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Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellowships

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Provides unique financial and fellowship support to the nation's most remarkable PhD students in the physical, biological and engineering sciences. Hertz Fellows become innovators and leaders serving in ways that benefit us all. College seniors wishing to pursue the Ph.D. degree in any of the fields of particular interest to the Foundation, as well as graduate students already in the process of doing so, may apply.

Award / Eligibility Details:

Eligible applicants for Hertz Fellowships must be students of the applied physical, biological and engineering sciences who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and who are willing to morally commit to make their skills available to the United States in time of national emergency.

Deadline: Early November each year

Academic Level: Graduate;Post-Graduate;Post-Undergraduate

Type/Purpose: Graduate School Funding

Field of Study: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

Location: United States

Citizenship eligibility: Permanent Resident;US Citizen;US National

Special Circumstances:

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