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The College has, in effect, canceled the registration:

  • If a student registers as matriculated but subsequently learns he/she did not receive a high school diploma or equivalent and is offered the option by the College to continue as a paying nondegree student or withdraw, the student activity fee will be refunded if the student withdraws.
  • If a student is notified of loss of matriculation and is offered the option of remaining in school and/or withdrawing, the student activity fee will be refunded if the student withdraws.
  • If a student registers but does not pay the tuition and fees or agree to accept ?nancial aid by going to the cashier and the College cancels the registration, the student is not liable for that semester’s tuition and fees.
  • If a student has been permitted to register but subsequently it is learned that he/she owes money to the College and the registration is canceled, the student is not liable for tuition and fees for the semester for which the registration was canceled.

Improper advisement has been given:

  • Students who are placed in a particular class following testing and after a week or more in the class are advised by the instructor that they do not need the course and should withdraw are entitled to a full or partial refund according to the following. If the College is satis?ed that the students were improperly advised originally, the tuition may be refunded in full. Otherwise, students are entitled to a tuition refund based on the established refund schedule.

Change in status from full-time to part-time student:

  • If a full-time student (registered for at least 12 equated credits) drops a course during the refund period and thus is registered for fewer than 12 credits, the student’s effective tuition is then calculated on a part-time basis. However, the student is liable also for that portion of the full-time tuition that is not refunded in accordance with existing refund procedures. The student’s refund is calculated by subtracting the new part-time tuition amount from the full-time amount and multiplying the difference by the appropriate percentage based on the date of withdrawal.

Federal Return to Title IV policy:

  • Students who withdraw from all classes, either officially or unofficially, may have their financial aid package recalculated based on the Federal Return to Title IV regulations. The regulations require that the College calculate the portion of the federal aid a student is entitled to, based on the aid that could have been disbursed had the student remained enrolled and the number of days the student attended classes. The enrollment status used to calculate financial aid eligibility is set either on the 21st day of classes or at the point the student’s financial aid record becomes payable. Students who withdraw from some or all classes prior to the earlier of those dates will have their aid recalculated and could lose some or all of their aid. If a student fails to begin attendance in some or all of their classes, the unattended classes will not be used to calculate their enrollment status for financial aid eligibility. If aid has been disbursed for unattended classes, the student may be required to return funds, with the exception of college work-study earned, which will not be recouped. Students who officially withdraw after completing more than 60% of the semester are considered to have “earned” their federal financial aid, and the College is not required to recalculate their eligibility.
  • If the Return to Title IV calculation determines that the student is not entitled to a portion of the aid that has already been disbursed, the College will return the “unearned” portion to the federal government and the student will be billed for the money that was returned on his or her behalf. A stop will be placed on the student’s record until the money has been repaid to the bursar.
  • If the calculation determines that the student is entitled to aid that has not been disbursed, the Office of the University Controller will notify the student of his or her eligibility and give the student the opportunity to decline the disbursement. If the student does not decline the disbursement, it will be mailed to the student by the Office of the University Controller, with the exception of student loans. To receive a postwithdrawal disbursement of loan funds, the student must sign and return the postwithdrawal notice, confirming that he or she wants the loan to be disbursed; however, only the first disbursement of a loan may be disbursed after a student has withdrawn. If a balance is owed to the College, the bursar may, with the exception of student loans, request the postwithdrawal disbursement.

Other specific situations:

  • If the student activity fee is paid in advance and the student does not register due to medical reasons, is forced to move out of state, or is required to work as a result of a death in the family, in general, the student activity fee would not be refunded.
  • If a student, because of medical or mental illness, is absent from classes and does not withdraw during the first three weeks of the session and at a later date requests a refund, supporting each request with documentation, the following may be considered: As a general rule, the law recognizes that time limits should not necessarily control where rights may be exercised within specified time limits, if the individual presents a justifiable excuse for not making a timely request, and there is no prejudice in granting the untimely request, a refund may be made.

Source: Office of the General Counsel Memo, June 1965, and University Budget Office Memorandum No. 25, June 23, 1976.

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