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  1. To create a customized registration form, in the calendar service click the "Registration" tab.
  2. Click "Forms: Add". You will see the screen below.

  3. Type in the Form Name
  4. Select "Registration Form without Payment" for Form Type.
  5. For "Send Confirmation Email", you can opt to send a confirmation email to the user when they register. If you do not wish for them to receive a confirmation email, select "Do Not Send Confirmation to Registrants".
  6. You will see four boxes with a list of users. To add a user, select the user in the box and then click "Add". Here's what each box does.
    • Users/Groups to Assign Form to Events - These are users who can use this form for their events. 
    • Users/Groups to Receive Registration Emails - Users selected here will receive an email every time someone registers for an event using this form. If you do not wish to receive any emails, it is recommended you add "Admin, ActiveData" to this section with no one else. If you leave this section blank, a registration email will be sent to the user who created the event using this form.
    • Users/Groups to Process Form Registrants - Users added here will be able to add/delete/approve/reject users who register.
    • Users/Groups who can Modify/Delete Registration Form - Users added here can modify this form template or delete it.
  7. After you are done with this section, click "Next". You will see the screen below.

  8. "Set New Registrants" allows you to set users to either approved or pending. If you set users to pending, you will have to approve them in the system when users register for an event. 
  9. You can send an email reminder to people who have registered for your event with a time you specify.
  10. The form text area allows you to change the wording on the registration form for the event.
  11. The email text area allows you to change the wording on the various emails sent out to registrants. The different types of emails are as follows
    • Registration Confirmation - This email is sent to users when the form is configured to set new registrants as pending (requiring approval). This email does not get sent out if you have the form configured to automatically approve users.
    • Registration Approved - This email goes out as the first email if the form is set to automatically approve registrants otherwise it is sent out after you've manually approved a registrant.
    • Registration Denied - Sent out when you deny a registrant in the system
    • Registration Deleted - Sent out when you delete a registrant in the system
    • Registration Cancelled - Sent out when a user cancels their registration or when you cancel the event which automatically sends out a cancellation email to all registrants
    • Registration Reminder - Sent out if you have the email reminder function checked off
  12. You can set a "From" email address by filling out the "Send emails from" field. If this is blank, the from email address is *** COME BACK TO THIS AND CONFIRM COME BACK TO THIS AND CONFIRM
  13. Click "Next" when you're done. You will see the screen below. This is where you can specify the fields the user sees when registering for the event.
  14. As a default, the first name, last name, and email address will always be requested in the form. If you only want these three fields then you do not need to select anything on the screen and can proceed by clicking "Next".
  15. Selecting "All Standard Contact Fields (Domestic)" or "All Standard Contact Fields (International)" will include all fields displayed on the screen. This includes the following fields: Company, Job Title, Address (Domestic/International format depending upon what you selected for "All Standard Contact Fields"), Phone, and Fax.
  16. If you only want some fields from this screen, check them off. If you wish for "Job Title" to be required, then check off the required checkbox next to the field. If you do not wish to add a custom field, just click "Next" to proceed.
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  17. If you want to add a field (custom) that is not shown on this screen, click the drop-down menu next to "Field Type" in the "Additional Fields" section. Select the field type that works best for your field.
    • Checkbox - A field where multiple values can be selected/are true. For example, the field "Which CUNY Schools have you visited?" could have multiple choices that would be applicable. 
    • Comma Separated Text Field - Allows users to enter different values separated by comma into a text field (rarely used)
    • Dropdown - Similar to radio button, but the interface is a drop-down menu. This is useful for fields with a large amount of choice but only allows the user to pick one (such as what state the registrant is from).
    • Radio Button - Similar to dropdown, but all of the answers are displayed on the screen instead of in a drop-down menu. This is preferred for questions with a small amount of choices such as gender of the registrant where the user can only pick one choice.
    • Text Area - Similar to text field, but allows for more text. This should be used when the user is expected to type more than one line of text.
    • Text Field - Similar to text area, but should be used for one line text. This could be a field where a phone number is requested or how many guests the user is bringing to the event.
    • Date Selector - This is a text field, but with a button that displays a calendar with dates to select from. This should be used for anything using a date such as birth date of the registrant.
  18. Once you've selected a custom field type, there are some parameters to fill in. We'll go over them below. Some of the field types have very similar parameters so they are lumped together below.
    1. Checkbox, Dropdown, and Radio Button Field Types

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      • Field Label - This is the text that will show up on the form itself and be visible to the registrant. You can check off "Required" here to make this whole field required for submission.
      • Field Identifier - This is an arbitrary identifier for the form and is only handled on the back-end. It is recommended you put something that describes what this field is (for instance, gender).
      • Checkbox/Dropdown/Radio Selection Options - These are the choices provided to the user for this field. Please enter every new value on a new line.
      • Allow Write-In Response - Allows user to put in a response not shown in the list
      • Selection Display (Checkbox / Radio only) - Controls whether the answers are shown vertically or horizontally. 
      • # Per Column - How many answers to show per column
    2. CS Text Field, Text Area, Text Field

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      • Field Label - This is the text that will show up on the form itself and be visible to the registrant. You can check off "Required" here to make this whole field required for submission.
      • Field Identifier - This is an arbitrary identifier for the form and is only handled on the back-end. It is recommended you put something that describes what this field is (for instance, gender).
      • Max Characters - It is not necessary to fill this out, but this is the amount of characters the user can put in. 
      • Field Data Type - This allows you to restrict the input to either alphabet/numbers/alpha-numeric
      • Width - You can specify how wide you want the field to be, but it is not required
      • Height (Text Area only) - You can specify how long you want the field to be, but it is not required
    3. Date Selector 

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      • Field Label - This is the text that will show up on the form itself and be visible to the registrant. You can check off "Required" here to make this whole field required for submission.
      • Field Identifier - This is an arbitrary identifier for the form and is only handled on the back-end. It is recommended you put something that describes what this field is (for instance, gender).
      • Start Date - Allows you to set the earliest date on the calendar popup button
      • End Date - Allows you to set the latest date on the calendar popup button
  19. Once you are done setting these parameters, you can click "Preview" to see a preview of your newly created custom field or click "Add" to add it to the form. It will not be displayed on this screen when you add it, but will be shown on the preview screen. Click "Next" to proceed to that screen.
  20. After you've clicked next, you're now shown a preview of the form itself. 

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  21. You don't have to do anything on this screen, but do verify all the fields you selected/added are shown, and then you can click "Finish". You're now done and should be able to add/modify an existing event and use this form for registration.