • To choose a particular group(s), you can either:
      • If you are unsure of the group's exact name, click the 'Choose groupsGroups' link to display the 'Group Search' popup. Type part of the name, then click the 'Search' button to display a list of matching groups, e.g. to search for groups whose names start with 'finance', type 'finance'. Select the appropriate group(s), then click the 'Select group(s)' button.
      • Type the group name (or a list of groups, separated by commas) into the 'Enter user/group name(s)' box, then click the 'Add' button.
  7. Click the 'Save' link at the bottom of the page.

To set 'editing' restrictions on a page

  1. Click the 'EditTools' link at the top of the page .
  2. The word 'Restrictions' will now appear at the bottom of the page (above 'Labels'). Click the 'Edit' link next to the word 'Restrictions'.
  3. and then click "Restrictions" or click "Edit" and then "Unrestricted" or "Restricted" at the lower left corner of the editor.
  4. A pop-up will appear allowing you to edit the restrictions. Select A form will appear below the word 'Restrictions', as shown in the screen shot above. Select 'Restrict editing of this page'.
  5. Choose the appropriate user(s) and/or group(s) that you want to allow to edit the page, as described for 'viewing' restrictions above.
  6. Click the 'Save' link at the bottom of the page.
